“Although there is a cause, but for the rudeness, please do not blame Fellow Daoist, Hou Tu is here to apologize.”

Speaking of this, Hou Tu solemnly got up and gave a salute and said apologetically,


It’s not a fuss about the future, it’s just that Zhu Jiuyin’s unprovoked deduction by others is a taboo.

After all, anyone has no secrets that people don’t want to know, and these secrets may be life and death. Once exposed and plotted against, they may be consigned to eternal damnation.

If the enemy is that’s all, there is no enmity. This kind of deduction will probably lead to an irreconcilable situation.

Fang Qingshan didn’t care much about this.

After all, there are so many Supreme Treasures on him, and the secrets are chaotic. Even if it is a deduction, there is not much deduction.

If it was really so good, I would have been naked under the eyelids of Heavenly Way Hongjun.

Instead, Fang Qingshan was amazed at the heritage of the Witch Clan.

Let’s talk about life and death bottle gourd, Pan ancient palace, there is also Pangu heart in legend, and even later this time, according to later days, a piece borrowed from candle nine yin to deduct Supreme Treasure.

The foundation that Pangu left to the Wu clan is too profound.

It is no wonder that the Wu clan worships and respects Pangu so much.

If it weren’t for the Witch Clan without Primordial Spirit, relying on these foundations alone, I am afraid that even the Heavenly Way would want to plot against, suppression would be impossible.

At the same time, he knows why the Wu clan has just asked him to form an alliance.

Not only are they in the same situation, they are also closely related.

It is because they have no enmity, no interest entanglement, and this common enemy.

The most important thing is that Fang Qingshan still has the ability to compete against Saint. This is what the Wu clan urgently needs.

Although the witches are not sincere in their alliances, they hold many goals.

But Fang Qingshan doesn’t mind. The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit. No one will do anything for no reason and be used, which is actually a manifestation of value. .

The most important point is that the life and death bottle gourd is something Fang Qingshan cannot refuse.

“If I disagree with the alliance, what are you going to do, Fellow Daoist?”

Although a strategic alliance has been reached, Fang Qingshan still curiously asked.

“What else can I do? Let’s bear it for a while,”

Hearing this is very calm,

“Anyway, there is an ancient palace, Don’t say that Monster Race is just a Saint of Nuwa. Even if Hongjun takes the shot, he must be prepared to be slapped if he wants to deal with my Wu Clan.”

For this, Fang Qingshan agrees very much. Nodded.

The foundation of the Witch Clan really cannot be ignored.

The ancient palace alone can make the witches invincible. After all, this is probably the only Supreme Treasure in Great Desolate that can be comparable to the jade of good fortune. It is Pangu left to the witches. Compared with the Three Treasures, it is undoubtedly insignificant.

Not to mention the background of this life, didn’t expect Pangu, besides leaving an ancient palace for the witches, it also left a lot of chaotic Sacred Jewels.

It can be seen from the gifts that the Wu clan gave out to show sincerity.

Although it is just a broken chaotic Sacred Jewel, no matter how broken it is, it is also chaotic Sacred Jewel. Not to mention it is comparable to Innate Supreme Treasure, and it is not worse than Great Desolate’s top ten Innate Sacred Jewel.

In fact, there is nothing surprising about this.

Just the stick from Dijiang, Gonggong’s broken jade hook, Xingtian’s Qianqiaxe, Hou Yi’s sun-shooting bow, etc., are enough to make people amazing. It’s just that no one is thinking in this direction.

Of course, the most important thing is that Hou Tu is the key to reincarnation. It is about being born in an authentic way. Even Heavenly Way, before she did not reincarnate, would not dare to overdo it.

After all, the only one in Great Desolate who can meet the conditions of reincarnation is Saint.

Although Houtu is benevolent, if it weren’t for the mission of the Father God, in order to leave a way out for the witch race, I am afraid that he would not give himself up at the critical moment of the Great Battle of Witch and Demon.

Not to mention the selfish Saint, let them sacrifice the ego to become the big thing I don’t think about.

Saint is not dead, there are more thieves.

“Okay, let’s do it together when Monster Race is born.”

Fang Qingshan gave a precise word.

“Okay, then I will go back and notify my brother first, and then be ready to prepare.”

Hearing this, without muddling, just turn around and leave.

“Wait a minute!”

At this moment, Fang Qingshan stopped Houtu.

He suddenly thought of a serious problem.

It stands to reason that the Witch race has the means to compete against Monster Race and Saint.

It is not the Sacred Jewel Supreme Treasure, but the great array of the towns on which the shamans overawes the world, all of which are Heavenly God.

These are the three great formations of Great Desolate, and Saint is not his opponent.

See how, in the original trajectory, the reason why Houtu turned reincarnation at the critical moment of Great Battle of Witch and Demon, among other reasons, Saint’s plot against also has a lot to do with it.

Because compared to Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array, Heavenly God’s great array formidable power is larger and the array speed is faster.

Even because the twelve ancestor witches have reached Quasi-Saint Peak, summon’s Pangu’s true body is a threat to Saint.

It stands to reason that when Monster Race did not show the Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array, they shouldn’t rush to find allies.

“What’s wrong?”

Hou Tu asked,

“What else is Fellow Daoist?”

“Hou Tu Fellow Daoist, take the liberty to ask, how is your formation rehearsal?”

Fang Qingshan asked tentatively.

“Formation? What kind of formation?”

Houtu asked in confusion.

The Witch family has always believed that the fist is the last word.

Things that can be solved with fists, no other means are needed.

The so-called cultivation Baiyi is almost insulated from them.

“So they really haven’t realized that Heavenly God is a great array.”

Fang Qingshan couldn’t help but patted his forehead.

Monster Race has realized the Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array. If the Witchs don’t have Heavenly God’s great array, even if they stop Nuwa, they will be defeated. He doesn’t want to expose too many methods.

As for why Fang Qingshan knows that Monster Race has already comprehended Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array, isn’t there a Heavenly Cycle Star chen formation diagram? As soon as the great array comes out, the formation diagram reacts.

“Fellow Daoist knows that in addition to the Saint of Nuwa, Monster Race, in addition to the Supreme Unity, Primal Chaos Bell, etc., there is also a great array of towns, Heavenly Cycle Star, great array?”


Looking at Hou Tu’s puzzled appearance, Fang Qingshan slowly said.

“Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array?”

Hou Tu is unheard-of on this, but she knows that Fang Qingshan impossible has no target, and she speaks so solemnly, so her face is also cautious Up.

“Not bad.”

Fang Qingshan nodded,

“Great Desolate has three great formations, all of which can use the weak to defeat the strong, Contend against Hunyuan Saint with non-Chaotic-Yuan Force.”

Hearing this, the land is frightened and scared.

How powerful Saint is, they know very well. Without using the ancient palace, although Pangu left a lot of tricks, they basically brought some trouble to Saint at most. Contend against Saint.

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