“Heavenly Way is on, today there are Monster Race Emperor Jun, Supreme Unity, Nuwa, Fuxi, and Kunpeng here set up Monster Race, set up Celestial Court, command Great Desolate, and suppress it with Hetu Luoshu and Primal Chaos Bell Celestial Court fate. From then on I am the Celestial Emperor, Supreme Unity as the Eastern Emperor, Fuxi as the Xi Emperor, Nuwa as the Wa Emperor, and Kunpeng as the Demon Master. I hope Heavenly Way will reflect on it.”

, Standing in front of the throne of Lingxiao, praying to the sky with a solemn expression.

hong long long!

As soon as Di Jun finished speaking, I saw a loud noise above the nine heavens, and a vast, supreme will descended on Di Jun, and a voice without the slightest emotion came out. !”

Not waiting for Emperor Jun to be happy, he saw a huge pillar of merit fall. Although it is not comparable to the merit of Nuwa Sanctification, Fang Qingshan also gathered more than half of the dead soul of Dragon Phoenix that day.

When the beam of merit fell on Rising High to the Heavens Treasure Palace, about 50% of two of them fell on the two Supreme Unity.

Different from Fang Qingshan, the two of Di Jun did not stop them, their merits were as good as the title, and the imposing manner of the two continued to rise, but in a moment, they saw Supreme Unity and Di Jun sway, and an identical person from the body Came out of it.

Cut two corpses!

At this moment, with the merits of establishing Celestial Court, Emperor Supreme Unity cuts both good and evil corpses.

More than that, after all, their realm has long been achieved, and merit is just an opportunity that’s all.

After killing the two corpses, the growth rate of their cultivation base did not stop at all.

Quasi-Saint mid-stage, Quasi-Saint late-stage, and stopped until Quasi-Saint Peak.

Unfortunately, Dijun and Supreme Unity are too obsessed. Although they have reached Quasi-Saint Peak, like Nuwa at the beginning, not at all can kill three corpses.

Even so, the two of Emperor Supreme Unity are very satisfied.

Of the remaining 5-Layer merits, 20% of them belong to Nuwa, the remaining two layers, Kunpeng and Fuxi each have one layer, and the last layer of merit is scattered in Baize and other ten On Great Marshal.

Although there are a lot of merits for establishing Celestial Court, it is not in Nuwa’s eyes, and this merit is only an utterly inadequate measure for her, and it does not allow her to have a breakthrough. Let’s talk about her It has just been breakthrough Hunyuan not long ago, and we can’t use merit to improve in a short time, otherwise it will be detrimental to our foundation.

So, Nuwa flicked his long sleeves, rolled and flicked the merits that had fallen towards him, and threw it towards Fuxi.

Fuxi’s previous cultivation base is similar to Emperor Supreme Unity. It is also a corpse, Quasi-Saint Early-Stage.

At this moment, there is the merit of a three-story Celestial Court. The cultivation base is the same as Supreme Unity and Emperor Jun. The shua~ shua~ shua~ rises upward. In the end, I stayed at Quasi-Saint Peak, and everyone was envied and hated.

As for Kunpeng, Fuxi is naturally not so lucky. After all, not everyone has a Saint younger sister.

However, with a layer of merit, Kunpeng still took advantage of the general trend of Monster Race to cut the second corpse out in one fell swoop.

As for Bai Ze and the others, although they share the last layer of merit, the cultivation base has made the most progress.

Everyone took this opportunity to cut out the good corpse in one fell swoop and entered Quasi-Saint.

Good guy, set up a Celestial Court, add merits, and instantly increase the strength of Monster Race.

Three Quasi-Saint Peaks, one Quasi-Saint who cut two corpses, and ten Quasi-Saint Early-Stage. Add a Hunyuan Saint.

At this moment, those who watched the ceremony couldn’t help but have a strong fear of Monster Race.

Besides Lao Tzu, Primordial and Heavenspan are also in the late Quasi-Saint stage at this moment.

With this strength, Monster Race, not to mention pushing the world, but basically no forces can compete.

Especially the Eastern Prince, he is the head of the male immortal proclaimed by the ancestors of Taoism. Unfortunately, he is only cutting two corpses now. You can imagine how you feel.

Besides dignified, other people can only sigh with emotion that it really is the trend of the times, and the merits are boundless.

Dijun Supreme Unity stabilized the realm and sensed the changes in his body. He looked around for a week and saw the solemn expressions of everyone. Haha could not help but laugh, not to mention the extreme arrogance, but he was also very proud .

Guide the country, scold Fang Qiu, scorn the world, and despise the heroes.

Monster Race is established, Celestial Court is established, the next step is to deal with Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Man.

If you can get the Supreme Treasure, Monster Race, and Celestial Court in the hands of the mosquitoes, you can go further, develop, and grow. If you destroy the Penglai Island of the Eastern Prince again, destroy the Witch Clan, and gather The three ancient tribes can unify Great Desolate, add fat, and break through, which is not impossible for them.

Of course, this is still a little far away, and the top priority is to deal with Fang Qingshan and seize their good fortune.

The great advancement of the cultivation base, coupled with Nuwa and Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array, makes the two of Di Jun have unprecedented confidence in dealing with Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Man.

He doesn’t believe that, in the face of such strength, Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Dao Ren still return to strength of Heaven.

Furthermore, even if you don’t get the Supreme Treasure, as long as you can kill the mosquito man and take the blood sea, they can be regarded as successfully accomplished.

Ever since knowing that the sea of ​​blood does not wither and the mosquitoes do not die, Emperor Supreme Unity has been playing this attention.

After all, they want to unify Great Desolate and breakthrough Hunyuan. Although their odds of winning are greater than the Dragon Phoenix tribe, they cannot guarantee 100% success. Especially after Nuwa Sanctification, seeing Three Purities and the Others have to Sanctification, even with Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array, Emperor Supreme Unity also feels unsafe.

And if they can become the master of the sea of ​​blood, not to mention that they can get the fate of the sea of ​​blood, and they can be Undying and Inextinguishable, this is the key. Only then can we devote ourselves to the struggle for hegemony, because even if we fail, we can’t become a Hunyuan, but is it Undying and Inextinguishable? Only by advancing and retreating can be defended, and there is no worries about the future, only 200% of the strength can be exerted.

Unfortunately, things in life are most likely to be unsatisfactory.

Just as the emperor and the others were brilliant and proud, a voice no less than what they had just announced sounded.

This voice is exactly the ancestral witch he hates most in his heart, and the content of the voice makes his face change wildly.

Pan ancient palace!

When the emperor and the others were rejoicing, the twelve ancestor witches gathered in front of the Pangu great hall, waiting for the arrival of the last moment.

All around are the great witches of various veins, Xingtian, Hou Yi, Kuafu, Xiangliu, etc. On the outside, there are millions and tens of millions of witches.

These erlangs are descendants of the witch race created by the twelve ancestor witches using Pangu heart and their own bloodline.

At this moment, everyone is ready to go, waiting attentively.

As soon as Di Jun’s voice fell, Di Jiang followed closely from behind and prayed.

“The Great Way is here, God blessed, today my witch clan dominates the Great Desolate, based on the Great Desolate earth, with the ancient palace to suppress fate, the witch clan, stand!”

Although the witches pray for the Great Way, and the Heavenly Way is also very uncomfortable with the witches.

It’s a pity, but I have to sacrifice my merits.

The witch clan is established. Compared with the Monster Race, the merits gained from the establishment of Celestial Court are more than that.

The reason for this is naturally because the roots of the people are red, but they are Pangu authentic, bloodline descendant.

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