Hongjun doesn’t care what other people think.

Not to mention that he is now the number one and only Saint. Even if Saint goes to the market in the future, he has become the Heavenly Way, so you don’t need to care about their thoughts.

After dividing the treasure of Three Purities, Hongjun successively divided the treasure of Nuwa and the lead of Zhunti.

But the quality is naturally a big drop.

I don’t know if it’s because of his birth, or Hongjun doesn’t have that many Supreme Treasure in his hands, or Hongjun is not willing to take out Supreme Treasure again.

Heaven and Earth Cauldron that originally belonged to Nuwa was taken away by Fang Qingshan, Hongjun did not take out an Innate Supreme Treasure, but replaced it with two top Innate Sacred Jewels.

Although the three of them do not have Innate Supreme Treasure and the Immortal Beheading Sword Formation that is not unbreakable by the Four Saints, they still see others drooling.

After all, Red Hydrangea, Mountains and Rivers State Chart are the top ten Innate Sacred Jewels. The other two Sacred Jewels have the same offense and defense. Although they are not as good as the Mountains and Rivers State Chart, they are also first-class. A treasure.

As for the access guide, it is still the same as the original trajectory, except that after the Azure Lotus color flag is missing, Hongjun also compensated for a Sea of ​​Bitterness.

Buddhism often says, Boundless Abyss of Suffering repent and be saved.

This Sacred Jewel is more doctrinally in line with the requirements of Buddhism than the Azure Lotus treasure.

Seeing that Hongjun became indifferent after allocating treasures to his six disciples. How could this work?

The child who will call has milk.

So, everyone bowed in unison and began to ask Daozu, what Daozu is merciful, Daozu pityed me and waited, crying and grabbing the ground, I don’t know that I thought it was a grievance meeting, who was worse than that, for a time Purple Heaven Palace is noisy, so noisy.

Hongjun hearing this, faintly waved his hand,

“Innate Sacred Jewel has its own destination, and the rest I put together on the Fenbao Rock outside the palace. , You can go and get it.”

That’s what I’m waiting for.

Just as Hongjun’s voice fell, Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Dao Ren rushed out as fast as they could before the others responded.

Fang Qingshan didn’t sit on the futon in the front row at this time. Apart from the other factors mentioned earlier, it was also a very important reason that he could rush out of Purple Heaven Palace faster. He had prepared for this moment. Up.

Seeing Fang Qingshan’s movements, let alone other people, Hongjun didn’t even react.

Blinking his eyes, with a bang, everyone rushed out like a flood that opened the gate.

One step is slow, step by step is slow.

When they came back to his senses and were about to rush to the Divided Treasure Cliff, Fang Qingshan had already come to the Divided Treasure Cliff.

I don’t know that Hongjun didn’t expect Fang Qingshan to be so fast, but in his eyes, Fang Qingshan is already a grasshopper after autumn and can’t be jumped for a few days, or even Innate Supreme Treasure was given away. And don’t care about some Innate Sacred Jewel.

Therefore, not at all do more tricks to let Fang Qingshan take the lead smoothly.

Entering the Divided Treasure Cliff, even if Fang Qingshan conquered the Dragon Race treasure house and cleared the battlefield during the Dragon Phoenix catastrophe, it can be said to be countless Supreme Treasure.

But compared with Hongjun’s Divided Treasure Cliff, it’s not a big deal, but the gap is also very obvious.

This Divided Treasure Cliff is like a Treasure Gathering Pot. There are countless treasures in it, overflowing with light.

It can be seen that Fang Qingshan and the mosquito man almost didn’t have any water coming out.

Although there is no Supreme Treasure here, there are many top Sacred Jewels. Not to mention the low grade Sacred Jewel, there are tens of thousands.

However, every Sacred Jewel has a ban, unless it is predestined, Sacred Jewel voluntarily voted.

Otherwise, if you want to receive Sacred Jewel, you need to break the ban first.

Otherwise, if someone arrived so early like Fang Qingshan, wouldn’t it be that they used a Universe in the Sleeves, Buddha Kingdom in the Palm and took away all the Sacred Jewels?

Although no one dares to do this, otherwise, even Three Purities, even outside the Purple Heaven Palace, may be beaten by gangs, and they may not be able to die. After all, they have the merit of opening heaven, who Kill them, whoever is not far from death, and Heavenly Way Hongjun will not sit idly by, it is definitely appropriate to become disabled.

Leave aside these for the time being, although he was the first person to come to Divided Treasure Cliff, Fang Qingshan knew that he was only taking advantage of it, and those who were immediately behind would come one after another.

As soon as Fang Qingshan and the mosquito person stepped into the Divided Treasure Cliff, a stream of light flew out and plunged directly into the arms of Fang Qingshan.

This is Sacred Jewel who is destined to them.

For example, the twenty-four Sea God Beads that should have fallen into the hands of Heavenspan Cult Lord, then were given to Zhao Gongming, and finally fell into the hands of Dipankara.

Fang Qingshan didn’t even look at these Sacred Jewels, so he just collected them.

Then non-stop entered the center of Divided Treasure Cliff.

Because the closer to the core, the higher the quality of Sacred Jewel here.


Fang Qingshan took a deep breath, took out his Life Source Divine Ability, Five Elements bracelet.

The cultivation base made great progress, especially after the Five Elements Avatar was cut off with the Innate Five Square Flag.

The Five Elements bracelet is now different from what it used to be. It is even worse than the Five Colored Divine Light of Kong Xuan encountered by Fang Qingshan in Journey to the West.

But it can be seen that the Five Elements bracelet is a bright masterpiece, with layers of textures lit up, and densely packed seal scripts appear on the surface. During circulation, it is faintly condensed into the illusory shadow of Spirit Beast, bizarre and motley. . The aura swept the audience.

In a ten-thousandth of an instant, a faint light of colorful light appeared, and the engraved on it was the one after another mysterious seal script. If there is spirituality, it circulates and appears on the Divided Treasure Cliff. Overhead.

The multicolored tiny divine lights burst out of the Five Elements bracelet crazily at an astonishing speed, turning into a big multicolored net like alive, towards all Sacred Jewel around shot away.


Compared with Fang Qingshan’s Five Elements bracelet, the mosquito man also used his Avatar method.

weng weng weng!! !

But I heard thunderous noises one after another, and countless blood mosquitoes flew out and flew out of the Fang Qingshan Five Elements bracelet.

These Avatars all inherited the innate talent mouthparts of the mosquito man. The mouthparts can break the prohibition with one prick, and then roll the Sacred Jewel and swallow it.

When Three Purities and the others arrived, on the Divided Treasure Cliff, the central part of the seventy-eighty Sacred Jewel had been wiped out by Fang Qingshan.

Seeing this scene, how can everyone stand it?

One volume of Yin-Yang Symbol, a shake of the ancient banner, and even more ruthlessly, Heavenspan Cult Lord, directly circled the Immortal Beheading Four Swords to a site, and slowly collected it.

As for other people, it may really depend on luck. Good luck can get a lot of money, and bad luck can only get one or two low grade Sacred Jewels. Kunpeng is like that. It’s worse than Dipankara, after all, they got the high grade Innate Sacred Jewel.

As for why the heavenly ruler of the top Innate Sacred Jewel, one of the three treasures of Heaven and Earth Old Ancestor, became high grade, but it was because the Heaven and Earth Old Ancestor blew up when it was affected. As for being knocked down, it is really a pity.

But if it weren’t, I’m afraid Dipankara would not be in the hands.

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