War in Heaven

Chapter 899: Sacrifice house

On the open space of the street square, the silence of death is filled.

- In the cold air, the death of the death is coming.

As the guide and guardian of the undead in ancient Egyptian mythology, Anubis is not a demon, but a true **** of the dead.

When the **** of the wolf head descended, several of the light believers who were sentenced to death, the body began to tremble violently.

It is impossible to bear the pressure of the gods at close distances by relying on the flesh and blood of human beings. These poor "cults" want to escape, but the body does not listen at all, only to watch Anubis come forward. then--

There was a pale mist on the high platform, and all the torches were extinguished in an instant.

In the eyes of the public, Anubis's body shape disappeared into the dense fog, and the mist of the group disappeared. Only the bodies that were sucked into the dead body were left, and the original posture was maintained on the high platform. The face completely lost its vitality, like a mummy that was pulled off the bandage.

After the execution was completed, the judge in the white robe once again stepped onto the high platform and stood next to the corpse and shouted: "This is the end of the cult!"

His voice seemed to awaken the onlookers in the "stiff" state of the square, and the crowd cheered immediately. The witnesses who witnessed the execution of the sentence, chatting with interest, began to turn and walked over to the territory where they lived.

Lin Chi can see that in Sodom City, faith seems to be more important than life: several people who kill people on the street have not been punished, and the "cultists" who believe in the light can only be left in the public. The end of the execution.

However, even if the execution was over, he did not leave the square, just staring at the white robes who stood on the high platform to inspect the body and prepared to track them.

You need a set of more well-dressed clothing to avoid being recognized by residents and guards. As long as you can mix into this so-called heretical jury, the next game process will undoubtedly be much smoother.

Standing in front of a house on the street, observe the situation on the high platform. Lin Chi noticed that in addition to the white robe who had just been sentenced, several judges wearing black robes appeared.

Unlike the white robe, these people are not heroic npcs. They don't have names and prompt names around them. It seems that the lower-level members are right.

The black robe stood next to the high platform, picked up a few dead bodies, and turned and walked down the high platform. Seeing this scene, Lin Chi walked slowly through the shadows of the street and followed the direction of the judges.

This area of ​​the city center does not seem to belong to a single "deity". Lin Chi found the portraits of Mephistopheles and Samuel here, as well as some other portraits. Among them are the terrorist cavalry riding a ghost horse, and the female image with a half-moon-shaped double-edged sword. Because there is no name, there is no such thing as a "spirit".

However, judging from his own experience in Sodom City, these guys must have been devils.

With the departure of Anubis, the temperature in the street square finally returned to normal. Lin Chi was walking through the street sneaking, but he felt the inexplicable difference.

- Someone seems to be watching themselves.

Sensitively aware of a little discomfort, he turned to look at the other side of the street, only to see the shadow of the house in the shadow of the house there, there is also a sneaky human figure, it is difficult to recognize that it is an individual without careful reading.

"Do you want this guy to play this too..."

Realizing that the other person seemed to have the same thoughts as himself, Lin Chi stopped in the same place and continued to observe the person across the street.

Since they did not enter the battle now, neither side could see the other's name. Now there are a lot of guards on the street. In order to avoid being directly smashed into a meat sauce by the guards, neither of them has chosen to fight directly. Just continue along the street and follow the footsteps of the heresy to go to the city center.

Two players who were less than 30 meters away had a silent confrontation on both sides of the road. The judges who walked in the middle of the street boarded several carriages and left the area with their bodies. The several guards on the road ahead also completely blocked the way of the two.

The central area of ​​Sodoma seems to be a prohibited area that does not allow civilians to enter. From the dark outline of the distance, there is no tall castle in the center of the city, or a high-rise building like the clock tower. It is no different from the urban area on the outside.

- Could it be said that there is something hidden in the center of the city?

Lin was thinking about it while turning his head to look at the shadow on the other side of the street, only to find that the player had left, like running along the street trail.

Realizing that the other party had left, Lin Chi also decisively left the crisis area, and through the cover of the night, entered the urban area next to it.

Mephistopheles has a large territory that extends into the interior of the city and sees itself returning to the familiar territory. Lin Chizheng is ready to find a way to find out the location of the "heretical jury", but heard a whine in the house on the street:


Like a woman whispering in the house next to her, Lin turned to look at the stone wall of the house, and saw that the house did not turn on the light, but the wooden door opened a small slit.

--what the hell?

In the face of the suspected "spiritual event", Lin Chi looked up at the window of the house and noticed the subtle changes in the shadow of the window.

He didn't say anything, just walked in front of the door with vigilance. When he walked to the corner of the window, he pulled out two sabers from his backpack and broke into his pocket as quickly as possible.


The crying in the house continued. Lin Chi stood in front of the wooden door and slowly pushed the door open into the dimly lit house.

The moonlight that was thrown out of the window left a white mark on the floor. The living room was filled with a rancid smell. Because the light was too dark, Lin Chi could only see the rough outline of the furniture in the house and the one leaning against the door. There is a statue of Mephistopheles.


Listening to the crying from the bedroom, Lin Chi slowly put his hands in the pocket, and then ... directly launched the "big bleeding" skills of the tiger claw hunting knife.


The sharp blade left a flash of white shadow in the air, and the skills were automatically released against the statue of Mephistopheles. The wrist of the statue spurted a blood, and the body began to distort and blew low. Call:


Not waiting for the other party to fight back, Lin Chi nailed the man into the head. Although his physical attributes are not strong, but the "first-hand advantage" of sudden difficulties, he still directly completed the kill.

- The other party looks like a sculpture that is intended to be disguised as Mephistopheles, attacking passers-by who are attracted to the house by crying. Although I don't know why he wants to do this, Lin Chi is very clear that there are definitely more than one enemy!

