War in Heaven

Chapter 939: Void lord

Lin Chi, who once met Azlar in the territory of the king of God, is very clear that this angel of death, who came to the world as a human female image, is serving the king of gods.

Unlike other gods who have their own territory, Azlar does not seem to have a territory, but lives in the territory of the king of God, contributing his power to the "King of God" whose identity is unknown.

In the ancient records, Yazlar and Samuel were actually the same angel. As for why the two "spirits" appeared in the city at the same time, Lin Chi had no clue at present.

However, the emergence of Azlar, for a time also curbed the blood god's offensive, the eroded Sodom City, can finally continue to linger.

Looking at the **** light that is being eroded by the darkness in the air, Lin Chi continued to watch the changes, and there were several killing tips in front of him.

The players are still killing each other. This time, a familiar name reappears in Lin Chi’s sight:

The player "phantom" is killed by the player "bone saw"!

The player "buy and buy" is killed by the player "bone saw"!

- This guy is not a leisurely generation, perhaps the most difficult opponent in this game.

Realizing this, Lin, who was hiding in the house, opened the window and looked up at the sky to find the location of the “bone saw”.

However, he has not been able to see the players who are fighting, and he has found another abnormal change in the street:

The purple mist began to rise slowly from the ground, with an indescribable evil atmosphere, even in a short time to cover the **** storm created by the blood **** in the air, a pungent smell into the nose of Lin Chi He even sneezed his body of the corpse.

"Is it a demon?"

Looking at the purple mist oozing from the ground, Lin stared at the nearby streets, and saw a few hand-held torches, bald-headed gnomes with red beards, suddenly appeared in the streets.

These gnomes are dressed in dirty robes, red eyebrows and the only remaining ring of hair next to their heads, the look looks funny, their eyes are **** red, wrinkled faces A weird smile began to spread as it traveled, standing in the middle of an empty street.

Lin Chi, staring at one of the gnomes, appeared in the line of sight and the text of the introduction:

Enchanted male servant, special npc, can not be recruited.

Under Lin Chi’s gaze, a recently demon servant suddenly took out a green-green dagger from his robes and broke into his chest without hesitation. Several people in the distance seemed to have made the same. The action, the body suddenly fell to the ground.

At the same time of suicide, the servant men continued to laugh. The purple mist rushed out of their fallen position, swallowing the body of these madmen, as if the dull shouts from the abdomen, overshadowed the last laugh of the servant:

"The darkness is rising..."

As the lines sounded familiar, the purple smoke began to condense, and the shoulders and chest were covered with several demon armor.

The giant demons summoned by the sorcerer were ten meters high and cast large shadows on the streets. They did not have a lower body. The upper part of the "muscle" was very developed, and the body showed an inverted triangle shape, also by purple smoke. The condensed head was filled with a bright purple flame, and in the burning flame, a sly smile could be seen.

What follows is the dark red logo and the introduction text:

Void Lord, heroic npc (header level), can not be recruited.

"Is the boss of this map so worthless..." Lin sighed.

Obviously, even if they are all leaders, the combat power of these demons is not on the same level. Compared with the blood **** and the level of Azlar, the combat power of the Void Lord should be slightly weaker. However, before these demons attack, it is better to leave here.

Lin Chi, who was still hiding in the house near the emptiness of the Lord, in order to avoid being hit by the battle of the Void Lord and the Blood God, flew directly through the walls of the house and left the neighborhood near the Nether Lord.

"Void Lord, help me!"

Yazlar’s ​​shouts broke out from the sky, and the four giant demons that had just been summoned heard the other’s call and immediately raised the hands of the fire. Several purple beams of light tore the red tide in the sky, directly The bang to the center of the sky surrounded by Yazral.

In addition to Lin Chi’s side, the other side of the city also has a beam of light rising. The dozens of purple beams from all directions hit the position surrounded by Yazral, and the blood in the air was instantly bombarded. Fragmented, turned into a purple cloud.

This attack seems to be effective, and the blood **** did not immediately launch a counterattack as before. At the same time he shot the light column on the blood god, the empty lord used a very low voice to say the cold lines:

"I hope to die..."

- Should it not be over yet?

Lin Chi brows his head and gaze at the top of the purple sky. From this distance, he can't see what happened in the air.

At the same time that the Void Lords began to attack, Azlar seemed to have withdrawn from the area, and it seemed to be as confident as the battle of the Void Lord. But... is the blood **** that is judged as "world boss" really being killed so easily?

At this point, the battle between the players has temporarily stopped, and the killing prompt has been swiping, and finally no longer continues to scroll. The eyes of all people fell in the airspace that was hit by the emptiness of the Lord, waiting for the result of the battle.

Then appearing in their sight, there are hundreds of slender red lights splashing out -


Seeing the red light approaching quickly, Lin Chi used his wings to fly away from the area, and then saw the red light as a slender red line that directly penetrated the body of the Void Lord!

The four empty lords of Lin Chi’s body were smashed and shattered into purple smog, and then began to split and transformed into a smaller blue demon.

Each of the vain lords has become three blue demons. The devil's appearance is like a discolored version of the emptiness of the lord. The height is only about three meters. Compared with the giant demons, it seems to be exceptionally shabby.

At the same time that these differentiated demons appeared, the role introduction also popped out in due course:

Voidwalker, heroic npc, cannot be recruited.

- So, will they continue to attack?

Lin Chi was interested in looking at the group of Voidwalkers on the street, only to find that things did not develop as he expected. The Voidwalkers did not continue to attack the blood god, but did not hesitate... turned and fled.

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