War in Heaven

Chapter 883: Post-war settlement


The two live broadcasts of the War Paradise ended with the two men in the bombing of drone cannons.

The audience, still in a foggy state, sat in their private house with a subtle expression on their faces. The gamblers who put all their gambling on the coaches are angry and start to roar.

"Mom, how do you do it?" A "cold-haired man" with red hair screamed and slammed on the coffee table in his house. The wooden coffee table didn't move. He himself fell backwards. At the ground.

He bet on an illegal website and he knows that his thousands of dollars can't be returned. Although the official results have not yet been announced, but from the last scene just now, it is obvious that the coach in the "upper" was first killed.

Even if the interval between the two bodies being destroyed is extremely short, the judgment of the game is not likely to be biased. And even if you are lucky enough to be judged as a draw, the money you bet on is still squandered!

"Is it a bug? Damn Pulse Entertainment..."

The gambler stunned a few words, then clicked the button to quit the game and went out to check the website of his bet.


When the battle was completely over, the last spherical camera on the battlefield disappeared. The city of Kayaland, which is being broadcast live, has finally returned to its original silence.

At this point, Lin Chi and the coach’s position of fighting just now became a charred black crater.

The sog soldier, who was a dozen meters away, looked up at the location of the explosion with difficulty. The eyes under the mask were not blind, and the black hand was close to the small black walkie-talkie.

The jammer, which can shield the drone signal from the commander, is held in his palm.

When the commander was withdrawn from the battlefield, he had already had a radio call with him and briefly explained the tactics.

When he heard the commander's words, Mason had always opposed the crazy tactic. Unfortunately, the commander’s attitude was too resolute, so he couldn’t even think of how to refute it.

His sudden sneak attack was actually part of the tactics. It was because of the crucial knife that the enemy commander was divided in a short time, and the commander got the chance to throw the jammer.

After the commander threw the jammer, Mason had to wait for the enemy commander to avoid the opportunity, climb to the place ten meters away, or turn off the jammer in his hand.

Mason knows that the person lying on the ground will not enter the attack range of the sparrow drone. But the two who are making the action, when they turn off the jammer, will be caught by the "sparrow" and then torn into pieces by the shell of the cannon!

He didn't understand why the commander chose to do this, but Mason actually knew that it was probably the only way to end the battle.

In order to end all this, the commander sacrificed his life. As a part of the action, he survived successfully.

"Thank you... saved me."

Looking at the flaming crater not far away, Mason reopened the switch of the jammer, spit out a blood in his mouth, turned around hard, sat on the ground against the crater, and respected a standard military ceremony.

Mason knows that with the death of the commander, the mission of Sog in the city of Kayaland has finally come to an end. This short and horrible "nightmare" has finally ended completely.


As the only living person within a few kilometers, Mason gazed at the crater, took off the metal mask on his face, squinted and slowly bent down, and his mouth screamed with ambiguity:

"Finally... it’s over," he said.


When Lin Chi opened his eyes again, what appeared in the line of sight was the wall blocked by the gray curtain.

The house was lit with blue light and saw the familiar scene. Lin Chi immediately realized that he did not directly exit the private housing area, but returned to the headquarters before the start of the game.

In the house where there were 30 commanders, there were only two people left. Looking at the "cowboy" sitting across from him and wearing a black hat, Lin Chi smiled and said, "How do you feel?"

As the game was over, the injuries on the two men had already disappeared. They returned to the state of being intact before the start of the game. The coach squinted and looked at Lin Chi. The two mustaches slightly tilted up and sighed helplessly:


At the end of the game, the coach finally realized that he had just stared at the enemy commander and ignored the soldier who was hit by a punch. It was equivalent to making a fatal mistake.

When I attacked the soldier myself, I thought that the thing that flew past me was just a bullet. If the jammer could be noticed at the time, the battle may have ended long ago.

"No way, you are too strong." Lin Chi smiled.

Lin Chi looked at the coach's face with interest and curiously asked: "How did you pile up that property, and should you use other things besides the stimulant?"

"Secret." The coach shook his head and apparently did not intend to say more.

That being said, the video of this game has been officially sent to the forum, as long as you wait until you exit the game to watch the video, you can probably know the coach's broken property.

When the two of the results of the game were still boring, the door of the command was pushed open. Five soldiers escorted the commander wearing a green beret into the house and stood at the glass table of the headquarters:

"Two good, you have completed this task, I thought that only one person can come out." The voice of the middle-aged man sounded rough, like the result of long-term smoking.

The soldiers standing next to the middle-aged men did not move, as if they were fine waxwork. After hearing the line of the npc, Lin Chi smiled and said: "Are you here to announce the result of the competition?"

This middle-aged person is obviously not the npc in the game that does not know the real situation, but is similar to the existence of the administrator. After Lin Chi’s question, the middle-aged man’s eyes lit up with a red light and a straightforward opening:

"I was ordered by the war observers to come and announce the results of the game. The winning requirement for this game was to get eight points, but neither of them achieved the goal. When they only had seven points, they all died. From theory Said that both of you are equal to defeat and exit."

Having said that, the middle-aged man turned his head: "But you also know that this game needs winners, otherwise the audience is unacceptable. So say..."

"So how?" The coach frowned and looked at the middle-aged man.

"So please wait a moment, the person in charge of this will come soon." The middle-aged man said with a blank expression.

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