“What, this is impossible!”

“Mosquito person or Fang Qingshan broke through? Actually it broke through so soon?”

“No, I don’t believe it, even Three Purities and the others don’t have a breakthrough, how could he break through?”

“Damn, damn…”

“If he breaks through, then Hongmeng Didn’t Purple Qi have been used? Then didn’t everything we planned was done without effort?”

At this moment, the entire Great Desolate was shocked.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then they felt that they were caught in the eternal night, thunderous, and there was each one. No one wanted to believe this fact.

Three Purities and the others are no exception. They are Tianding Saint, but Hongjun has a small stove. Fang Qingshan is just a grasshopper after autumn in their eyes. They can’t jump for a few days, but now , Fang Qingshan unexpectedly had a breakthrough that they had expected, and it was still before them, who is the clown?

Three Purities and the others are actually pretty good, they just can’t get past their face.

Those who really want to vomit blood are those who beat Fang Qingshan and pay attention, and beat Hongmeng Purple Qi.

For example, Emperor Jun Supreme Unity and the others is really regretful.

In order to ensure that they are foolproof, they procrastinated, so that now Fang Qingshan actually has a breakthrough in the cultivation base, so, isn’t their plan all in vain? Isn’t it the biggest joke in the world?

It’s not just them, there is another person who almost didn’t cultivation deviation because of this.

This person is Nuwa who previously felt that he was humiliated.

She originally thought that after her breakthrough Saint, she would not only not return Heaven and Earth Cauldron, but also humiliate Fang Qingshan in public to avenge her revenge, and she would support Monster Race completely. Beheaded him.

In this world, no one can humiliate oneself, even if there is, it is not Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Dao Ren, the ants in her eyes.

Unfortunately, the idea is beautiful, but the reality gave her a resounding slap in the face.

Her idea is too late to realize, she has not breakthrough, others have already breakthrough.

So, how can you take revenge in the future, and how can you claim Heaven and Earth Cauldron as your own?

At this moment, Nuwa felt that the sky was dark, and there was a feeling that a breakthrough was about to be made. When she was frustrated, she actually disappeared gradually.

Once such a thing happens, the difficulty will increase exponentially when you want a breakthrough.

This is also for the sudden enlightenment, the breakthrough cannot be interrupted, otherwise it is irreconcilable.

Just when the Great Desolate was shaking, everyone was either unacceptable, or annoyed, or angry, or…

All beings are different, no All in one.

At this moment, a piece of good news spread through the entire Great Desolate almost at the fastest speed. Dijun, Dijiang, and Kunpeng were not as fast as the spread of this news.

This matter must start from the previous Fang Qingshan breakthrough Hunyuan.

After detecting the leakage of the breath, Fang Qingshan’s mind flashed thousands of thoughts, then gathered the breath of his body, and then took out the newly formed Innate Supreme Treasure Five Elements flag.

Li Daitao is stiff!

Yes, in order to temporarily conceal the news of his breakthrough mixed element, Fang Qingshan decided to use the Five Elements flag to cover it.

The breath of Sacred Jewel breakthrough Supreme Treasure is similar to the breath of Quasi-Saint breakthrough Hunyuan explosion. But it can be fake.

Hongjun showed a weak spot in the sea of ​​blood as early as, and the moment he released the Primordial Qi potential, he followed the weak spot and entered the sea of ​​blood to explore.

Seeing Fang Qingshan still looks like that, but with an extra Innate Supreme Treasure in his hand, sighed in relief, he also understands what is going on.

In his thoughts, Fang Qingshan knew that even if he had Hongmeng Purple Qi, he could not break through Saint.

And an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime.

Innate Supreme Treasure Fortunately, Hongmeng Purple Qi is the source of evil.

Instead of staying with Hongmeng Purple Qi, which cannot help one’s breakthrough cultivation base and will bring disasters, it is better to complete Supreme Treasure.

So I used Hongmeng Purple Qi to merge the Innate Five Square Banner into Innate Supreme Treasure.

He repaired the Five Elements law by himself/main body, which made the Supreme Treasure, and it was also very beneficial to him.

The Sealing Heaven Locking Earth in the sky above the blood sea was afraid of leaking its breath, allowing everyone to detect and destroy it.

After all, Hongmeng Purple Qi is a treasure that almost everyone covets.

If you let them know that Fang Qingshan is such a reckless waste of natural resources, I am afraid that you will simply not hesitate and will directly hit the blood.

To understand this, Hongjun directly passed his investigation to the six Tianding Saints.

This is how news is. If more than one person knows the news, don’t think about keeping it secret. Paper can’t hold fire.

So, word gets around like this, and within a moment, all Great Desolate should know.

Everyone knows that it is not the Fang Qingshan breakthrough Hunyuan, but the sighed in relief after the achievement of an Innate Supreme Treasure.

Especially for Three Purities and the others, Innate Supreme Treasure, they are not without.

Furthermore, looking at the entire Great Desolate, not to mention the Innate Supreme Treasure just completed, it is the sum of all the Supreme Treasures, there are each one, and there are almost none that can compare to the Three Treasures of the Heavens.

So after knowing that it was only the achievement of Supreme Treasure, the three of them felt relaxed for a while, and at the same time couldn’t help snort disdainfully for Fang Qingshan’s approach.

Supreme Treasure is good, but without strength, that is the way to death.

Fang Qingshan and the mosquitoes are already sitting on Heaven and Earth Cauldron, Heaven Measuring Ruler, Star Chart, Divided Treasure Cliff, even if there is one more Five Elements flag at this moment, what can we do? It also wasted the chance of Sanctification, this approach is simply stupid.

They did not expect that even if Hongmeng Purple Qi is not used to make Supreme Treasure, it is impossible to help Fang Qingshan breakthrough.

Otherwise, do you think Hongjun is really pitying me, the Great Way has no way?

This was the case for Hongyun back then, and the same is true for Fang Qingshan now.

They are just scams set up by Hongjun.

It’s just that Hongyun was killed by Hongjun pit, Fang Qingshan let him try to steal a chicken only to end up losing the rice used to lure it.

If Three Purities is only sighed in relief, a matter of no concern to oneself hangs high.

Then other people can’t wait to eat Fang Qingshan’s flesh and skin.

Hongmeng Purple Qi!

That is the key to Sanctification. Don’t you know that under Saint are all ants?

Supreme Treasure is good, but compared with Sanctification, it is obviously the right choice for individuals.

However, Fang Qingshan does not take the usual path.

Forget it, he doesn’t take the usual path, but he leaves nowhere else to go.

“Death, he must die!”

“Killing, not killing is not enough to vent your anger.”

“I thought that without Hongmeng Purple Qi, I can sit back and relax Are you? Naive!”


The killing intent in everyone’s hearts is deeper.

Unfortunately, they all forgot that Hongmeng Purple Qi was originally Fang Qingshan’s own, so they can use it whatever they want. Where is the turn for them to point out.

Hongjun is naturally happy to hear about this.

Unfortunately, he didn’t know that Fang Qingshan was simply not what they thought.

I used Hongmeng Purple Qi to prevent it from falling into my hands and attracting wolves.

Instead, the Hongmeng Purple Qi is used to completely integrate the Five Elements flag, so that the Five Elements Avatar is unified, just like the three corpses are unified, and the breakthrough is mixed.

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