War in Heaven

Chapter 537: Hacker war

- Like the old-fashioned Internet of the past, with the development of this new type of data network in the field, there has also been a hacker.

These guys who are ruined in the virtual network and are lawless are undoubtedly the most headaches for network administrators.

The various devastating activities of hackers cause countless economic losses every day, and those powerful hackers, even playing with network police and protection software, seem to be full of loopholes, but they can all be Grab the last moment before the escape of birth.

All along, administrators have hated these mad madmen, but they can't do anything about it.

But today, it seems that there is a "legend" that has fallen.

After reading the contents of the news, Lin Chi thoughtfully turned off the front page, while following the black robe, he continued to ask, "Do you know the 'black dahlia'?"

"It's a member of the Hacking Forum. I didn't have an intersection with her." Frankenstein immediately replied, then asked: "What's wrong."

"Nothing, I will ask casually." Lin Chi said, looking up and staring at the area.

They entered through the high-speed fiber, which is the tenth district of the domestic Internet. Unlike the 12th and 13th districts, there are fewer tourists in this area, and the deserted streets have a little pressure.

Many towering skyscrapers stand in this area, dividing the neighborhood below into neat grids and casting heavy shadows.

- The 10th district is a typical commercial area with few pedestrians on the street.

The buildings here are basically provided to various companies and institutions. In general, users who go to negotiate and handle business will basically use special ports to directly “transfer” into the reception area and will not stay in the street.

Therefore, this street is full of skyscrapers in the modern urban area, but at this time it is almost empty. Apart from Lin Chi and Frankenstein, there are basically no other people.

"Your hiding place is here?" Lin Chi used the encrypted channel to ask the black robe people around him.

"Yes." Frankenstein replied: "Please come with me."

The two walked through the empty streets and entered the shadows between the two glass-walled buildings. Several electronic guards ignored them and passed through the sidewalks at the rear.

Although the terrain and character modeling in the field is much rougher than in the game, it can't fight. But Lin Chi at this time has produced a feeling that he is playing an intra-brain imaging game. He opened the menu and looked at the time. It is now 8:30 in the morning.

- The arena competition for "The Blade" will begin in the afternoon. I still have a few hours to stay in the field to investigate.

Lin Chi followed the Frankenstein and came to the bottom of a glass curtain wall building. He saw the black robe standing in the corner of the camera and using the master key in front of a dirty glass.

After it was operated, a seemingly anomalous glass wall suddenly appeared a dark purple wooden door.

Seeing that the black robe was about to reach out and open the door, Lin Chi suddenly stepped forward and stopped the movement of Frankenstein:

"Wait a minute," he whispered.

Although it seems that there is no abnormality, there is a kind of inexplicable feeling in his heart. I don't know why, he always feels that this place reveals a strange sense of violation.

"What's wrong." Frankenstein turned his head and looked at him.

"I feel a little bit wrong..." Lin Chi said seriously.

Although he did not see the specific anomalies, he always felt that the situation was not normal. To describe it, there is a sense of violation:

- It may be that something that should not have appeared, or what happened should not happen.

With this in mind, Lin Chi clenched his fist a little, and the weak pain from his palm made him suddenly realize the source of his sense of violation:

In the space of the field that should not have been painful, there is a feeling that it should not appear. As for why it will become like this, the reason is not to be explained again:

"Quick withdrawal, here is the war zone!"

Lin Chi’s voice did not fall, and the fierce data flow from behind him, like an invisible giant hand, firmly clamped his body. But at the last moment before losing control, Lin Chi has opened the menu and clicked the red button of “Exit Field”.

The world in front of me is a vague shadow, and Lin’s feeling fades away instantly. When he opens his eyes again, the green light inside the game compartment is reflected.


He unlocked his belt as quickly as he could, opened the hatch and jumped out, picked up the phone and started calling Frankenstein.

However, the virus that gained self-awareness did not respond to his call.

Because of the Frankenstein at this time, there is no time to answer any questions:

Facing the two electronic guards rushing from the corner of the street, the Frankenstein violently raised his right hand, and the shell module left in the field when Lin Chiqiang retired, instantly vanished, and the gray residue disappeared into the virtual air.

The Guardian weapon in the hands of the electronic guard pointed to the head of the black robe, but could not prevent the Frankenstein from deleting the module used by Lin Chi at the fastest speed, avoiding his identity exposure.


The slender figure in the black robe said that he raised his left hand and pointed to the direction of the electronic guard.

The dull roar came out from the ground, and the earth in the tenth district began to tremble. A silver metal wall suddenly rises from the ground, almost separating the entire street, directly blocking the way of the electronic guards!

The "firewall" that is enough to stop the direct attack of anti-virus software, even cut a nearby building, even if you can't see the inside, you can judge the damage of the building, and the companies that work inside are afraid. I have to stop working temporarily...


Under the hood of the black robes, the cold female voice, the two electronic guards who were about to continue to attack, even when they were too late to find a breakthrough, suddenly flashed, and then... no signs of disappearing.

At this time, the Frankenstein also realized that he had stepped into a trap, and this hiding place should have been discovered by the network police. The killing procedures sent by those mixed **** chose to ambush near the entrance.

The Frankenstein, who has fought against various anti-virus software and firewalls for countless times, has long been familiar with this kind of battle. It’s just two electronic guards, it’s not its opponent!

