Although Great Desolate was developed by Pangu, it has long since changed its owner and is the home of Heavenly Way and Hongjun.

Under normal circumstances, he may not interfere.

But if Fang Qingshan really undermines his plan, or there may be a threat, he must interfere.

As for saying that the teacher is unknown? nonexistent.

In normal times, it is not necessary. Under special circumstances, he said that you are wrong, and that you are both right and wrong.

Isn’t that the way the witches in the original track are?

Originally, the Wu Clan is a full-scale crushing Monster Race.

But Great Battle of Witch and Demon under the interference of Hongjun, time and time again, until the strength of Monster Race was thoroughly matched with the Wu clan evenly, and then he completely let go.

However, at that time, Lich if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off, the result of the fight is both sides suffer.

Don’t say that there are witches as allies, don’t say that you have broken through Hunyuan.

There is no, facing Nuwa and Monster Race alone, Fang Qingshan is also true.

He is afraid that the small ones will come out of the old ones.

So, in order to prevent this kind of thing from happening, Fang Qingshan of course must plan ahead.

Looking at Great Desolate, the only thing that can compete with Heavenly Way Hongjun, now I’m afraid it’s only raising eyebrows.

Fang Qingshan should be thankful that the eyebrows are still there.

To know the original trajectory, after Hongjun Sanctification, he challenged raising his eyebrows. After failing, he knew his shame and then courageously. Until he joined hands with Heavenly Way, he directly drove him out of Great Desolate.

I don’t know why now, but I haven’t done anything.

Maybe because of Dragon Phoenix’s cause and effect, Heavenly Way Hongjun promised to raise his eyebrows and stay in Great Desolate.

It may also be that there are more variables of myself now. The development of things is a little different.

But anyway, now that the time has passed, Heavenly Way Great Desolate is not willing to let Yangmei continue to stay, and I can’t say I want him to stay completely.

If you can kill a chaotic Demon God, the entire Heavenly Way will benefit greatly.

Even if you cannot do anything, you have to drive the eyebrows out of Great Desolate and into the chaos.

After all, even Saint has to open up heaven and earth in the chaos. Raising eyebrows, the man who used to almost chase Heavenly Way, stays in his heart. How can this be called Heavenly Way?

On the side of the couch, how can you allow others to sleep.

However, it is precisely because of this that I have the possibility to raise my eyebrows together.

Otherwise, if there is no entanglement of interest and no relatives, how can raising eyebrows help others? Thought it was Hongyun?

It’s good now. The enemy’s enemy is a friend, and it makes the enemy unhappy. I want to raise my eyebrows very much.

Furthermore, if Heavenly Way Hongjun is hit, raising eyebrows can continue to stay in Great Desolate, not willing to leave in a hurry.


This place is silk by no means inferior Great Desolate. The prosperity is better than the three directions of north and south, and it can also be compared with the east and the middle.

Here is the gathering of spirits from all over the world.

See how the other three seas, except for a Kunpeng in the North Sea, there will be a Guanyin in the South China Sea in the future, there is no man, no treasure, no land, no land.

The East China Sea is completely different, not to mention that this is the place where Dragon Race was in Longxing.

In the future, there will be Saint Heavenspan Lijin Biedao Biyu Palace here.

In addition, there is a Heavenly Paradise like three islands and ten states, especially the three islands almost catching up with Kunlun.

Apart from this, there is also a Great Divine Ability in the East China Sea, which is raising eyebrows. Although no one knows except for a few people.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the Eastern Prince will have trouble sleeping and eating.

After all, although raising the eyebrows has not fully recovered from the injury, it is also the existence of Saint Hunyuan Level 1.

After leaving the blood sea quietly, the mosquito person came to the East China Sea.

As for why the mosquito person is not Fang Qingshan, it is actually very simple. Anyway, the mosquito person and raising eyebrows have a relationship.

Although he doesn’t know the specific hiding place of raised eyebrows.

But fortunately, he was prepared.

During the Dragon Phoenix battle, the Mosquito Path Man took advantage of Luo Hu to blew himself up, but caught a breath of raised eyebrows.

It’s not that Fang Qingshan and the mosquitoes had anticipated today, or that they had any bad ideas about raising eyebrows. Just plan ahead. It comes in handy now.

With this breath, the mosquito person can calculate the specific position of the raised eyebrow. Of course, the premise is that raising eyebrows does not hide the secret.


East China Sea, an unnamed island hidden in the turbulence of time and space.

There is a Willow Tree that can support both heaven and earth, and there are 129,600 green ribbons hanging down.

Full body jade green, crystal clear and near-transparent.

The root system is straight into the chaos.

The Primal Chaos Qi that allows others to avoid like a snake and scorpion is like drinking cold water, swallowed by his a steady flow, and transformed into strength.

However, although this green willow looks shocking, if you can see the inside through the performance, you can find that the situation is completely different.

Because the willow belly is empty, like a Great Thousand Worlds.

But at this moment, Great Thousand Worlds seems to have reached the era of great destruction. There are cracks in the heaven and earth. From time to time, gray thunderbolt flashes by, or dazzling axe light pierces the sky.

This is naturally the chaotic spirit root Willow Tree.

Although he escaped the Great Desolate Catastrophe, he was inevitably hit hard, so he hid in the Great Desolate and slowly recovered.

The external injury has healed bits and pieces. Although the internal injury seems a bit hideous, it has gradually stabilized.

At a certain moment, Yangliu shook slightly and murmured.

“It’s him!”

When Fang Qingshan estimated the position of raising his eyebrows, he immediately raised his eyebrows. After pinching his fingers, he knew what was going on.

“What does he want to do?”

Although some people are dissatisfied that the mosquitoes have hidden their own breath, after all, if there is hostility, this breath alone can do a lot of things Up.

When he was in the Investiture of Gods Great World, didn’t Jiang Ziya be caught by Yao Heavenly Monarch and almost worshipped to death?

Later Zhao Gongming did the same thing. Lu Jian took a breath, and the nail-headed seven arrows book killed him.

Although this breath can’t be considered for raising eyebrows, it is always uncomfortable in my heart.

However, he is very curious that he dared to take it out with the cultivation base of the mosquito man who was just and honorable, and then used it to calculate himself. I don’t know if it is ignorance is a bliss or what.

However, he raised his eyebrows boldness of execution stems from superb skill, and did not cover up the secret, nor did he punish the mosquito person for this reason. Instead, he directly led the mosquito person to his place of stay. He wanted to look at the mosquitoes. What kind of medicine is sold in Taoist bottle gourd.

“Blood sea mosquito person asks to raise eyebrow Senior.”

With the active invitation of raising eyebrow, mosquito person naturally came to the place of stay with no difficulty.

“Come in!”

There was a squirm in the void, and the mosquito man didn’t react at all, and he had come to a new heaven and earth.

“What a raised eyebrow, what a space Demon God, really amazing.”

The mosquito person’s pupil shrank into a needle eye, and his heart was shocked.

He didn’t expect that with his current cultivation base, he would be transferred silently, without noticing it.

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