Purple Heaven Palace, three thousand guests.

Why does Emperor Supreme Unity only stare at Fuxi, Nuwa and Kunpeng?

The reason is very simple. First of all, they are all top Innate gods, leaving the Primal Chaos Bell of Supreme Unity, which is both equally excellent compared to their brother.

Such people can be the mainstay when they get Monster Race.

Only these people can help them deal with the Twelve Ancestral Witch.

The immortal does not gather with people, the dragon does not intersect with snakes, the dragon does not intersect with snakes, and the phoenix does not intersect with maggots.

Only they are the only ones with high positions.

Other people, at best, are like Bai Ze and the others, but they are just thugs.

Innate, the top god, said no more and no less, the reason why it is not Three Purities, Zhen Yuanzi and the others.

But it is because they are not fundamentally impossible, and it is not something their brother can deal with now, such as Three Purities, and it is not suitable for Monster Race.

For example, Hongyun, Great Desolate, a well-known good old person, such a person joins Monster Race, should Monster Race develop?

If you want to develop, you must kill and fell, and this is a temperament who has a lot of Buddhism propaganda in the future, who is afraid of hurting the lives of ants and loves moths.

This makes it out of place. Monster Race has just been established, and if it comes out, Di Jun thinks it’s not enough trouble?

And Kunpeng is not alone. If he is subdued, he will be subdued by the North Sea forces. This will not only subdue a great god, but also buy one, get one free.

However, what is the situation now?

Before they had time to conquer, Kunpeng actually made such a big movement. Isn’t this adding to their brother?

Although Kunpeng used to be good, but it was only good. It was only due to his own strength. Even with some reputation, it is only limited to Beiming and Beihai.

But now it’s different. Kunpeng immediately became known as Great Desolate after creating the monster text, and his status in Monster Race was rapidly improved.

Just like the news of Tianding Monster Race Daxing spread, Dijun is the Monster Emperor, and it is the same as all parties come to vote.

At this moment, because of Kunpeng’s creation of demon texts, Great Desolate Earth and the Universal Monster Race have come to take refuge in admiration. The power of Beiming Monster Race has suddenly expanded a lot, and more people in Monster Race called Kunpeng He is the demon master, the teacher of Monster Race, and his reputation and fame follow the emperor.

Weiqi and name, cannot be fakes.

Monster Race belongs to Emperor Jun and Supreme Unity, and it can only be theirs. Anyone who wants to divide the cake, or even seek to usurp the throne, is their enemy.

Such a person, in the hearts of both Dijun, is more important than Prince Dong.

If Kunpeng’s reputation continues to spread, when the general trend is true, it will not be easy for the two of them to deal with it.

If he is given some chance, even if he fights against their brother, it may not be impossible.

It’s really a wave of unrest.

East Prince, the matter of the Wu Clan has not been resolved yet, Kunpeng has organized a moth.

Although the current Kunpeng has created monsters and made great contributions to Monster Race, the name of the demon master has just spread, and it is not yet deeply rooted.

But once the time settles down, it becomes difficult to deal with him.

When the time comes, facing a Kunpeng who wants strength, strength, reputation, power, power, and ambition, whether he joins Monster Race or not, he will be very happy. Tricky.

Therefore, they can only act first to be strong, and tie them around.

“You can’t wait any longer, you must take the Kunpeng immediately, otherwise, you will become a confidant in the future.”

Di Jun, Supreme Unity glanced at each other, and turned at a faster speed. Rushed to Bei Ming.

Originally, to subdue Kunpeng, the two of Dijun hadn’t figured out what to do before.

Is it like Fuxi Nuwa, waiting to be empty, or first to salute and then to fight.

Now Kunpeng himself made the decision for them.

Whether it is Kunpeng willingly or put up a desperate struggle, there is only one way to go, and that is to offer a Primordial Spirit and integrate it into the demon banner. Only in this way, the two brothers can rest assured.

Otherwise, if you can’t say no, if you fight, you will be cut off before the battle. It will be a big disappointment, and you must get rid of it, lest it will cause no end of trouble.

If Kunpeng knows the current affairs, they don’t mind buying horse bones from their daughters and admit him as a demon master.

This not only shows the vision of the two brothers, but at the same time, Kunpeng also plays the same role as Nuwa, which is to expand the reputation of Monster Race.

Thinking so much, it’s actually just a moment of effort. From Kunpeng’s announcement of the creation of demon texts, the addition of merits, the practice of the top merit of the day after tomorrow, Sacred Jewel, to the appearance of the two emperors, it was just a step effort.

“Congratulations to the demon master, congratulations to the demon master.”

Kun Peng made such a big move and got such a big benefit, the entire Great Desolate was alarmed, not to mention the North Sea Demon Race.

In this regard, apart from the North Sea Dragon Race, Kunpeng’s forces are overjoyed.

After all, the better Kunpeng is, the most subordinate is naturally as the tide rises, the boat floats.


Just as the subordinates congratulated him, the joy on Kunpeng’s face suddenly disappeared and he raised his eyes to look into the distance.

A deep malice from far to near.

In an instant of effort, I saw a streak of golden light fall, showing the figures of Emperor Jun and Supreme Unity.

The so-called comers are not good, and the good ones do not come.

Seeing the two of Dijun, Kunpeng’s pupils suddenly tightened.

Beiming is located in a remote area, and few outsiders come all the year round.

Recently, I just created a monster text, and the two of Dijun arrived.

It was a coincidence, and Kun Peng would never believe it.

Especially the merits added just now made him feel the danger in the dark, and it made him report the greatest malice to the two Emperor Jun.

“Dijun, Supreme Unity has seen a demon master, Kunpeng Fellow Daoist.”

When the two of Dijun appeared, they simply didn’t talk nonsense. First they met and then straight. To the point said,

“Fellow Daoist created a genre and has great merit in Monster Race. As Monster Emperor, I specially invited Fellow Daoist to join Monster Race.”

” It’s Dijun, and the two Fellow Daoists from Supreme Unity came here, and they really made the bitter cold land of Beiming shine.”

Kun Peng’s pair of tragic green eyes rolled, although what he said seemed to be In the welcome, people can hear the gloomy feeling, which makes people shudder.

“Although the two Fellow Daoists have the meaning of fist and fist, Kunpeng is a person with no ambitions, and he is also used to being at ease. Therefore, he failed the good intentions of the two Fellow Daoists.”


“Will you have no ambition?”

In this regard, Dijun and Supreme Unity could not help but snort disdainfully. Without ambition, they would be like Zhen Yuanzi, like Fuxi and the others, secluded bitter cultivation. , Instead of establishing a huge power and calling the ancestor the ancestor.

They didn’t have time to spend more time with Kunpeng. Hearing Kunpeng’s refusal, Di Jun narrowed his eyes, and a flash of cold light flashed in his eyes,

“The demon master said it was meaningless. Now, I decide for the Monster Emperor, and Fellow Daoist is recognized as Monster Race Master. Wouldn’t it be difficult for the Monster Master not to join Monster Race? Those who know Fellow Daoist are indifferent to fame and fortune, and those who don’t know think it’s my little belly chicken intestine. Can’t accommodate people, so be sure to ask the demon master to join me in the grand event today.”

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