“It is actually Father Pangu, how could it be possible?”

If other people are okay, then Three Purities is really shuddering, and the emperor is at a loss.


Three Purities stood up one after another, and the calm and composed mind was hit hard. Looking at the tall and invincible figure in disbelief, everything was full of flavors in their hearts.

They have inherited the legacy of Pangu. All they have now and the achievements they can achieve in the future are all thanks to this.

Otherwise, compared with Supreme Unity Dijun, Zhunzi, Zhen Yuanzi, Kunpeng and the others, how can they occupy such a big advantage? It is also an open heavenly merit and an open heaven Supreme Treasure is Hongmeng Purple Qi again, the heavenly place.

It stands to reason that they should be like ancestral witches, not respecting the Tao, respecting the heavens, fearing the earth, not worshipping Hongjun, and only respecting Pangu.

Unfortunately, for Pangu, Three Purities in the heart always has a worry.

If the ancestor witch is looking forward to the return of Pangu, where Three Purities is talking about it, avoiding it like a snake.

Because they are worried that once Pangu is resurrected, the Primordial Spirit will be taken back and the Three Purities will be unified.

Perhaps for the Wu clan, if you don’t say anything about this kind of thing, not even think will agree.

As far as Pangu is concerned, they are equivalent to the most fanatical believers. Even if you let them die, they will not blink.

But Three Purities is different, they don’t have such a mentality.

Although I am self-proclaimed the authenticity of Pangu and maintain the face of Pangu, it can only bring great benefits to myself.

If one day, when what is brought is not benefit but harm, they will promptly abandon it.

For them, there is nothing to throw away except the Tao.

Therefore, when I saw Pangu’s true body, it was so shaken.

“Wait, no, no!”

Fortunately, Supreme Taoist soon discovered that it was wrong.

The Pangu of the twelve ancestor witch summon, his eyes are absent, like a puppet, the Primordial Spirit in his mind, and the record of Heaven Opening Seal are also not at all shaken, I can’t help being sighed in relief, to the primordial Heavenspan said,

“Don’t panic, it’s just similar in shape, but there is no Primordial Spirit. Their summon should be Pangu fleshly body!”

“It should be, otherwise I will be at least There will be a feeling of heart palpitations, and the Primordial Spirit brand will fluctuate.”

After Lao Tzu’s reminder, Primordial Heavenspan finally recovered. He let out a long sigh of relief and nodded.


Not only Three Purities and the others secretly sighed in relief, even Nuwa is the same.

If Pangu is resurrected, let alone Hunyuan Saint, what can Heavenly Way mean to him?

See how 3,000 Demon Gods back then, the weakest have Hunyuan’s combat effectiveness, the strongest raised eyebrows and the others, which one is not comparable to Heavenly Way’s strength, what happened in the end, it’s not disappeared Up?

And even if Pangu is dead, Heavenly Way wants to eliminate Pangu’s influence, but it can only step by step, secretly plan, and use the power of the catastrophe to continue to kill, and dare not just and honorable shots once and for all.

Don’t talk about Pangu, even if you raise your eyebrows, now in Longyou Shoal, where the tiger falls in Pingyang, Heavenly Way dare not beat yourself.

After all, once the persecution is too much, it will cause a raised eyebrow rebellious psychology, come to either the fish dies or the net splits, I am afraid that Heavenly Way will not be able to eat.

This is all about raising eyebrows, not to mention Pangu.


Regardless of what other people think, as soon as Pangu’s real body appears, he listens to him with a whisper, raised hand and beckoned.

Whether it’s the Primal Chaos Bell that suppressed Heavenly Cycle Star’s great array in the hands of Supreme Unity, or the Yin-Yang Symbol and the plate ancient banner in the hands of Lao Tzu’s primordial, all rioted, as if to respond Pangu’s call flew back to his hands and re-evolved into the Chaos Supreme Treasure to open the Heavenly God axe.