The corpse at the door slammed down to the ground, and the door of the bedroom was opened. A burly man waving a wide-bladed butcher knife rushed out and slammed it directly into Lin’s head.

Lin is slowly sideways, but the low physical attribute value once again hinders his dodging action. The knife did not hit the head, but cut his shoulder and left a huge scar on the right shoulder directly.

But even if the body was cut, Lin Chi’s movement did not appear to be a slight delay. The negative effects of the disability that should have appeared were directly offset by the physical physique of the walking corps. The pain of the player being weakened was also weakened for the second time. It is almost completely disappeared.

- This knife that was cut on the body is similar to Lin Chi’s feeling of being scratched by a toothpick. With the effect of the Titan's grip triggered by the double-armed knives, Lin Chi suddenly twisted his body, and the two sabers rotated past the other side of the body, cutting the other's throat in tandem!


The strong man who was cut throat leaned against the wall, and a snake-like snoring sounded in the throat. He used his hands to cover his neck and tried to stop the spewing of blood, but it was completely futile.

Seeing that the guy could live for a few seconds, Lin Chi rushed directly into the back bedroom, only to see a woman dressed in white, with long hair and a long hair, leaning against the bed, stunned her eyes and died. Dead staring at Lin Chi’s face:

"The cursed...Mephus God... please bless me..."

Before waiting for the other party to finish, Lin Chi broke into the woman's heart, until the eyes of the pair of round eyes, the only remaining life light completely extinguished, finally pulled out the saber and turned to go to another bedroom.

Except for these three idiots, there seems to be no one else in the house. After confirming that there was no other living, Lin Chi returned to the living room to close the wooden door, lit the candlestick on the coffee table, and observed the situation inside the house by swaying fire.

The people living in this house have reached the pathological enthusiasm for the worship of Mephistopheles. The murals on the walls are like Mephistopheles. There are dozens of statues in the living room. As well as various Memphis badges and souvenirs.

It seems that they are spending all their money on these things. The other furniture in the house is extraordinarily simple. Some garbage that has not been thrown away is piled up in the corner of the living room, making this one not very clean. The house became a garbage dump with a rancid smell.

"This is... sacrificial activity?"

Smelling the smell of the body rot, Lin Chi used his feet to open the pile of **** and saw a rotten head.

He turned and walked into the bedroom where the woman who was crying was, only to see the small wooden statue on the wooden long table next to the wall. There were two rotten hands in the wooden dish in front of the statue. .

Lin Chi reached out and grabbed a crumpled yellow paper at the table. I saw a few lines of twisted text on it:

"Last night, Mephistopheles whispered to me that he needed more sacrifices. If I could offer sacrifices, would it be chosen as the priest of Mephistopheles and close to the supreme god? ”

"May Festus, please don't be sad, I will provide you with sacrifices in your own way. In order to let your glory shine through Sodom, I will do my best!"


"You are really pious." Lin Chi looked back and looked at the body that fell to the window.

Although this text is short, it expresses the author's admiration for Mephistopheles and the willingness to sacrifice everything for the gods. However, now is not the time to read comprehension...

"Hey, Mephistopheles, are you there?" Lin Chi looked at the statue on the table.

Since the woman heard the devil's whisper, that is to say, what is inside the house, it should also play the role of the altar. Unsurprisingly, after five seconds of Lin Chi’s question, he heard a hoarse whisper:

"The cursed, have you got the spirit?"

"Your follower almost killed me." Lin Chiu pointed his finger at the big mouth of his shoulder. Under the physique of the corpse, the wound was in the process of being repaired. It could be restored in about ten minutes. .

"You won't lose in their hands, right?" Mephistopheles smiled.

Too lazy to chat with this weak devil, Lin Chi went straight to the topic and asked: "How is the exchange of souls here?"

"If you get a small soul, I can improve your strength. If you have a large soul, there will be other rewards." Mephistopheles’ answer is also very fast, so the presence of the "two people" is like in the market. Customers and hawkers.

"I have a small Mephistopheles in my hand," Lin said.

"Oh... is my original strength, you killed the cursed person under my hand, right?" Mephistopheles' voice suddenly fell.

"Yes." Lin Chi admitted without hesitation: "He is too weak, I think you probably don't need the weak, so he sent his soul back."


As soon as this was said, Mephistopheles was silent for a moment, and the serpent-like whispered sound finally sounded again:

"Well, this statement is a bit reasonable, but don't do it again next time. I need the spirit of other gods, not the soul of my own people."

"What can a small Mephistopheles soul exchange? If you don't want it, I will take it elsewhere to sell it." Lin Chi said, turning around, like he was about to leave.

- In fact, the spirit of his hands is completely unsold in the other two altars. Lin Chi only wants Mefister to make a quick decision, so he will deliberately pretend this look.

Seeing that the guy under his hand was leaving, Mephistophel asked in a hoarse voice: "You are not afraid of me to recover the strength of your body?"

"As you are, anyway, I have nothing to lose." Lin Chi smiled.


Like being shamelessly concealed by the cursed person, Mephistopheles made a long sigh and said, "Give me the spirit of your hand, I will strengthen your strength."

Upon hearing this, Lin Chi took out the small Mephistopheles from the backpack and put it on the wooden table. The shackles that were covered with purple air, like being absorbed, disappeared directly in front of his eyes.

He looked at the property bar and saw all of his property values, all improved a bit.

"So just a little power?" Lin Qiao frowned.

"Don't worry, go to the dead, I will become stronger..." Mephistopheles' voice seemed awkward.


Genius one second to remember the address of this station: . :m.

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