War in Heaven

Chapter 923: Weird everyday

Sitting in front of the sleek desktop, Bell Roger opened the first page of the log, not the text, but a dark blue ink stain.


The expression on his face was dignified, and he turned a few more pages, still not seeing any words.

The text in this log has been erased by water stains. Many of the pages behind it are simply glued together and cannot be turned over.

Quickly flipped over, Bell Rogge did not find any page that could be read. He looked back at the maid and asked, "Have you ever logged this log?"

“No?” Mo Liya squinted her head and raised her hands and shook: “Master, I promise not to spy on your privacy.”

"It’s strange." Bell Rogge narrowed his eyes and twisted the damaged pages.

- Even if I drank too much last night, it would not be possible to dye the entire log into this appearance, not to mention the fact that the table did not leave traces of ink overturning, which made him confused.

In this case, it is like someone deliberately ruining the entire log in order to cover up something, but if you really want to do this, why not just steal the log directly, but choose this time-consuming and laborious way?

In addition, the red light just made Belrog's confusion. The fleeting weird light made him wonder if his eyes had a problem.

It seems that my sense of violation should not be an illusion. After getting up from today, the situation here is a bit strange...

"What time is it?" asked Belrog.

"Thirteen moments." Mo Liya replied.

"Oh..." Bell Rogge first responded, then suddenly realized what: "Thirteen moments... What does it mean?"

"It’s 13 o’clock in the morning, it’s almost fourteen.” Mo Liya looked at him with some concern: “Master, what happened to you today?”

"I don't know, I am a little dizzy," Bell Rogge said.

After Moraya reminded him, he finally remembered the method of measuring time in Sodom City. One day was divided into forty-eight moments, the front twenty-four moments were called early engraving, and the latter was late engraving, with daylight position. Split the threshold point sooner or later.

However, although I remembered the time unit, Bell Rogge still felt that something was wrong. I always felt that the time unit of my value did not seem to be the "engraving" in Mo Liya’s mouth, but something else...

However, even if he works hard, he can't think of the original unit of measure. The looming memory seems to have been washed away, and I can’t remember it at all.


Now, Bell Rogge will no longer blame the memory for the problem at the reception last night. His head is not yet vulnerable to the extent that it will be directly burned by spirits.

- I am indeed the lord of Bell Rouge. It is wrong... Is it really this person?

Bell Rogge put down the log and looked down at his long, thin hands. Standing up and touching the forehead still in pain, with the support of Mo Liya, enter the long corridor outside the bedroom.

The interior of this castle is indeed gorgeous, but it is not the kind of luxury that is common in the nobility territory with the scent of “showing the rich”. The armor and weapon frame leaning against the wall, as well as the bright weapons and armor above, indicate the lord. It is a fact of a warrior.

The interior of the castle was filled with wild warfare. Several sleazy soldiers walked along the corridor. When they saw Berrog, they all leaned against the wall and raised their right hand to salute him:

"Take us the life of Lord Belrog!" the soldiers yelled.

"Well..." Some uncomfortable Bell Rogge responded with perfunctory words.

After washing, he and Mo Liya entered the restaurant on the second floor, sat in front of the long table with white tablecloths, and picked up the knife and fork to prepare to "attack" a piece of steak on the tray.

“Is it so greasy in the morning?” Bell Rog looked at the steak and chunks of chicken on the table.

"Master, this is your request." Mo Liya, standing on the side, reminded: "You said that as a warrior, you must replenish your energy at any time, you must eat a lot of meat..."

"Oh, it seems that there is such a thing." Bell Rog nodded, cut a piece of cattle discharge into the mouth, feeling the rich succulent taste spread in the mouth.

He remembered that he did make such a request to the chef in the castle after a return. In this way, breakfast will provide this kind of dish, and it is not surprising.

But... the source of this memory seems to be a bit less apt.

- Before Moraya reminded, Bell Rogge did not think about it at all. He remembered this memory with the words of Mo Liya.

If you don't have Mo Liya, can you really remember this kind of thing by your own memories?

Bell Rogge closed his eyes and tried to recall his previous experience of the battle, and immediately found out that he could hardly remember anything.

The feeling is not like amnesia, but a huge black mist that hangs between memories and completely cuts off previous memories. Whenever he begins to recall what happened, even with his eyes closed, his gaze will be shrouded in darker shadows than the "darkness" in front of him.

There is some kind of desperate barrier that cannot be broken at all, which is disturbing his memory. What's even more frightening is that his memory is like being triggered by a specific keyword. Once you hear the words of Mo Liya, you will immediately recall the specific content.

Realizing that the situation was wrong, Bell Rogge jerked back and fixed his eyes on the face of Molly smile. The maid's smile was so beautiful that it was like a "saint" in the church mural.

"Please dine, master."

Moliera smiled and nodded to Bell Rouge, but the beautiful face was particularly scary in the eyes of Bell Rogge.

He jerked up and rushed to the front of the weapon rack at the wall of the restaurant, grabbing a short sword and pointing the sharp sword at the throat of Mo Liya.

"What the **** are you?" Bell Rogge whispered.

"I am your personal maid, master..." The smile on Molly's face suddenly turned into a mistake, shaking and stepping back: "What are you doing?"

"What the **** are you... who am I? Where is this place..."

At the thought of these problems, Bell Rogge suddenly had a splitting headache, and the strange red light appeared again in front of him, causing his right hand to shake, and the short sword almost disengaged.

"Bell Rogge, please don't do this... messenger..."

Moliya seems to want to say something, but suddenly she closes her mouth, her brows are low, and she remembers the word she had just spit out in her mouth. After a while, I slowly started:

"Master, do you have a title called 'Courier'?"

Upon hearing the word, Bell Rogge’s headache was even stronger. He dropped his short sword and leaned against the table. He gasped with a big mouth and mouth, but he smelled an inexplicable rancid smell.

- Your body seems to be rotting.

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