War in Heaven

Chapter 525: Troubled old buddy

Early the next morning, Lin Chi, who should have continued to sleep, was woken up by the ringing of the mobile phone ringing in the living room.

He sat down slowly, walked into the living room with a twisting motion, grabbed the mobile phone that was playing the Nirvana band's old songs, and asked: "Who?"

The voice did not fall, and the holographic projection suddenly popped up above the screen of the mobile phone. A young man with a serious expression appeared in Lin Chi’s sight.

The man's facial lines are very stiff, his face is very serious, and the long black hair is neatly combed to the rear, and the face that looks like a polite "gentleman".

It is a pity that the pink shirt on the body and the stupid gold watch on the wrist still reveal the fact that this person is not serious.

When Lin Chi saw him, the other party also saw the "old salted fish" that had not completely opened his eyes. On the serious face, he showed a faint smile:

"Small forest, early," he said.

"Dead, where did you get my number?" Lin Chi asked without hesitation.

"It’s Zhou Tianhao. I’m relatively busy recently. I often contact the kid, but he seems to be busy. I will tell you your number.” The man on the phone smiled and said, “How are you doing recently?”

"It's very good." Lin Chi's answer was a sentence, and at the same time began to secretly curse Zhou Tianhao that pit goods.

- This guy who called himself was called Zhao Qiheng. When he was in college, he was a classmate who lived in his dormitory next door. At that time, the relationship with Lin Chi was not bad.

After graduating, Lin Qiao, who has always been lazy, did not bother to keep in touch with these "old folks", just to investigate "War of Heaven" before reconnecting with Zhou Tianhao.

However, in Lin Chi’s opinion, Zhao Qiheng is obviously more difficult to deal with than Zhou Tianhao. As for the reason...

The man in the projection smiled and invited Lin Chi: "Man, are you free recently, come out to play?"

"Get it, I want to live a few more years." Lin Chi said impatiently.

He did not know what Zhao Qiheng was, and he was too lazy to investigate the family background of the other party. But the guy is always a good guy, and he is a **** extreme sports enthusiast. He can always find all kinds of strange sights and bring friends to experience the feeling of "thrilling".

To this day, Lin Qi still remembers clearly that the picture was pulled by the goods to play the "cliff down". For this reason, Lin Chi also decisively ended his contact with this person after graduation.

However, even if this product is not very cold, this guy is still a friend of his own, Lin Chi did not immediately hang up the phone, just look at the projection of Zhao Qiheng, asked: "I will not go out to play, there are other Is it something?"

"Well... Listen to Zhou Tianhao saying that you are now quite a house, and it is still the same." The man in the projection smiled and suddenly turned around: "Are you still playing brain imaging games?"

"What's wrong?" Lin Chi and the projection in the air.

"I have been playing around for a while, and I have to say that it is very fun. This kind of game is quite realistic. In the game, there is a real world feeling in the cliff. It is so cool..." Zhao Qiheng said with emotion.

"I don't think normal people like the feeling of jumping off the cliff." Lin Chi did not carelessly spit.

"Take him, what game do you mainly play now?" The other asked: "Maybe we can form a team or something."

Although there is no interest in this pit group, Lin Qiao still reported the names of the two games he is playing now when he was lending himself money at the university:

"The Blade" and "War of Heaven."

"The blade has not been played. I have played two games in the war paradise. It feels okay. I bought the two followers, but I still can't win others." Zhao Qiheng sighed: "How do you play with me?" I remember that you were quite good before."

"I have a bit of a thing lately, at least not today." Lin Chi shook his head.

- The final round of the "Swords" Arena Competition will kick off this afternoon. There are still eight teams left, and the eight-in-four elimination tournament will be played first, and then the top three players will be awarded the remaining three teams.

As the leader of the "Hellfire Team", Lin Chi is still very confident in getting the bonus. However, whether or not to win the championship is open to question. After all, the team named Valkyrie of Valkyrie is the hot spot for this arena.

In the last competition, Lin Chi’s team was defeated in the hands of the female Valkyrie. He knows that the proud woman is not conceited, she and her team are indeed amazing.

Although the Hellfire team has already been completed, the technology is leaps and bounds compared to last year. However, the other party is not likely to be in the same place, and certainly has been training for a long time.

In order to kill the Valkyrie, only special tactics can be used to win. and……

Lin Chi is thinking about the arena competition. Zhao Qiheng’s voice interrupted his thoughts:

"what are you doing?"

"Oh, I haven't woken up yet." Lin Chi looked down at the projection, and perfunctored: "I will hang if I have nothing, then contact me if you have time."

"Wait, don't you come to a war paradise?" Zhao Qiheng quickly asked.

"Forget it, I will lie down for a while." Lin Chi said to hang up the call, took the phone back to the bedroom, unable to fall on the bed.

The current time is only half past six in the morning, and several other people in the team are estimated to have not woken up. Even if they want to discuss tactics, they must wait at least eight.

Lin Chi, who had just been woken up, couldn't fall asleep again for a while, only to maintain the most comfortable side-lying position, pick up the phone and open the forum of "War of Heaven" and start looking for interesting information.

I was bored and bored, and I opened the forum and looked at it. The posts inside are still as varied as ever, and what types are there:

"Shock! The way to win in the original jungle map is so simple! 》

"The man will be silent when he sees it, and the woman will cry when he sees it - the past and present of the heroic npc 'machine gun brother'"

"The Raiders test article tells you that the connection in the map of the war paradise contains a lot of hidden plots. 》


Seeing the third title that flashed past, Lin Chi suddenly had a lot of spirit:

——The paradise of npc in the game of war paradise has already become a topic that players are relishing. Many players have put forward their own guesses. Although most of them are nonsense, there are also a few people's inferences, and the information that Lin Chi currently has is partially consistent.

After recruiting a leader-level entourage using the Observer's contract, Lin Chi was able to complete the hidden plot of the Doomsday Inn map. However, other maps can recruit hidden stories of leader-level entourage, which he has not yet triggered.

Could it be said that this so-called "Raiders of the Raiders" has already found some hidden plots?

Thinking of this, Lin Chi immediately opened the post and began to read the contents.

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