War in Heaven

Chapter 907: Blood of darkness

"Let me go... let go of me! Hey..."

The little boy in the worn linen shirt shouted a few words, and was sealed by a man and a woman with a black tape. It only made a vague voice.

The chain that binds the wrists and ankles, firmly fixed him on a wooden board, and the body is completely unable to move.

The child's eyes wide open in horror, staring at the pair of black men and women in front of him, only to see that the skin color of those two people showed a pathological whiteness, and the cyan blood vessels were clearly visible.

"Oh, obedient."

The thin, short-haired woman stretched out her skinny right hand and touched the boy's cheek. Her fingers were so cold that it was like a dead body.


The boy kept struggling, shaking the chain and making a squeak, but unfortunately with his strength, it was impossible to break the iron lock on his body.


The man's temper was obviously not as good as that of a woman. He gave the boy a slap in the face and the boy's face suddenly swollen.

The intense fear even overshadowed the physical pain, making the boy barely feel the pain. When he saw the eyes of two adults shining red, he struggled even harder.

"Tomorrow, you will be jealous~"

The woman whispered and turned away from the man and left the simple "room", leaving only the teenager who was tied to the wooden board and screaming to get rid of the bondage.

He didn't know where it was. He only remembered that he went to the street to buy things at night, and suddenly he was black, and then he was unconscious.

When I wake up again, I will appear in this ghost place.

"Mephus, please help me..."

Imitating the way parents pray, the boy prayed over and over again in consciousness, desperately seeking the help of the "god". The two tears flowing down the corner of the eye leave brown stripes on the dirty face.

Then, the street lights outside the window suddenly flashed.

- Is it that Mephistopheles is showing up?

The boy opened his eyes with difficulty, turned his head and looked out the window through the eyes of the tears, and a figure appeared in front of the window, blocking the light of the street lamp.


The boy tried hard to make a sound and let the other person know the current situation.

- The child's thinking logic is not as complicated as an adult. In the boy's opinion, the person who appears in the window is the messenger that Mephistopheles sent to save himself. As long as it can attract the attention of the other party, you can be saved!

Under the boy's gaze, the "ambassador" opened the window with a dagger and did not make a small sound. Then I turned into the room from the window, wearing a coat and leaving a long shadow on the floor.

Seeing the dark silhouette of the other side, the boy was so excited that he was shaking. at this time--

"Don't quarrel! Damn..." an impatient snoring sounded outside the door.

With a bang, the door was violently opened, and the man in black squinted at the scarlet eyes. He was about to raise his hand and beat the child he had caught, but immediately noticed another person standing in the house.


The man's scared eyes looked at the "ambassador" and he was about to say something, and he was interrupted by the messenger.

The messenger threw out something in his hand, and although he couldn't see anything, the boy perceived the existence of the thing through the airflow inside the house.

A fragile, red-eyed man's body was cut into two pieces, the upper body slowly slipped down, and there was no bleeding from the wound.

Seeing an incredible scene, the boy has already looked silly. At this time, the woman just came upstairs.

"What's wrong, dear-"

The messenger strode forward and stooped to pick up the invisible weapon. Raising his hand was a knife to decapitate the woman. Two prisoners who kidnapped the boy turned into a pale body.

After solving the two people in the house, the messenger raised his hand and waved the invisible weapon, cut off the chain that bound the boy's limbs, then reached out and peeled off the tape on the boy's face, and put the same unusually pale face in front of the boy. :

"Thank you..." the boy said in a timid manner.

When the "ambassador" approached, the boy also found that the other person's appearance was a bit strange, and at the same time, there was a scent of scent, which made him cough again and again.

"Hello." The messenger took a step back and took off the mask on his face.

Needless to say, the "ambassador" who saved the boy from the window was the Lin Chi who did the task. He put the dark sword that killed two npcs back into the backpack, extended his right hand to help the boy, and asked, "Is it okay?"

"Are you the messenger sent by Mephistopheles?" the boy asked curiously.

"Yes." Lin Chi’s answer was crisp and neat.

Judging from the child's words, it seems that the residents of Mephistopheles are right. In this way, he may have been caught by the two people.

"Are you caught?" Lin Chi went straight to the point.

