


After hearing Dijun’s words, the three of Fuxi responded at the same time, especially It is Kunpeng and Fuxi who are even more sighed in relief. It is the Supreme Unity palm Primal Chaos Bell. However, facing four or five ancestral witches, especially Dijiang and Zhujiuyin, they are also overwhelmed. If this continues, they are about to fall into the sand and die before the finished apprenticeship.

clang clang clang! ! !

one after another A sonorous crowing sounded, and the strings were as sharp as swords.

However, in the minds of the Twelve Ancestor Witches and the others, it is another feeling.

They seem to have overlooked, or can’t notice the murderous intention in the sound of the piano. The sound of the piano in their minds is like spring wind transform to rain, and they are unconsciously stunned.

Fortunately, the ancestor witch did not have the Primordial Spirit. This sonic attack on the Primordial Spirit greatly compromised their effect, and soon came back to his senses, but it had already given Fuxi a chance to breathe.


Fuxi’s companion Supreme Treasure.

Although it is not Great Desolate Top Ten Innate Sacred Jewel, the formidable power of this treasure in his hands is by no means inferior.

In the future, Fuxi devoted himself to the Human Race and became the emperor. He also used the second piano to spread the rhythm, which contributed to the merits.


At the same time that Fuxi took the shot, Kunpeng naturally not to be outdone, but a golden light and brilliant palace was seen falling from the sky, suppressing all quarters.

The Demon Master Palace!

Kunpeng’s only treasure that can be obtained.

At the same time, to be on the safe side, Kunpeng even showed its prototype, turning into a giant Kunpeng that obscures the sky, displaying Life Source Divine Ability, swallowing heaven devouring earth.

For a while, it was dark for the entire 33 days, and I couldn’t see my fingers.

It is Kunpeng’s Divine Ability, devouring everything, even light.

But what Emperor Jun displays is not his Life Source Supreme Treasure Luoshuhe map. After all, this Supreme Treasure is good, but it is obviously non-offensive and non-defensive, focusing on deduction.

Therefore, what he took out was a tree, a towering and burning tree.

Guo Pu’s “Xuan Zhong Ji”: the highest in the world, the hibiscus has no branches and wood yan, up to the sky, winding down and bending down, leading to three springs.

This is the Golden Crow lineage’s Supreme Treasure, the hibiscus tree among the top ten Heavenly Spiritual Root of Great Desolate.

The flames burning above are naturally the Great Desolate highest, True Fire, which is extremely daunting. This thing has the formidable power of burning the heavens extinguishing the earth.

dang dang!! !

Supreme Unity is naturally the Primal Chaos Bell that bursts out with all strength.

Although he is not at all completely refined Primal Chaos Bell, in the end this treasure is his companion Sacred Jewel, and the formidable power in his hands may not be smaller than the ancient banner in the hands of Primordial.

Compared with Primal Chaos Bell, the sound waves erupting from Fuxi’s Fuxi piano are completely insignificant.

This thing was finally used by Pangu to suppress the Hongmeng world, reverse the time and space of All Heaven, evolve the mystery of Heavenly Way, and refine Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind. The formidable power is so big, one can imagine.

With full power, the bell rang, the universe was brilliant, heaven and earth faded, and the universe was shaken.

The loud bells rang throughout the battlefield, and the humming sound from Primal Chaos Bell directly stopped the originally anxious battlefield. Nuwa had been absent for a moment. It was her. It’s Saint, Supreme Unity didn’t target her.

And the twelve ancestor witches and the others who bear the brunt can imagine how they feel.

Fortunately, Supreme Unity does not have Sanctification at all. It is a great burden for him to achieve Hunyuan and burst out once, and simply does not have the ability to continue shooting.

Even so, many people have truly realized the formidable power of the Three Treasures.

Especially the lead, Zhunti two are even more envy and hatred.

Nuwa is fortunate, after all, he has cleverly seized a Heaven and Earth Cauldron, and this treasure contains Power of Fortune, which matches her very well.

