War in Heaven

Chapter 872: Strong end


Seeing that Dali's dirty hand was reaching the zipper of the backpack, Lin Chi suddenly grabbed her wrist and prevented the action of the hacker girl.

"What's the matter?" Darian looked up and looked at Lin Chi. The expression on her face was full of confusion: "Don't hinder my work."

"I suspect this stuff is a bomb." Lin Chi looked at the dirty backpack.

“Impossible?” Dalian shook her head. “The remote-controlled bombs generally don’t signal outwards. They only detonate while receiving the signal. I still know about this...”

That being said, Darian still took a step back and he was far from the backpack, and Woods once again stepped back.

It seems that Woods seems to have found the same thing about the backpack. After all, the shape of the thing is too much like the roadside bomb (ied) on the battlefield. It is a dangerous atmosphere.

Together with Dalian, she retired to a position 30 meters away. Lin Chi squatted down on the grass and asked the hacker girl around her: "Can you trigger this thing?"

"It is sending signals regularly, how to trigger me is not very clear. Now my equipment is too rudimentary." Dalian looked at the laptop in her hand, with a depressed expression on her face: "If The 'big guys' in my family are still there, it only takes ten seconds to figure out its internal structure..."

For hackers, the demand for equipment is actually better than that of soldiers. Some high-end players' confrontation is actually a competition for hardware performance.

As the United States was listed on the most wanted list, Dalian did not say that he brought his old computer when he fled, and he did not even have a calculator at hand. This laptop was later purchased in the "killer capital". Compared with the equipment she used to use, it is a world of difference.

Even the level of electronic warfare experts at Dalian relies on this computer at hand to deal with all situations.

In fact, when the hardware is in poor condition, she can still make up for it with her own powerful technology. Just... It takes some preparation time:

"Give me five minutes."

Dalyan said that she was lying down on the ground, putting the laptop on the grass in front of him and starting to operate quickly.

Looking at the faint light flashing on the computer screen, Lin Chi and Woods looked at each other and stunned the girl's side with a gun alert, blocking her part of the computer screen.

On the inside of the park that is not on fire, the light from the computer screen is as conspicuous as the lighthouse in the fog. If it is seen by others, the situation is not very good.

"Put this on."

Lin was taking off his tattered coat with bloodstains, covering Dalien's head and laptop with clothes, and made a small "tent" for the girl. But by this kind of thing, it is impossible to completely block the light.

"fuck..." Woods suddenly screamed.

"What's wrong?" Lin Chi turned to look at the entourage around him, but saw the man's mask underneath, two blood marks appeared again, thick plasma slowly flowing into the collar along the neck.

"I feel... very bad." Woods, who coughed, slowly sat down on the grass, whispering: "Commander, I have to rest for a while."

"Give it to me." Lin nodded.

For Woods's sudden weakness, he is also completely understandable - from the situation when he was fighting with France, Woods is still alive, it is already a miracle.

Like overdrafting his own vitality, Woods just closed his eyes when he sat down, as if he had lost consciousness.

- Shouldn't he just be like a baron just "returning the light back"?

Looking at Woods, who is closing his eyes, Yang Ling’s heart once again showed an ominous premonition. He bent down and was about to see how the soldier was in the situation, but he heard a sound of metal friction on the west side of the lawn.

Lin turned to look at it, then suddenly took the taser from the backpack and aimed at the silver body that was coming.

"Carol?" he whispered.

- Lin Chi, who once fought with Carol once in Mars, is naturally aware of the woman’s "card". At the time of death, she can attach herself to a robot and take control of the mechanical body. right.

"Hey, handsome guy, meet again..." The robot smiled awkwardly.

After hearing the other party's ridiculous words, Lin Chi also immediately confirmed that this guy is Carol. Because the robot has not entered the range of the Taser, Lin is holding the gun and going forward, ready to give the other party a fatal one. hit.

At this time, Carol had no right arm, and there were many damages on the outer casing. Obviously it was no longer possible. It seems that it should have been injured in the massive bombing just now, and then managed to escape to this side.

Realizing that the other party is as strong as the present, Lin Chi raised his arms and held the taser gun that was attached to the robot. He aimed at Carol's broken body and said: "Are you thinking?"

"Hah, I originally wanted to sneak up." The robot made a creepy electronic laughter: "This body dragged your hind legs, and if you didn't make a sound, it would be fine..."

Obviously, Carol is also aware of his physical condition and is no longer able to continue fighting. But even so, she still stood in front of Lin Chi, that is to say...

"It doesn't make much sense to continue to drag on. Let's fight."

Upon hearing the other party's speech, Lin Chi did not answer, and suddenly there was no sign of a sudden shot to shoot a power generation dart.

At this time, he was close to the range of the taser, and a wire-connected electric shock dart flew out of the muzzle and flew toward Carol's metal body.


The electric dart missed the target and landed on the lawn on one side. Even if the body is fragmented, Carol's reaction speed is still astonishingly fast. After avoiding the electric darts sideways, he ran straight toward Lin.


On the leg of Carol, a few charred metal shells began to peel off, revealing the reinforced iron bones in the body. Before the defeated, the professional player who called the "double king" with the female Valkyrie launched the final death charge!

Lin Chi threw away the taser who had no time to change the bullets. He pulled out the ammo, which was ample aa-12 shotgun, and spewed a hot tongue against Carol’s chest. The twelve large scorpions slammed on the silver body. In the already broken body, more scars are created.

However, the robot's movements did not stop. Carol waved the remaining left arm and ran towards Lin Chi. In the speaker that was breaking down, there was a voice that was out of tune:

"I think you are quite casual. How about going offline with me? We can add friends to chat."

"Go to hell." Lin Chi shook his head.

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