War in Heaven

Chapter 894: Spiritual and cult believers


Looking at the purple light shining on the chest of the body, Lin Chi extended his right hand and saw a purple cloud being sucked into his palm from the other's body.

At the same time that the fog left the body, the original still intact body, like a leaky balloon, smashed down, the body "weathered" at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the skin and flesh flakes off, leaving only a browned Bone bones.

Lin was silently watching the situation, then saw the red text in the line of sight:

The player "ven" is killed by the player "countercurrent"!

Congratulations to the player "countercurrent" to win the first drop of the game! The player will receive a little attribute value and a reward of ten gold coins!

Lin Chi, who was weak in the whole body, assigned a little attribute value to the endurance, which made the original endurance of only nine points, and finally reached the "pass line" of ten points.

He was too low in endurance. After the battle, the body seemed to be hollowed out. The feeling of powerlessness spread from the limbs to the whole body. Even if a little endurance was added, it took a while to slow down.

However, what has just been absorbed by myself is the so-called "spirit of souls"?

He looked at the status bar and still had only a few statuses. The attribute value has not changed in any way other than just adding a little endurance.

The purple mist seemed to have never appeared, and did not provide any effect for himself. However, things are obviously not that simple...

“Is it a certain currency?”

Lin Chi stretched his hand and explored it in his backpack. Then he felt the warm touch and reached out to pick up a skull surrounded by purple mist.

As he expected, the fog was directly into the backpack. When Lin Chi took out the skull, the text of the article appeared immediately in the line of sight:

Mephistopheles is small.


Item level: excellent.

The cursed who is empowered by Mephistopheles will carry this spirit and bring the spirit to the altar of the gods, which can be used to exchange props or temporary abilities.

"Sometimes Sodom's gods will give strength to the sacrifices and make them a living horror. The transformed living bodies carry a part of the soul of the gods."

"It turns out that this is the soul of God..."

Realizing that his guess came true, Lin Chi put the cockroach that could be used as a special currency back into his backpack.

It seems that the main theme of this map should be to kill other players and capture their souls. These spirits can exchange for props on the altar. As for the altar... it should be something similar to the statue on the execution ground.

Going back?

Lin Chi looked at the wasteland covered by darkness behind him and thought about it or gave up the idea of ​​returning to the execution ground.

There is only one soul on hand, and it is still small. It should not be able to change anything too good. Moreover, if the residents of Sodom City worship the evil "spirits", there will be an altar that can be exchanged in the city.

The primary goal now is to find ways to avoid the guards sneaking into the city. However, judging from the situation in front of the city gate, the guards seem to be changing their posts:

The soldiers who were standing on both sides of the city gate were stretching their muscles and bones, and some people had already yawned.

As the time of change is approaching, the attention of the soldiers is declining. If you want to enter the city, this should be a good opportunity.

In view of this, Lin Chi also decisively returned to the road, striding towards the gates of the city of Sodom, with a sly look on the back, faithfully restoring the way the peasants walked on the roads outside the city.

The soldiers who are still preparing for the change of posts, like not paying attention to the abnormal skin color of Lin Chi, two soldiers are stretching, one is wiping the weapon, and another guy is leaning against the wall with his eyes closed, as if he has already supported Can't live.

Taking advantage of these guys did not pay attention, Lin Chi also decisively entered the city gate, embarked on the road covered with stone bricks in the city. Just before he was about to leave the city gate, a soldier suddenly spoke up:

"Hey! Wait a minute..."

Seeing no other passers-by other than myself, Lin Chi stopped and walked back slightly, hiding his face in the shadow of the hat and asking, "Are you calling me?"

"Yes, it's you." The soldier reached out and wiped the contempt on his body and asked, "What is your arm?"

Lin Chi looked down at the arm that had been injured in the white-blade battle, and the slender scratches on the sleeve. He immediately compiled a reason: "It was scratched by the shrubs on the side of the road."


The soldier yawned again when he spoke. He said with no anger: "Remember not to fight. If you do something illegal, even Mephistopheles can't save you."

"Yes, I remember." Lin Chi’s attitude is very humble, and it is no different from the bottom residents in the city.

"Well, remember it, let's go." The soldier waved impatiently.

With the permission of the other party, Lin Chi also decisively took to the streets, turned a corner at the first intersection in front, and avoided several soldiers who were coming to change shifts.

The buildings in this city are made up of large stones in appearance. Although it sounds a bit rudimentary, it looks very delicate.

The smooth stone wall shines like a shimmering, dark brown wooden door in the wall, and the soft light shines in the window of the roadside house.

Although it looks like an ordinary medieval city, the patterns on the walls of several nearby houses, as well as the “decorations” hanging around the door, reveal the evil essence of the city:

The portrait of the "Mephus of God" with a slender body and a bone at the waist is painted on the wall of the house. The small pendant hanging at the door is also the same monster as the statue on the execution ground.

It seems that the people here really treat the devil like Mephistophelm as a "god". In this way, it is conceivable that those genuine gods will be treated here.

As I have inferred before, Sodom City is a city full of demon worship.

In this case, the "alien altar" that you need should not be too difficult to find.

Walking along the road to the south, Lin Chi looked around at the observation street and found a wooden bulletin board at the next intersection.

He stood in front of the board and read the pieces of parchment nailed to the bulletin board with the light of the streetlight next to him.

Then he saw some speechless words:

"The cold wave is approaching, and the cults in the city have a tendency to look up again. Please pay attention to the public. The cult believers who advertise the names of angels and holy lights immediately report to the guards. Invading the paradise of extreme evil, for us. Holy god!"

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