War in Heaven

Chapter 852: President's collection

As the vice president of Kayaland Electric Motors, handsome and handsome bachelor - Watson Maguire is only 37 years old this year, for successful entrepreneurs, it is very young.

Similar to the experience of many legendary companies, this company was created after he graduated from college and university roommates. The history can be said to be very common. They originally wanted to produce battery packs for electric cars, and no one expected that the company would later become one of the pillars of Kayaland's tax revenue.

Of course, no one can think of this once-traveled city, it will become like this.

"Oh... let me go..."

On the floor full of dry blood, the arms were tied back to Watson by the ropes, and kept whispering for mercy. Tears and dust are mixed together, leaving a black "totem" on the face.

Usually, I always face the media with a mature male model. He is regarded as a dream lover by countless women of Kayaland. At this time, he has been bruised and bruised, his hair has been ripped off halfway, his body is ragged shirt and west. Under the pants, dark red blood marks are still oozing out.

"Then you have to let your friend bring the money first." Standing on the side of the wall that was blown up on the other side of the house, a kidnapper sneered out loudly, causing the other two robbers to laugh.

These kidnappers wear hockey masks, wearing gray slap-up sportswear, baseball bats and GLOCK pistols in their hands. It seems that they are some small scums that don't flow.

If there is no war in the city, the bodyguards around Watson are more than enough to play these guys. But after the bombing began, his bodyguards and drivers died in a **** explosion, and Watson himself could survive, which was a miracle.

Unfortunately, Watson had no time to thank him for his survival and he had already been caught by the three kidnappers. Throwing to the second floor of this empty house, the sad reminder became a hostage.

It seems to be a block near the villa. When it was taken to the broken house, Watson saw the burning burger shop nearby and the red-shell fire truck that was blown up on the street.

"It’s all this time... Come and escape..." Watson pleaded.

In his view, these kidnappings were kidnapped in the almost razed Kayland district, which was a mentally retarded act. But those gangsters obviously don’t think so.


A gangster with a heavy foot on Watson's already blue chest, said: "I want money! We know your identity, let the company's people send money! You can get out, coward! ”

"Now the company has long been ruined..." Watson spit out an old blood: "You might as well go directly to the bank vault, and everyone is running away..."

"Fart, treasury is energized, do you think we don't know?" The gangster said it was another foot: "Don't think about fooling us!"

In the face of these completely unreasonable kidnappers, even if they had been attacked in business negotiations, Watson, known as the "master of negotiation," could not convince them.

His negotiating skills are only effective for normal people, and there is no effect on these madmen who still want to steal money in the ruins of war.

- Is there any way?

Watson, who couldn't think of any solution, lowered his head and sat down on the dirty, cold floor, waiting for the moment he was executed by these crazy gangsters.


The siren of the fire truck suddenly sounded from the street downstairs, scaring the gangster next to Watson, and the gun in his hand almost fell to the ground.

"What is the dog's mother doing?" Another gangster yelled.

"The broken car also rang this morning." The scared gangster patted his chest: "It should be an accident-"

When his words were not finished, he was washed back by the surging water.

The three gangsters in the empty house, together with the screaming Watson, were directly hit by the high-pressure water cannon on the fire truck. The amazing water flow rushed into the house from the window without glass, such as the same heavy fist. On the four people, they rushed straight out from the other side of the house without walls, and fell with the water on the open space below the empty house.


The weak Watson, who had smashed it again, spewed another blood in his mouth. He hadn't opened his eyes yet, and suddenly there was a dark red in his sight.

Watson opened his eyes in tears and saw that the three kidnappers fell on the open space, and the thick plasma was flowing out of the throat. Before he figured out what happened, he saw a group of horrible figures covered in blood and appeared in front of him.

"Mr. Vice President, you are saved." The young man standing at the forefront bent down and cut the rope on Watson's hand with a saber, then lifted Watson.

"Is there you... so save people..." Watson whispered.

He had just had a close contact with the right side of the body. At this time, he was in a state of pain and numbness. Fortunately, it was not the first time that the head landed, otherwise he would have to resign.

"Sorry, we are really rude." Lin Chi, who was holding Watson's arm, smiled and opened the map to determine the location of the evacuation point marked by the green spot.

Although you can sneak into it and suddenly assassinate the three gangsters, using the fire truck on the street is undoubtedly the most efficient solution.

Of course, before the action, Lin Chi naturally observed the situation of the hostages and confirmed that the rescue target was a man who was not too old, and chose this method.

The high-pressure water flow of the fire truck was still attacking the second floor of the house, like a torrential rain falling on the other side of the open space. Under the gaze of Watson with a painful expression, Lin Chi and several SOG soldiers wore clothes in the "storm". After taking a cold shower, the blood stains that had already solidified on the clothes disappeared a lot, and finally revealed the original color.

"Who are you guys?" Watson muttered.

Except for Eric, who controls the fire truck on the other side, the other soldiers are now "renewed." After the shower was completed, Lin Chi and his troops left Watson and left the block, and soon arrived at the evacuation point one kilometer away.

Without the threat of players, the remaining mercenaries on the street are not worth mentioning. If yesterday's SOG was somewhat uncomfortable because it was "first come," SOG, which experienced a tumultuous storm, has been thoroughly integrated into this battlefield today.

After arriving at the evacuation point, Lin Chi found a signal gun next to him and fired a red signal flare against the sky. In less than two minutes, a Black Hawk helicopter landed on the nearby open space.

"Okay, you are safe." Woods patted Watson's shoulder.

"thank you all……"

Looking at a group of black soldiers who were approaching here, Watson gratefully watched the group of people who had saved themselves, and walked over in Lin Chi’s help, then suddenly whispered to Lin: " thank you."

"You're welcome, it should be." Lin Chi smiled.

"I have left something here, you may be able to use it."

While being held by the black soldiers, Watson struggled to bend down and took a key from the sock and handed it to Lin Chi.

"Go to the underground garage at No. 3 Wood Street Villa District, where I have my private collection. I wanted to drive it away."

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