Originally Supreme Unity came to invite Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Dao people to feel very good.

After all, Monster Race is about to dominate the world, and the Supreme Treasure in the hands of Fang Qingshan and the two will soon become their bag.

But I didn’t expect that I would hear such a news of blocking before I said my intention.

The strength of Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Man, Supreme Unity has never seen through.

He is the Number One Person under Saint, even though he has the blessing of Primal Chaos Bell, this shows how amazing the cultivation base of Fang Qingshan is.

But now, Fang Qingshan tells himself that the mosquito person’s cultivation base is also diligent, how can this not make him unhappy.

To know that the cultivation base has reached their level, every bit of effort is commendable.

The key is this progress, or it is due to Nuwa Sanctification, which is equivalent to the enemy.

“Fortunately, okay!”

Supreme Unity felt fortunate. Fortunately, Fang Qingshan had already used Hongmeng Purple Qi to synthesize Innate Supreme Treasure. Otherwise, No, at this moment the mosquito person can still rely on this opportunity, breakthrough Saint.

At the same time, Supreme Unity could not help but snort disdainfully for Fang Qingshan’s reckless waste of natural resources behavior, short-sighted, and magical artifacts, can it be better than the cultivation base?

If the mosquito person can Sanctification, any plot against will all disappeared.

See how, Three Purities has Supreme Treasure in their hands, but no one has ever caught their attention.

Not only because they are disciples of Taoist ancestors, but also because they are Saints of Heaven.

“I don’t know what happened when the Eastern Emperor came to my blood sea?”

The two exchanged a few words when they met people and talked nonsense, Fang Qingshan asked .

“Fellow Daoist also knows that my Monster Race follows the providence of God, but unfortunately I haven’t found a suitable place to establish a clan system. Taking advantage of the Empress Sanctification, I have been blessed by heaven and found that it will be a hundred years away. After setting up the Great Desolate Celestial Court, I hope Fellow Daoist Fang and Fellow Daoist when the time comes can come to observe the ceremony.”

Supreme Unity said with a smile.

Speaking of Nuwa Sanctification, about thirty-three days of discovery, Supreme Unity looked proud.

After speaking, take out two invitations and pass them to Fang Qingshan.

Fang Qingshan accepted the invitation. There was no change in the face, but he did not accept it. It seemed hesitated.

Seeing this, Supreme Unity’s heart sighed, this is not okay, if Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Dao people do not go, relying on the sea of ​​blood, even if they have Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array, it is not necessarily It can be broken, after all, Nuwa will not destroy the sea of ​​blood, otherwise, she might have to follow along.

The matter of karma strength is avoided by ordinary people, and it is better for Nuwa.

Although he is Sanctification of merit, merit is dedicated to karma strength, but on the contrary, karma strength is also more devoid of merit.

Karma strength is too big, other Saints may just be bad luck, cut off the orthodoxy, everything goes wrong, but she may be directly knocked down.

After all, her cultivation base is piled up by merit. Once the merit is dissipated, the result can be expected.

Generally speaking merit is a protective umbrella, such as the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of Human Race. They have great merit, and even Saints must treat each other with courtesy, not dare to kill, the biggest seal.

But if they do it themselves, there is no way.

So, Nuwa simply did not dare to destroy the sea of ​​blood.

And even if Monster Race relies on Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array to break the blood sea, it is just a matter of both sides suffer.

Leave aside the karma strength. Relying on the location, Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Dao Ren are not so easy to deal with.

After all, the reason why Emperor Jun comprehend the Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array is still inspired by Fang Qingshan.

When the time comes sandpiper and clam war together, work for others with no benefit to oneself, Emperor Supreme Unity is unwilling.

Therefore, it is necessary to deceive them out of the sea of ​​blood.

“Fellow Daoist, please be sure to appreciate it.”

Supreme Unity said, and then casually added another sentence.

“Empress Nuwa will also go there at that time, she also said to return Heaven and Earth Cauldron in person.”

“Return in person? hehe.”

Fang Qingshan hearing this, can’t help but secretly laugh, it is really both soft and hard, coercive and lure.

Supreme Unity’s words mean that if Fang Qingshan does not go, does Nuwa have an excuse not to return Heaven and Earth Cauldron?

In fact, Fang Qingshan has never reported hope for Nuwa’s voluntary return.

Generally speaking, it requires equal status and strength, or the benefits are not too great for one party.

Although Saint values ​​face, but more value utilitarian.

See how, Investiture of Gods During the first battle, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning ignored the skin bully the weak, beheaded the three heavens, and combined with the two Western Saints and Lao Tzu to break the Immortal of Heavenspan. Beheading Sword Formation and Wanxian Array, so that the Section Cult of the dignified Wanxian came to naught?

Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning can do this for profit, and Nuwa can do the same for Heaven and Earth Cauldron.

If it weren’t for Fang Qingshan’s arrogance, he has the means to recover the Supreme Treasure.

killing him will not lend such a treasure, especially to a Saint, that is definitely what’s gone can never come back, won but never returned.

Now what Nuwa is talking about returning in person, Fang Qingshan sees that this is not a temptation but a threat.

Once Fang Qingshan does not go, Nuwa will have an excuse not to return Heaven and Earth Cauldron.

Although this excuse is awkward, it is well-known because of its convenience.

Looking at Supreme Unity of remaining calm and composed while handling pressing affairs, Fang Qingshan seems to be irritated,

“Fellow Daoist is threatening me?”

“Fellow Daoist Fang, don’t get excited, it’s not that I’m threatening you, but this is the truth.”

Supreme Unity said slowly.

Fang Qingshan closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths, and then lightly said,

“Fellow Daoist, please go back, Poor Daoist will definitely go to the ceremony, hope You tell Empress Nuwa, let her prepare Heaven and Earth Cauldron, don’t make any moths when the time comes.”

Supreme Unity hearing this, with a smile on her face, said : “Fellow Daoist rest assured, Heaven and Earth Cauldron Empress will carry it with you. In that case, I am extremely honored by Monster Race. Monster Race has other important things. Supreme Unity will leave first.”

Fang Qingshan was coldly snorted, did not say anything, but sent it out of the blood with a wave of his hand.

After watching Supreme Unity leave slightly, Fang Qingshan returned to the original state.

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting.

The reason Fang Qingshan was reluctant just now was also to confuse Supreme Unity.

If they agreed, they would be a little alert.

Although he can single force subduing for ten meetings, he can push horizontally without hindrance. But the lion fights the rabbit, and also uses its full strength, even more how, not at all, has an absolute advantage.

Behind the family is Heavenly Way Hongjun. Although he raised his eyebrows, he can only help himself at most, not doing his best.

In the Great Desolate again, even if you raise your eyebrows and make a full shot, I am afraid it may not be the opponent of Heavenly Way Hongjun.

In the eyes of Fang Qingshan and the others for a hundred years, even a nap is not enough. In a flash, on this day, Fang Qingshan woke up from his concentration, and it happened that the mosquito man also returned from the West Sea. Came back.

“How? Are there any gains?”

“Go ahead and talk!”

The mosquito man waved his hand and bleeds blood with Fang Qingshan The sea came straight to the South Heaven Gate on top of Buzhou Mountain.

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