Hunyuan and Saint are one level, but two titles.

Correspondingly, each has its own advantages.

Hunyuan, Weili belongs to itself, just like a company that holds 100% equity, stand by one’s word.

Well, Saint, just like a listed company, occupying part of the equity can borrow the power of other directors.

An Immortal Ascension, free and easy, and a god, in harmony with the Tao.

If you want to walk in All Heavens and Myriad Worlds, Hunyuan is naturally better. After all, Saint cannot be far away from this sideworld.

If we say that we are in this sideworld, Saint is naturally more advantageous. After all, the most powerful aspect of Saint is that the Primordial Spirit entrusts the Heavenly Way. Not only can you feel the Heavenly Way at any time and improve the cultivation base, but also the heaven and earth can be immortal. Saint is immortal, and you can borrow the power of the Heavenly Way, which can completely perform supernormally. . Strength can be doubled several times.

Generally speaking, Saints of the same level will fight against Divine Ability Sacred Jewel and other factors. If the difference is not too big, Saint will win in the end.

Don’t say the difference is not big, as long as there is no absolute suppression, Saint consumes all energy.

Therefore, raising eyebrows is very skeptical about whether the mosquito person can deal with Nuwa.

“Senior, don’t worry about this. Nuwa, Saint are nothing but Sanctification of merit, and they are not considered under the eyes.”


That self-confidence, simply doesn’t seem to be arrogant or swollen and fatty, but it’s a fact. Even if you raise your eyebrows, you can’t help but narrow your eyes.

He doesn’t know where the mosquito person’s confidence comes from, but he also knows that he’s impossible to lie on it, because it’s not necessary at all, and if it does, when the time comes original size appear, he will suffer Yourself.

It is precisely because of this that raised eyebrows are full of curiosity about the methods of mosquitoes.

“Eternal Heaven Boat!”

At this moment, suddenly divine light flashed in my eyebrows’ mind, thinking of the Tianzhou controlled by the mosquito man when he dealt with Luo Huo, and immediately Asked.

Although it is a question, the tone is full of affirmation.

If you look at the world, you can rely on Supreme Treasure to counterattack Hun Yuan, plus the treasure of the Tianzhou model, it is easy to make Yang Mei think of Eternal Heaven Boat.

As for why it’s not the Chaos Sacred Jewel, not to mention that there is simply no smell of the Chaos Sacred Jewel on the ark, and the level of treasure of Chaos is simply a taboo in Great Desolate and cannot be used, otherwise, heavenly Punishment will come immediately.

This is also why the Witch race has an ancient palace, but it didn’t use it when the Great Battle of Witch and Demon was defeated.

Because they still have the underworld, Houtu, and retreat, they have not yet reached the end of the mountains and rivers.

Once you use the ancient palace, I am afraid that when the time comes, you will not face the six Saints, but Heavenly Way Hongjun.

And at that time, even if you use the ancient palace, what’s the use? The Wu Clan has suffered from both sides of Monster Race, and the Twelve Ancestral Witches have almost died and wounded. Even if they win, can they become heaven and earth protagonists?

In that way, not only will it not be effective, but it will expose one’s own details. What is a hole card, that is, it is not exposed, but it can have a deterrent effect, and Danger Land can counterattack. Once used together, others will be prepared. It won’t work next time.

So, after Lich’s defeat, he can still occupy the Reed Continent of the North Club. Although it is a poor mountain and bad water, it has also become a forbidden place for other immortals, Buddhas and gods, and Lich’s private land.

Monster Race is because of Nuwa. What does the Wu clan rely on? Isn’t it possible to leave the land of the underworld? No, it is the ancient palace, which is the trump card of the Wu family.

Leave aside these for now, let’s talk about the level of treasure of chaos.

If you don’t become a chaotic element, use the Chaos Level of Treasure. I’m afraid the enemy hasn’t dealt with it, so I’ll go ahead.

After all, treasure is not the stronger the better, but the more suitable you are, the better.

Why do Three Purities and the others have Supreme Treasure in their hands, but the Sacred Jewel is not the top Innate Sacred Jewel? Without him, suitable for ears!

Too powerful magical artifact, not enough cultivation base, just like a three-year-old child dancing with a sledgehammer, not only can’t fully perform its due formidable power, I’m afraid it will hurt others first.

As for why I think of the Eternal Heaven boat so quickly, it is because of this that it is still fresh in my memory for Yang Brow. After all, this thing is related to the eternal god lotus.

The formidable power of the Eternal Heaven boat is not so valued by these top-level chaotic Demon Gods.

After all, the Eternal Heaven boat can at least be promoted to the Supreme level to help them.

even more how, as the Chaos Demon God, and still the highest, no one or two companion Sacred Jewel in his hands.

Although it is not comparable to Pangu sitting on the three Supreme Treasure of Chaos.

But the chaotic Sacred Jewel, and the highest chaotic Sacred Jewel, still exists.

See how, Fang Qingshan has integrated the thunder flag into the Eternal Heaven boat, the life and death bottle gourd that has just been acquired, these are all things linked to the chaotic Sacred Jewel, even if it is broken and almost collapsed , There are still such formidable power, you can imagine it in its heyday.

So, raising the eyebrows to hang the Eternal Heaven boat is not for his formidable power. What they really fancy is the eternal blessing.

When you hear the Tao, you can die at night.

For Chaos Demon God, Great Way is also their unswerving pursuit.

Why did Pangu open the sky? Is it true that the color of chaos is too dim and the creatures are too scarce? Empty, lonely and cold? neither!

At their realm, can’t trifling this little desire be cut off?

As for living things, this is even more true. Things are gathered together and people are divided into groups.

Even Mortal World and Royal General are impossible, and the people of the peace head get along well, not to mention Pangu. Even the chaotic Demon God is slightly comparable to Pangu. You can count on the creatures he just created. Can catch up in a short time?

So, he opened the heavens, just to seek the truth and prove the truth.

Are the other Chaos Demon Gods fed up? Pangu opened the sky, they insisted on bringing about one’s own destruction to stop it?

When it comes to the chaos that is broken, Pangu opens the sky, it is not that the chaos is destroyed.

It’s not the same as Pangu, it’s all for the Great Way.

It’s just that Pangu is a proclaiming the way, they are obstructing the way.

The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit, just this that’s all!

It’s just that this approach is too dangerous, See how, there is no winner in the end. Pangu Daohua, three thousand Demon God died and wounded.

It’s just that, it’s not that Pangu doesn’t want other methods, but they have to take risks if they want to go further, otherwise they can’t advance.

But if you have the Eternal Heaven boat, it will be different.

As long as you have resources, you can promote the upgrade of the Eternal Heaven boat.

Every time you upgrade, you can get the blessing of the eternal god lotus.

The eternal god lotus is truly Undying and Inextinguishable, something that will last forever.

If they can get his empowerment and observe his existence, it will definitely benefit their cultivator.

Unfortunately, this thing really may come by with luck, but not by searching for it.

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