Once Fang Qingshan cultivation base breakthrough.

The good things in his hands, everyone can only do drooling.

Moreover, in a certain way, Fang Qingshan preached and cut their way.

After all, there is only one Hongmeng Purple Qi.

So, not to mention other things, for the sake of the way, they can’t let Fang Qingshan go.

“I want to speed up the pace.”

Dijun’s facial expression grave said to Supreme Unity,

“Second Brother will do the rest. Now, I’m going to retreat with Kunpeng and Fuxi Fellow Daoist to see if we can push forward the formation of that party. If we can, we will not only have the means to compete against Saint, but at the same time, we will also have the chance to win Fang Qingshan’s victory. Three floors.”

It was Dijun who thought of the Heavenly Cycle Star formation diagram that Fang Qingshan used to compete with Hongjun.

This formation seems to have a great relationship with him, besides, they are the creatures bred by Supreme Sun Star, and they are born in charge of Heavenly Cycle Star. If they can understand this formation, it will be beneficial. A lot.

“Don’t worry, big brother, I have everything.”

Supreme Unity nodded affirmatively.

It’s not just Supreme Unity that Dijun feels a little urgent, but also Three Purities and the others?

Although they think it is not the Saint specified by the Teacher, there is basically no possibility of breaking through the mixed element.

Don’t look at Hongjun’s preaching and compassionate appearance, but he is definitely not a good old man like Hongyun. Fang Qingshan refuted his face in public and blackmailed two Supreme Treasures.

How could Daozu easily let him go.

If this is the case, the last Hongmeng Purple Qi will not fall into the hands of Fang Qingshan, nor will it say Great Way fifty, Tianyan 49, leaving a glimmer of survival.

But it is better to be safe than sorry.

If Fang Qingshan breaks through before them, the situation will be a bit embarrassing.

Not to mention the Supreme Treasure in his hand, they can no longer covet them, and they will lower their heads in the future.

Therefore, Three Purities, Nuwa, and the others are equally eager.

In an attempt to refine the Hongmeng Purple Qi as soon as possible, send the Primordial Spirit to Heavenly Way, the honor of the breakthrough Saint.

Moreover, not to beat Fang Qingshan, but to break through earlier for myself.

After all, under Saint, all are ants.

Fang Qingshan and the mosquito people don’t know what other people think. Even if you know it, you simply don’t care.

At this moment, the mosquito person first took out the great array of blood, and then took out the Eternal Heaven boat.

Apart from this, Gate of Eternal Life, Heaven and Earth Cauldron, Hongmeng Heaven Measuring Ruler, and even another Hongmeng Purple Qi, were also sacrificed by him. Plus the Innate five-party flag.

With the peerless formation, with all kinds of Supreme Treasure.

The entire sea of ​​blood has been managed so hard that no breath is leaked out.

Heavenly Way is in charge of Great Desolate, but there are some places that cannot be involved.

For example, Buzhou Mountain, such as Pan ancient palace, and the current sea of ​​blood.

In fact, Hongjun felt it when Fang Qingshan and the mosquito man had just moved.

Although Hongjun did not personally take action against Fang Qingshan, he just used plot against Fang Qingshan.

But for Fang Qingshan and the mosquitoes, they are not at all lightly.

But now Hongjun joins the road, non-heaven and earth are not in general trend.

If Fang Qingshan is huddled in a sea of ​​blood, and becomes an otaku like the Netherworld River before, Heavenly Way really has no choice but to take him.

“It seems that I only hope that Dijun and the others will move a bit faster, otherwise…”

A bad feeling arose in Hongjun’s heart.

In order to deal with Fang Qingshan and the mosquito man, he is also struggling.

I feel that Emperor Jun and the others are deducing Monster Race lineage town family great array, Heavenly Cycle Star Chen great array.

Hongjun moved in his heart, but he moved a little bit.

The trio of Dijun, who was trying to play the game, suddenly realized that if they were assisted by gods, they were originally obscure and groping for the formation in the dark. Suddenly there was a bright light for them. give directions.

Emperor Jun and the others don’t know why, but they are all overjoyed. They simply don’t care about other things, and their minds are buried in the Heavenly Cycle Star great array.

But it seems that the Heavenly Cycle Star Chen great array that should have taken a few yuan to complete has taken shape at a speed visible to naked eye.

Not only did he help Dijun and the others, even Nuwa did not let him go.

When Fuxi went to the Sun Palace to perform the formation with Emperor Jun and the others, Nuwa was not idle either. After cutting off the good and evil corpses, he began to travel the Great Desolate and wanted to find a breakthrough method. .

Just wanting to break through Hunyuan is not so easy, although Nuwa has Hongjun’s reminder to do a great deed.

But when he knew what Gui knew, what he needed to do, and how to do it, Hongjun didn’t talk about it. Nuwa needed to comprehend it. It’s not that Hongjun didn’t want to tell her. It was just what others said and understood. After all, there is a difference, and after being reminded by others, merit will be divided.

Although the Great Desolate at this moment is not as good as the amount of catastrophe, it has already begun to mess up.

The three forces of the Witch Race, Monster Race, and the Eastern King are constantly wrestling for territory and population.

It’s just that they are more restrained.

At most, it will be between Ronaldo Golden Immortal.

The witches want to stay still, they must interrupt the backbone of Monster Race and prepare to do it when Monster Race establishes Celestial Court.

The most important purpose of Monster Race at present is not population and territory, but a nest.

It’s the Eastern Prince. Because of the Penglai Immortal Island and the Wanxian formation diagram, the visitors are always welcome and the expansion is very rapid.

Nuwa is Monster Race one of the Three Sovereigns, but he is not at all concerned about these fights. In the Great Desolate, stop and go, watch the mountains and the water and see the creatures, and the heaven and the earth The law is natural.

At a certain moment, I suddenly understood that I should create a kind of creature.

With this idea, Hongmeng Purple Qi suddenly rioted.

Nuwa was not surprised by this, which proved that she was in the right direction.

Following, just like the previous Emperor Jun and the others, at this time, Nuwa had the same strength in heaven and earth, and suddenly understood what he should do.

So, rushing towards the sea of ​​blood non-stop.

“Why did she come?”

In the sea of ​​blood, although the mosquito man used all means, Sealing Heaven Locking Earth, to isolate everything, it does not mean that he is hiding in A sea of ​​blood becomes one, regardless of spring and summer and autumn and winter.

What he isolates is Heavenly Way’s peeping into the sea of ​​blood, but not at all isolates the connection between himself and Great Desolate, but he can always follow the movement of Great Desolate.

So, when Nuwa came to the range of the blood sea, he immediately alarmed him.

Especially when Fang Qingshan is about to break through, he can’t help but care.

“Nuwa wants to see Brother Mosquito Dao and Brother Fang Dao for something, please see you both!”

After the Heavenly Way hint, Nuwa knew she wanted a breakthrough Hunyuan, Heaven and Earth Cauldron is essential equipment.

However, Heaven and Earth Cauldron has fallen into the hands of Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Dao people. First of all, it needs to be borrowed.

However, Nuwa is still very confident about this.

She is the destined Saint, and Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Dao Ren are almost universal enemies at this moment. As long as they are smart, they will not refuse their request and add a great enemy.

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