The stars are shaking and the sky is showering!

For a time, countless stars fell down, including the evolution of the Power of Stars condensed by the great array of Zhou Tian stars, and the meteorites and small planets drawn from the summon remote antiquity starry sky.

Either because of the attack on Pangu’s real body, or by the thunder of Heavenly God.

For a time, the sound of peng~ peng~ peng~ was endless, and the magnificent, smashed into big pits one after another in thirty-three days, poured into the sky.

Compared with Splitting Heaven Ax Divine Ability without Sacred Jewel in hand, the formidable power of Heavenly God is obviously better.

When a thunder fell, the entire Heavenly Cycle Star battle great array was trembling, swaying, like a drunk wanderer, stumbled, groggy, muddleheaded, eyes darkened, unable to see the front road. one after another The hideous cracks are arranging and woven into a net, like a piece of cracked porcelain, which seems to be cracked at any time.


Seeing that Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array is broken soon, Dijiang and the others are naturally happy, Pangu Zhenshen keeps up and prepares to be in a spurt of energy, directly smash the great array, kill the emperor and the others.

Unfortunately, Nuwa will not sit idly by.

After all, not to mention that she is the snail emperor of Monster Race, connected with Monster Race fate, Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array is broken, Emperor Supreme Unity is dead, she will be implicated, if one prospers , all prospers, if one suffers, all suffers.

Even if it was for Fuxi, she would not sit idly by and put her brother in such a dangerous situation.


But seeing aloof and remote, as if Nuwa sitting and watching the wind and cloud, finally couldn’t help it, harsh words and stern looks.

Following, he shook his hand and threw the red hydrangea out and smashed it towards Pangu’s real body.

This treasure is the Supreme Treasure of marriage, which can determine heaven and earth people to marry three times, accomplish merits Sacred Jewel, formidable power Wushuang, formidable power Great Desolate, among the ten top Innate Sacred Jewels.

“Empress wait a minute!”

At this moment, a colorful banner suddenly appeared, which happened to lie between the real body of Pangu and the red hydrangea, waving in the wind, hunting and hunting. ring.

Five Elements flag!

It is the treasure of Fang Qingshan’s Life Source, the Innate Supreme Treasure Five Elements flag.

Although the red hydrangea is attacking Sacred Jewel, Nuwa has another full blow.

But when it hit the Five Elements flag, it fell into the calm lake like a pebble without any waves.

“Damn, Fang Qingshan, you are so brave, courting death can’t be achieved?”

Nuwa saw Fang Qingshan stumble himself at this time, and suddenly stopped getting angry. Come, new hatred and old hatred rise in the mind together.

I can’t think too much about the Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array, Fuxi and the others in danger, she is worried about how just and honorable will Heaven and Earth Cauldron be I have, but now I doze off with a pillow.

With a move in my heart, the red hydrangea made a turn in midair and slammed straight towards Fang Qingshan.

Saint is angry, and he is still good at Sacred Jewel blessing. For another person, even if he does not die, I am afraid it will not be much better.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn’t help shook the head.

“overestimate one’s capabilities!”

“I am afraid he saw hope from the Witch Clan, and wants to use this to force Saint to return Heaven and Earth Cauldron.”

“Unfortunately, without Sanctification, it is ants after all, especially the Supreme Treasure, but also an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime.”


Unfortunately, the next scene made them all stunned.

“Empress can Sanctification or I borrowed Heaven and Earth Cauldron to give it to you, you have not exchanged it with me, you are actually going to kill me as a benefactor, it is really chilling.”

Fang Qingshan neither too fast nor too slow said.

“You don’t have to be so anxious even if you want to kill someone, you should also inquire first, or you can try to steal a chicken only to end up losing the rice used to lure it.”


While speaking, take out a mysterious yellow ruler with backhand, split it from a distance, a sword energy flies out, and directly knocks the red hydrangea into the air.

“You really are not simple!”

Seeing this scene, Nuwa’s pupils shrank.

For this scene, Nuwa had already expected it.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t win the lead at the beginning.

However, although I have confirmed my thoughts, at this moment, it is very bad for Nuwa.

After all, Fang Qingshan chose a good timing. Seeing the Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array was broken, Fuxi looked at the time when he was worried about his life.

The most important thing is his strength. He actually hated him with a blow.

“Empress, don’t worry, just give this person to my brother!”

At this moment, the two allies, Jiying and Zhunti, jumped out.

The icing on the cake is easy, but it is difficult to provide timely help.

These two people are also human beings. I picked a good time.

But I can say that, the Qibao Miaoshu in his hand swipes towards the Five Elements flag.

The receiver knocked a stick of bamboo in his hand towards Fang Qingshan and the mosquito man.

Before it has fallen, it seems to be trapped in a maze. Primordial Spirit is sleepy, unable to discern things.

“Many thanks to the two Fellow Daoist.”

When Nuwa saw this, she was delighted. In the end, she still had the foresight. At the same time, she was fortunate. Fortunately, she had won them before, otherwise at this moment It’s time to worry.

“Fang Qingshan, you two will wait for me, and I will settle the account with you later.”

Fiercely glared at the two of Fang Qingshan.

The Mountains and Rivers State Chart in Nuwa’s hands was exhibited, and a Great Thousand Worlds evolved to suppress Pangu’s true body.

“Sure enough, they are all thankless wretch, Nuwa in front and Zhun mention in the back. The Hongmeng Purple Qi in your hands is still obtained from me. Now you are actually following Nuwa to deal with me. Really, the emperor does not bless the good people.”

There is no surprise that Fang Qingshan, who took the lead and took the shot.

After all, Hongyun took the initiative to give up his seat to them. In order not to repay the cause and effect, they have to plot against others, let alone him.

In fact, it’s not just about getting Zhunti, there is each one in the room, and Fang Qingshan doesn’t feel any surprise when everyone takes the shot. He was ready to be enemies of the world.

Unfortunately, these people don’t even know who they are facing.

After the introduction of the quasi-digest is Sanctification, I have a battle against myself.

Now, it’s just mantis trying to stop a chariot. The worm shakes the tree, and Zhunti wants to brush off his Five Elements flag. It’s ridiculous.

Don’t say now, even after his Sanctification, the formidable power of Qibao Miaoshu will never shake its Five Elements flag.

Simply didn’t need Fang Qingshan to make a move, but the mosquito man made a whisper.


In an instant, the two will be caught in a swamp. Unable to move a single step, deeply imprisoned in the air, impossible to move even a little bit.

“Damn it!”

The two suddenly changed color.

At the same time, there was a shock, revealing the Buddhist Golden Body Relic, the blessing of the holy pestle in his hand, and the enchanting treasure building is even more brilliant.

Fortunately, there is no Sanctification in the mosquito-passenger. Therefore, the guide must make a profit, but the two of them recovered in a moment.

However, the mosquito man’s attack has arrived.


Following the mosquito man’s voice, he screamed.


Two red lights flew out like a scared rainbow, and Yuantu Abi sword came out of its sheath.

Two coquettish and blood-red swords run across the sky. For a time, the wind and clouds change color, and heaven and earth become depressed under this sword, but see the sword light gushing, such as chaos concealing the sky, Behead Immortal , Slaughter God, Tumo.

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