War in Heaven

Chapter 1001: Fragile captive

"Call your people to come over and let me see the goods." The butcher walked in front of the statue in the square, impatiently rubbing his feet, and the heel hit the ground and made a crisp knock.

Two seconds later, she suddenly screamed: "You have a problem with your brain? Would you like me to put down the money to pick up the goods? When I am a fool?"

When I heard the voice of the trading scene collected by the elite mercenaries, Lin Chi turned to ask the wolf: "Is this No. 21 always the first money?"

"I don't know, I haven't traded with him." The wolf shook his head: "I hate what he sells."

Realizing that the wolf could not give an answer, Lin Chi did not ask more questions and continued to observe the situation at the trading site. Mason suddenly came to contact:

"Commander, find the enemy."

"Where?" Lin Chi asked.

"The west side of the block has an ambush. It should be a gang member, not a professional soldier." The return was replaced by an elite mercenary: "At least ten people, with pistols, shotguns and baseball bats."

"Is it a lion gang? The gang was bought by the drug lord."

Thinking of this, Lin Chi was talking to the wolf, but heard a messy footsteps in the stairwell.

"follow me……"

Lin was late to the wolf, whispered a word to the robber, then turned back to the room with the door open behind him, dragging the man who had just been stunned into the house, and after the wolf came in, he turned back gently. Close the door.

The old apartments in the slums were very poorly soundproofed. Through the thin door panels, the sound in the corridors could be clearly heard from the house. Standing in a room full of broken furniture and empty bottles, Lin Chi temporarily cut off the radio communication. I looked at the wolf and the two leaned against the door and listened to the sound of the corridor.

The messy and rushing footsteps quickly reached the third floor, and then stopped in the aisle on the third floor. Then there was a groaning sound, and Lin Chi, who often queued to the modern map in the game, was naturally natural. I am familiar with it.

- They are in the group.

Several windows were opened, and the night wind blew into the hallway to bring out the shredded sound. Lin Chi and the wolf were silently leaning against the door, and the low chat sound passed through the door panel into the ear:

"Isn't the piece going over?"

"This is the site of the Lions. The Silver Shield is a fart here. Don't worry..."

After a familiar snoring, the people in the corridor no longer spoke. But even if you can't see the scene outside the house, just listen to those "sound effects," Lin Chi has already made up the picture in the corridor.

Obviously, there are a few idiot snipers who may have been dispatched by the 21st, using this small building as a temporary sniper point, and intend to target the "butcher" who is still talking to the contact at the trading floor. Lin Chi had to say that this building was indeed a good sniper and not so conspicuous. but……

The enemy’s luck this time is obviously not very good. The snipers didn't realize that their fate was already doomed when they chose this sniper.

"Catch the living." Lin Chi whispered to the wolf.

The wolf nodded silently, and the face full of flesh was distorted, slowly showing a sly smile.

The opportunity for revenge is right in front of him. The gangster immediately entered the state, pulling a saber from the back and holding it in front of him. The look of his teeth is like the evil spirit recorded in ancient legends.

- If you let this guy out, the sniper outside will be killed.

With this in mind, Lin Chi grabbed the doorknob first and held the wolf behind him, whispering, "Let me come."


Although the wolf seemed to be reluctant, he still took a step back and stared at Lin Chi, wondering what he was thinking.

As a professional sneak darling, Lin Chi can be said to be familiar with the sneak assassination. When he opened the door, his movements were extremely soft, and there was no sound. He was like a ghost, and he came out into the corridor like a ghost. The two snipers standing by the window and the observer holding the telescope were caught in the eye. .

These people wore black combat uniforms that were suitable for nighttime operations, with night vision goggles on their foreheads, and the appearance was quite professional. The barrels of the two guns at the window are not too long and look like Czech cz700 sniper rifles.

At this point, the three people were staring at the square and were ready to receive the instructions from the above. They did not notice that there was one more person in the corridor. Lin Chi walked lightly and barely, only listening to the observer who was holding the telescope:

"Do you like coffee?"

"By the ball, don't talk nonsense when performing the mission!" The sniper next to it whispered.

"No, I just asked, mainly because my dad said that this season's Brazilian coffee beans are good..." The observer smiled.

Observing the voice of the hand did not fall, a sudden male voice came from behind:

"I didn't say it."

At that moment, the three people leaning against the window turned sharply and reached for the pistol hanging around their waist. With the **** tearing sound, the back of the sniper on the left was pierced by a tiger claw hunting knife and fell to the ground without a word.

The sniper on the right had just pulled out the pistol and was slammed on his lap. The whole man was stunned for half a squat, and had not had time to look up. The big feet in the shoes had already appeared in his sight.


After the crisp fractures, the sniper was tilted back to ninety degrees by the head in the ankle, and the neck was broken without suspense, and the body suddenly lost strength.

Instantly killed two snipers, Lin Chi pulled out the bone-cutting knife before the side of the body, avoiding the knife that came to observe the handcuffs, and at the same time simply and sharply open the wrist of the observation hand, the other's army knife also dismissed.

Not waiting for the hand to resist, the bone-cutting knife in Lin Chi’s hand has already reached the other’s neck. At this time, the wolf came out of the house and pulled out the pistol from the side against the head of the observation hand.

"If you don't want to die, don't move." Lin Chi put his face in front of the observer, squinting his eyes and staring at the other face with a fearful expression.

Observing the nervousness of the hand, blinking, the pale face exposed under the helmet twisted, and the body was constantly shaking.

Seeing the performance of the other party, Lin Chi smiled with satisfaction and patted the other's cheek with his left hand, as if talking to his pet dog:

“Really answer our questions.”

- As Lin Chi expected, this observer is the breakthrough in the trio: the reason why the observation hand suddenly talks, is actually to explain the tension and unconsciously speak, what information should be tortured? If you start from this guy, it is definitely the best choice.

After waiting for Lin’s question, the wolf had placed the muzzle on the head of the observation hand and whispered: “Tell me! Are you the number 21?”

"Don't be excited." Lin Chi took a look at the gangsters around him, then turned to the observer and looked at the expression of the other party's crying, revealing a "comfortable" smile:

"To be honest, I will not hurt you, my friend."

"You have already hurt..." Observing the hand twitching and shaking the right hand.

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