“Damn it!”

“Damn it!”

“Damn it!”

Supreme Unity, Lao Tzu, primordial The three are frightened and angry.

Supreme Unity will not talk about it. He and the Wu Clan are mortal enemies, and Primal Chaos Bell hasn’t fully refined yet, that’s all.

But Lao Tzu Primordial is different.

The Supreme Treasure, which was originally completely refined, is completely out of my control this time. What’s wrong?

If this is at the juncture of the battle between life and death, wouldn’t it mean that you are going to fall into death?

At the same time, the fear of Pangu in my heart can not help but deepen by three points.

Pangu has not been resurrected yet, but it is a fleshly body of the twelve ancestral witch summon without soul. It can reach this point. Once Pangu really starts to resurrect, can they still be the Pangu Primordial Spirit? Anti-resistance?

“The Witchs can’t stay!”

This thought arose in Three Purities’ mind at the same time.

However, the most urgent task is to suppress the Supreme Treasure riots, so as not to fly away and fall into the hands of the Witch Clan.

So the three of them exerted their strength at the same time to suppress the riots of the Three Treasures.

Supreme Unity’s unwillingness for Primal Chaos Bell to fall into the hands of the Witch is easy to explain. Three Purities, but it’s because they don’t want to offend Monster Race. It’s one aspect to look down on the Witch, but because of Nuwa on the other. , And more importantly, if they don’t want to make the Witches too strong, it’s best to suffer from Monster Race both sides, for them to maximize their benefits.

Especially when I sensed the threat of Pangu’s real body, I even wanted to act fast.

And as the most important Supreme Treasure in your hand, once it is taken away by others, what if you don’t come back?

Nuwa borrowed Fang Qingshan’s Heaven and Earth Cauldron to be a lesson for the past. what’s gone can never come back, won but never returned.

“Hurry up and attack,”

Others are still shocking Pangu’s real body, shocked, summon opens the three treasures, but Dijun came back to his senses early, secretly thanking , Instead of using Primal Chaos Bell to suppress the great array, it uses Luoshuhe map to cooperate with Primal Chaos Bell. Otherwise, at this moment Heavenly Cycle Star Chen great array will not collapse, and the formidable power will be greatly reduced.

Even so, without Supreme Unity and Primal Chaos Bell, the defensive power of Heavenly Cycle Star’s great array is greatly weakened. In this way, only offense is used instead of defense, and fast beats slow. From Zhou Tian Xingchen great array collapses Before, the Heavenly God evil great array was destroyed, Pangu’s true body, so I hurriedly shouted.


With Emperor Jun as the main backbone, three hundred and sixty-five Luo Golden Immortal, Fuxi, Kunpeng and the others moved upon hearing the sound.

For a time, thirty-three days in the sky, three hundred and sixty-six 15 remote antiquity stars turned from virtual to real. A huge starlight connecting to heaven penetrating the earth fell directly from the nine days and blasted towards Pangu’s real body. The unprecedented dazzling rays of light bloom.


The Pangu physical body evolved by the Twelve Ancestor Witch didn’t see the Splitting Heaven Ax out of the summon. I didn’t care about it. Seeing Heavenly Cycle Star attacking, coldly Snorted, turned into a knife, smashed away.


Between the arms, lifted high, trance turned into an axe, and slashed out in a mysterious trajectory.

Although Pangu’s real body did not summon out Splitting Heaven Ax, the fleshly body strength of his self/main body is slightly better than Fang Qingshan after he proclaimed the Dao by three points. The Splitting Heaven Ax method is also decent.

The sharp axe light makes it impossible to capture its trajectory.

It was a flash of rays of light, and appeared in front of the great array of stars from Zhou Tian.

Where the axe light went, the void was easily split, split in half, and cut on the spot.

Be aware that this is the world evolved from the Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array. Although it is not comparable to Great Thousand Worlds in the mysterious, it is more robust than it is.

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