War in Heaven

Chapter 929: Undead demons

Inconsistent with the name of the greedy demon, Mamen’s territory seems to be exceptionally poor.

A row of broken wooden houses on the side of the road seems to be more barren than the land of Mephistopheles. Although they don’t see the appearance of the residents, it is conceivable that people living in such broken houses should not Where will the rich go?

Before arriving here, Lin Chiben thought that the territory of Mamen would be such a large commercial area. Now it seems that being deceived by the greedy demon is not just the messenger of other gods.

Even the residents of this territory are suffering from the exploitation of greedy devils. Mamen, who is unbelievers, is not an idol in Sodom, but a "devil" that everyone calls.

Lin Qiao, who has handed the fragments of Mamen's altar to the sealed gods, does not intend to stay here for too long, but quickly travels to other nearby territories to find altars of other gods.

With the blessing of the ancient gods, his actions in the city are also much more convenient. However, the watchers around the territory of the king of God can still see through his disguise, and now he can't break through the barrier.

Many demon soldiers patrolled the city, but with their eyes alone, Lin Chi could not be observed. Thanks to the blessings of the ancient gods, Lin Chi quickly left the dilapidated area and entered the "undead zone" next to it.

On both sides of the street in the undead area, full of a large number of pickets, Lin Chi returned to the house he had visited, preparing to remove the pieces he needed from the altar of "Blood God".

The living room was unusually quiet. The "statue" that I used to communicate with myself in the living room was not here.

Lin Chi clenched the handle of the dark sword, and took a step forward with vigilance into the living room where there was no master. Then, the main entrance behind him suddenly shut down.


The dull bangs echoed in the house, and then the buzzing sound of the bones moving, dragging the bones of the double-knife, slowly descending from the stairs, the body made of dead yellow bones, Blocked in front of Lin Chi:

"Welcome back, the messenger of the gods, have you brought the book of Crimson?"

The sound of the statue is unusually magnetic, as if it has a magical power. However, Lin Chi naturally would not be deceived by this degree of "hypnotism". He just smiled and said: "The welcome way to stay in the dead zone is to keep the guests in the house?"

"As long as I hand over the Book of Crimson, I will open the door immediately, Mr. Messenger." The statement is very embarrassing: "I believe that you should make the right choice."

"Sorry, I haven't got a deep red book yet." Lin Chi sighed.

"Don't want to fool me!"

Suddenly a violent drink, shocked the ceiling to drop a lot of dust, the gentle gentleman's grace disappeared, like a change of personality, into a complete state of anger:

"Take - the book - give me - the body!"

He raised his arms with only the bones left, and the machete in the bone claws kept spinning, turning into silver light, and cutting the wooden table around him into three sections.

It seems that it is not so easy to get the altar fragments this time.

In the face of the altar that will attack, Lin Chi is also unambiguous. He directly pulls out the blaster's broken tongs with his left hand, and triggers the Titan's grip with the dark sword in his right hand, and enters the state of dual weapons.

——The size of the living room is not large. There is not much room for dodging in battle. There is no doubt that it is the best way to suppress the opponent with a wide range of fierce attacks!

The broken rongeur used as a "hammer" slammed into the squat body. Due to the lack of attack, the shackles of the machete immediately retreated and retreated toward the entrance to the basement.

While the battle is going on, the voice of the cricket is constantly changing. It is a gentle male voice, sometimes turned into a violent roar, and conveys incomprehensible information to Lin Chi with an obscure grammar:

"I am a wave of pain."

"I am the blood of the abyss!"

"Pour your madness."

"Manipulate your fears!"

"Take the top in the 12th moment, blasphemer!"


The broken bone tongs lingered on the right arm of the scorpion. The blade of the dark sword tore the chest of the human bones, and the human bone statue of the "dismembered" that was rude by Lin, fell from the stairs and fell into the circle. The altar was originally in the basement.

The strange thing is that the broken cockroaches on the stairs, but did not leave any debris, all the bones were sucked into the basement, then -

"This should not be..."

Feeling the violent tremor of the floor under his feet, Lin Chi suddenly realized what he was, immediately rushed back to the front of the living room, flew up and opened the closed door.


He just rushed out of the house, and the two-story building behind him was like a glass broken by a hammer. When the time collapsed, the air wave came from behind with debris, and Lin Chi’s body was pushed out a dozen meters and hit a hell. Soldiers on the broad chest.


The scent of the nose rushed in, and the soldiers of the **** reacted. The dark sword had broken through the devil's blue skin and tore the fragile flesh of the skin.

Lin Chi did not pay attention to the **** soldiers who had crashed down. They just turned their eyes to the shattered houses. Only a faint shadow appeared in the smoke, followed by a ferocious roar:

"Give me the book!"

A few infernal soldiers on the street circled the sound, but they couldn't even figure out what the enemy was. The body had been cut into dozens of red light.

- What is the trick?

Seeing the fighting power of "Blood God" exceeded his expectations, Lin Chi said that he turned and ran, but found that the **** spikes on the roadside began to tremble and rise.

Unlike other monsters in the realm of the gods who do not personally shoot, the gods in the undead zone seem to be extraordinarily radical and even more ferocious than Leviathan.

After all, even Leviathan has always been hidden in the dark clouds, and there is no real appearance. But now, in order to **** the legendary "Crimson Book," the **** who used to convey the "God" by the altar, and finally came out in person!

A huge bone claw, which protruded from the ruins of the house, was heavily photographed on the road surface. The thick blood slid down from the bone claws and saturated the ground below.

Several pointed piles rose from the ground, and they were bombarded into the sky like a cannonball. When they saw the black blood from the position where the spiked nails were nailed, Lin Chi finally realized that the piles were actually not the ornaments on the street side of the undead area. . But -

"They use this method to seal the devil?"

The huge body of the undead gods is hidden under the streets of this area, and the pickets on the road are just the "brakes" to restrain his power!

In order to avoid the attack of the violent god, Lin Chi ran wildly under the speed of the dark sword. At this time, the demons who patrolled the streets began to speak the language that Lin Chi could not understand. Gathered over.

The battle of hunting gods... started.

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