Additionally, he has to deal with Fang Qingshan later. He has a few Supreme Treasures in his hands. If he gets one, he will face Lao Tzu and after the Sanctification, Nuwa is also worthy of him.

Not to mention these, because of Primal Chaos Bell, Fuxi, Kunpeng and the others quickly gathered with Dijun, and the four stood in the direction of the Four Symbols Array.

“Luohe bursts up!”

Di Jun shouted, raised his hand and tossed him, and sacrificed the Life Source Sacred Jewel Luo Shuhe. Evolved into a top-level great array, Luoshuhe diagram array, with Luoshuhe diagram as the formation diagram, which is not weaker than Liangyi Mochen sword array.

Of course, to deal with the twelve ancestor witches, this formation is not enough.

However, Dijun just wants to use this formation to cooperate with Primal Chaos Bell to suppress the formation eye of Heavenly Cycle Star Chen great array.

After the blow of Primal Chaos Bell, although the ancestor witch and the others came back to his senses soon, but the expert competition is this minute and one second, and it is this short moment , Gave Emperor Jun and the others a chance to breathe, gave Emperor Jun a chance to give orders.

Taking advantage of the shock of Primal Chaos Bell and the moment when the Luoshuhe map formation was formed, Ten Great Marshal and Three Hundred and Sixteen Golden Immortal also gathered to Dijun.

“Everyone, listen to the order, place Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array.”

Di Jun gathered spiritual power and shouted loudly.

Words are like lightning strikes, and every sentence contains killing sounds, as if the boundless wind and waves hit the hearts of everyone, their minds are terrified and terrified.

Of course, this is for others, but for everyone in Monster Race, it’s a lot of hard work, and the fighting intent is high.

But seeing the group of big Luo Golden Immortal, spread out, backhanded, each took out a star banner, and shook it vigorously.

In an instant, but in the sky over thirty-three days, suddenly the starlight was brilliant, and the sun and the moon were in the sky.

Within a few breaths, the Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array of Monster Race has been deployed.


The starlight filled the sky with dazzling divine blossoms. Three hundred and sixty-five big demons of the Golden Immortal of Da Luo, drink together. The three hundred and sixty-five big circulation stars in their hands are as big as a giant mountain. remote antiquity The starry sky, swaying, is like a thousand thunder galloping.

Shake it, and billions of Star River gushes out like a tide, using infinite stars as arrows to shoot and kill powerful enemies.

Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array!

The great array of the town clan of Monster Race is the inspiration that Emperor Jun got from the formation diagram displayed by Fang Qingshan. With Fuxi, Kunpeng and the others, watching the remote antiquity starry sky with great will, Derived from Hetu and Luoshu, with 361 Golden Immortal holding three hundred and sixty-five big circulation star flags as the base, with Emperor Jun, Supreme Unity, Fuxi and Kunpeng set up the great Luoshu river map. Array, with Primal Chaos Bell as the formation eye, summon remote antiquity starry sky, hundreds of millions Heavenly Cycle Star.

As soon as the Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array came out, Great Desolate all beings were shocked. The scope of this array and the great formidable power were simply shocking.

Everyone secretly made a comparison. It was the Wanlong Chaocang who belonged to the Dragon Phoenix tribe back then. All Birds Paying Looking Up to the Phoenix formation was not comparable to him. The Ten Thousand Immortal Formation in the hands of the Eastern Prince was the same. in this way.

The only thing that can be compared is the Immortal Beheading Sword Formation in Purple Heaven Palace which was bestowed by Taoist ancestors on Heavenspan.

Moreover, the most incredible thing is that if you don’t see it with your own eyes, everyone feels like a Saint.

Actually, they did not feel wrong. The Heavenly Cycle Star Chen great array is indeed powerful against Saint Hunyuan.

Although I have noticed that Monster Race has another hole card, I didn’t expect it to be such a horror. It was really unexpected to everyone.

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