War in Heaven

Chapter 905: Devil's sacrifice


Hey, hey, hey.

The ragged young man slammed the wooden door of the chapel.

The small window on the door opened, a pair of muddy eyes, staring at the young man standing at the door.

"Who are you?" There was a dull voice in the chapel.

"I am here to help..." The young man standing at the door picked up his sleeves and showed the coat of arms given by Mephistophel on his pale arm.

With a bang, the wooden door of the chapel opened backwards, and the young man walked into the chapel and looked around curiously.

Even as a walking corpse, his line is soft, a bit like a woman's handsome face is still very conspicuous, and a few "sweet melons and jujubes" sitting in the house, in stark contrast.

"Welcome to you, Mephistopheles's messenger!" The middle-aged believers in the house were so excited that they were about to have a heart attack.

"Mefist said that I can get help from here." Young people wearing a set of "rags" looked around and looked at the scene in the chapel.

Seeing the weak old man in the house is not a heroic npc. His face shows a disappointing disappointment and asks: "Is there anyone else?"

"Please inside!" Several believers pointed to the door leading to the interior of the chapel.

The young man gently pushed open the wooden door and entered the inner space of a dark chapel. He gripped the long knife in his hand and asked, "Is there anyone?"

Then, his eyes suddenly brightened:

The sudden moonlight reflects the open space inside the temple, and the woman in the white skirt standing in the middle of the open space is like a holy angel under the moonlight.

"The messenger, welcome to the chapel of Mephistopheles."

The woman with the ponytail came forward and looked at her with the light brown eyes and the "message adult." While seeing the woman, the young man suddenly showed a smile that he was eager to try:

Virgin Mary, heroic npc, can be recruited to complete the task.

"Beauty, is there anything I need to do?" The young man stepped forward and showed his coat of arms on Molly.

The heroic npc that can be recruited is naturally a good thing that should not be missed. Most players will be able to speed up their blood pressure when they see the words "recruitable". This young man is no exception.

Now, with the exception of a few followers of the expansion pack purchase, he has no other followers. As you can imagine, when he saw a recruitable heroic npc and was still a beautiful woman, his heart was obviously cheering.

Forcibly suppressing the impulse in the heart, the young man stood next to Mo Liya and carefully observed the appearance of the saint, as if he was looking at the hand he had just bought.

"Oh, that..." It seems to be a little uncomfortable. Mo Liya turned her head and avoided the other's sight: "The messenger, are you coming to serve Mephistopheles?"

“Well, is there any reward?” The young man went straight to the point.

Like many players, he is also a downright pragmatist. He has no idea of ​​the story. He just wants to upgrade his strength and recruit him to win the game.

"This, you need to ask Master Mephistopte..." Mo Liya said to take a step back and let the altar behind him: "Please come forward."

"It's really troublesome." The young man pouted and stood in front of the altar of Mephistopheles.

Compared with this form of expression in war paradise, he prefers the simple and rudeness of the blade, which directly hits a few lines of story text to the player's eyes. However, in this game, it is not so easy to understand the background of the story...

Forcing the urge to leave, the young man stood in front of the altar of Mephistopheles and looked at the half-human and half-soul sculpture.

He was about to talk, but he heard the demon who had talked to himself and began to whisper to himself again:

"The dead body, you are in the chapel of Mephistopheles."

"Crap, I know..." The young man said irritably: "Don't you say that you can get help here?"

He is now too lazy to continue nonsense with Mephistopheles, just want to quickly trigger the following tasks, get the opportunity to recruit the saints. However, Mephistopheles did not mean to give the task at all, but continued to ask slowly:

"The corpse, can you bring me a living sacrifice, let me restore strength?"

"What a joke, are you not a god? How is it so weak?"

The young man complained, and then began to bargain with Mephistopheles according to his game experience in the blade: "I can bring you a living sacrifice, but I need to pay."

In fact, he watched the live broadcast of the invitation to the war paradise with friends, and then thought of playing in the game.

At first, he thought that his battle would be as exciting as that game. I didn't expect to enter the map. Not only did he not bring in the three expansion packs he just bought, he also had no chance to fight. Can succumb to the evasive guards...

It was hard to escape the pursuit of the guards and find the altar of Mephistophel in the city. He obtained Mephistopheles' coat of arms from the altar and received information on "going to the chapel."

Young people thought they would get strong equipment and followers after they arrived at the chapel. As a result, I can only continue to listen to Mephistopheles on my own nonsense. Although there is a recruitable heroic follower, there is no sign of joining.

What kind of ghost, what kind of mixed ball design is this game?

While the young man complained secretly, he waited for Mephistop to reply.

After five seconds, the hoarse whisper sounded again:

"Incompetent and greedy, not worthy of allegiance to the gods. You can give your strength out of the dead."

"What do you mean?"

Young people who have never encountered this situation in the game have not responded for a while. When he noticed the danger in Mephistopheles, he immediately raised his long knife and jerked back.


The rotten body of the young man was cut off by the waist, but he did not even see the weapons in the hands of the enemy. The body that had been given power by Mephistopheles slipped down powerlessly and fell to the ground.

Lin Chi strode out from the shadows, took off a few drops of blood on the sword front of the Dark Sword, and bent down to take out a small Mephistophelm soul from the player's body.

When the soul was taken out, it was cut into two pieces of the body, and the data fragments disappeared without disappearing.

The player "real new one" is killed by the player "countercurrent"!

Looking at the killing tips displayed in the line of sight, Lin Chi’s white face showed an evil smile, and the purple pimple in the hand was placed in front of the altar of Mephistopheles:

"Don't give power to this waste next time, give them their spirits... I will let you return to the throne."

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