However, the electronic guards sent by the other side are obviously not only two.

The Frankenstein turned and wiped out the door on the glass wall, and was about to quit by the emergency port, only to find that there were three more electronic guards, rushing from the position where the right hand was not isolated by the "wall", trying to restrain its body. .


With the icy sound that sounded under the hood, the data of the two electronic guards, along with their bodies, was forcibly erased. The remaining "survivor", the body was also directly halved, and the destroyed program was already Can't fight.

Wearing a black robe figure, ghostly flashed to the wreckage of the electronic guard, reaching out from the destroyed block, taking out an internal piece of information and beginning to analyze the commands received by the electronic guard:

"Don't destroy it, keep the complete data. We need complete data."

After reading this command, the whirlpool of darkness suddenly appeared around the Frankenstein, and the whole person was sucked into the black hole and disappeared completely from the field.

When other electronic guards arrived, they only found a wall similar to a firewall that was difficult to break from the front. And the virtual body whose own companion was destroyed by half...

The screen of the phone is lit with a faint blue light, and an icon in the shape of an earpiece is projected into the air above the screen.

When Lin Chi contacted the Frankenstein for the fifteenth time, he finally received a succinct response:

"I'm here."

Seeing the other party's reply, Lin Chi, who had been frowning, finally took a sigh of relief and then asked with a busy question: "Is it okay?"

"They are not my opponents." The electronic sound from the phone, with a little pride in the tone: "But I can't find the original data, the hiding place has been abandoned."

"Nothing, stay in the green hills without burning wood." Lin Chi said something that the other party may not understand.

It seems that even if the TDK-131 virus has been judged as "completely eliminated," the Frankenstein is not at ease. Cyber ​​police and anti-virus software are still tracing it, but it is not considered a virus, but as a hacker or something else.

Those people should have completely imagined that the virus in the network could still evolve consciousness, so they did not use the program to kill TDK-131 to hunt down the Frankenstein.

For this reason, the Frankenstein can escape from birth without any injury, but even so, it cannot be taken lightly:

"You haven't been in the field recently, let's stay at home for a few days." Lin Chi reminded.

- Since the Frankenstein has not yet revealed his identity, he is still careful. If those who maintain order in the field find that TDK-131 has not been completely eliminated, and once again use the anti-virus software to deal with it, the Frankenstein will undoubtedly be struggling and can no longer return to the field.

"I understand." There was no emotional voice in the phone.

"That's good." Lin Chi said leaning against the sofa in a lazy posture.

After the "adventure" in the field just now, he was awakened by the phone in the morning, and there have been some difficulties.

Perhaps it is time to take a nap and wait for the afternoon game.


Two hours later.

Lin Chi, who woke up from the living room sofa, licked some numb arms and looked at the contents of the mail received on the phone. The ellipses on the head seemed to be slowly rising:

"Everyone "Swords" players: I am sorry to inform you that due to the failure of our server, the game will be undergoing emergency maintenance. The arena competition originally scheduled for this afternoon will also be delayed until other times. .

We will notify you of the specific time of the event. Visitors who have purchased the tickets for the Arena Competition are also advised not to worry, and your tickets can be used normally in postponed competitions.

Please also continue to support "Golden Blade", we will be happy to provide you with better service. ”

- So, the semi-finals and finals that should have been held this afternoon have been cancelled?

"what's the situation?"

Lin Chi opened the official website of "The Blade" and confirmed the situation of the game operator. However, he found that the location of the virtual server of this game is the tenth area where he and the Frankenstein suffered an ambush.

The server of "The Blade" will not be destroyed in the battle between Frankenstein and the electronic guards?

Thinking of this possibility, Lin Chi opened the game forum and looked at the chat content of the players inside. According to the descriptions of the players who are playing the game and are suddenly kicked back to the real world, the resentment, the server of "Sword" It was at about 8:30 this morning that it was broken.

In this way, my guess should be true...

Realizing this, Lin Chi couldn’t help but laugh and muttered: "This is really clever."

"What's wrong." The voice of the Frankenstein questioned in the phone.

"Nothing, I think it's time to play the game." Lin Chi said to look at the large machine in the corner of the living room.

Since the "Golden Blade" arena is temporarily suspended, you don't have to prepare for a confrontation with Valkyrie for the time being. You can relax.

As for the means by which he has recently spent time, there is only one such thing:

Lin Chi opened the streamlined shell of the game bin, switched the internal loading program from the client of the domain to the recently popular "War of Heaven", and when he was eager to lie in, the complaint of Frankenstein sounded behind him:

"I want to play too."

"You still have to rest first, wait until the wind has passed." Lin Chi smiled.

The voice has not fallen, he has closed the hatch to open the security lock. After relaxing in the soft chair and fixing your body, press the button on the armrest.


The roaring sound bursts in consciousness, and the chaotic color blocks that are spliced ​​by countless colors instantly occupy all of his sight.

The scene in front of the scene is like a kaleidoscope, and when the line of sight is clear again, it is the building that is still under construction.

The efficiency of Steve Construction Company doesn't look very good. Now the building has just been built on seven floors. There are obscure color blocks above the building, like a mosaic that is creeping.

"Is this system not going to be done yet?"

Seeing that the construction workers he hired were still building the building, Lin Chi also decisively opened the game menu and began to prepare for the match.

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