"Yes, it was the way my father asked me to go out and buy spices..." Recalling what happened just now, the boy's body began to tremble again.

"I understand." Lin nodded and led the boy back to the window and asked, "Is there an impression on this place?"

"No... I haven't been here, Mom and Dad haven't said it." The boy shook his head immediately.

It seems that this child is not sure what is going on in this territory. As a young man growing up in the territory of Mephistopheles, the boy may not have been exposed to other forces in the city, but he only learned the name "Merfest God" from his parents.

"Well, you can go home by yourself. Remember not to be caught by the guards." Lin Chi's tone is particularly perfunctory.

His current mission is to investigate the legend about blood, not to **** children to go home safely. However, the boy was still grateful, and he thanked Lin Chi and turned it out from the window on the second floor.

Seeing that the boy was about to jump from the window, Lin Chi asked: "Are you okay?"

"I often steal things, nothing!" The boy said proudly, and jumped out of Lin's line of sight.

"The young people here are really wild..." Lin Chi said with a sigh of relief, moving his gaze back to the two bodies that had just been cut by himself.

If these two are vampires, it is a sniper of the dark sword, and may not be able to kill them.

In order to prevent the two people from resurrecting again, Lin Chi pulled out the dark sword and slashed it. He directly smashed the two bodies into a meat sauce, then pulled off a piece of rag at the bedside, covering both of them without even seeing God. On the body of the toy, the candlestick ignited the edge of the piece of cloth.

With the beating of the fire, two suspected vampires were burned into dark coke. The enclosed room is full of deadly smoke. However, for Lin Chi, who does not need to breathe at all, these suffocating smog will not cause any impact.

"Goodbye, two."

During the speech, Lin Chi had walked down the steps of the square rock and entered the first floor of the house.

As there may be other enemies hidden underneath, Lin Chi also decisively pulled out the dark sword and walked into the living room lightly to see the situation inside the house.

There are wooden furniture in the living room, and the surface is shining under the light of the candlelight. It seems that the two people living here should be a "good citizen" who is very hygienic.

A few large books were placed on the coffee table. The title of the book "The Study of Ancient Mythology" and "The Origin of Dark Magic" was printed on the spine. Lin Chi picked up a piece of parchment that looked like a flyer next to the book. , start reading the above text by candlelight:

Notice for residents of the undead area:

It is forbidden to abduct residents of other areas, and offenders will be fined 100 yuan.

It is forbidden to seek trouble and attack residents of other areas.

Prohibited to take illegal drinks.

Let us work together to build a good living environment!


After reading the contents of the paper, Lin Chi has got some information:

This area does not directly name the "spirit" as elsewhere, but instead replaces it with the code "undead zone." Perhaps the monster who ruled here does not like other people to mention their names.

Judging from the contents of the residents' notice, residents of the undead area may often make such kidnappings, and often attack residents of other areas, so they will be explicitly prohibited. As for the "prohibited drinks" mentioned above...

"Is it blood?"

Looking at the furniture in the living room, Lin Chi immediately noticed that there was no food or drink, and there were no utensils such as cups, rice bowls and fruit bowls. The side should be the location of the kitchen, and it is empty. There are no other furnishings except the two shelves that do not have anything.

- These guys don't need to eat and drink? Or do... they hide their "food"?

Checked in the two bedrooms next to the living room, and found no clues, returned to the living room Lin Chi, looking at the steps leading to the basement.

If the two people in the house really hide something, the possibility of hiding in the basement is the greatest.

Lin Chi clenched the handle of the dark sword and slowly stepped on the steps leading to the basement. Only then did he walk out without two steps, and the sound of something shattered at his feet:


Lin Chi lifted his foot and saw that an inconspicuous bone on the steps was broken by himself, and the curved shape of the bone looked like a human rib...

"Sure enough?" Lin Chi smiled.

In fact, he had long known that the residents here were eating "delicious food", but they had not confirmed it with their own eyes.

Now it seems that there is something hidden in the basement, as if it is no longer necessary to confirm.

- So, is there any relationship between the gods and "cannibalism"?

While thinking about it, Lin Chi had already stood in front of the damp wooden door in the basement, extended his rotten right hand and grabbed the rusted metal grip on the door.

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