“Zhu Rong is right. This Great Desolate heaven and earth was created by God the Father. The meaning of our Wu clan’s existence is to protect this piece of heaven and earth and wait for the return of God Father. Even if the Celestial Court is to be established, It should be me waiting for the descendants of the Father God to build, and the group of beasts with fur and horns will show off one’s military strength?”

I have always been at odds with Zhu Rong, and I often work against Zhu Rong this time. Did not go against the tune.

“Brother said yes, but…”

At this time, Houtu frowned and said,

“Di Jun is here When Purple Heaven Palace asked Taoist ancestors to set up Monster Race Celestial Court, not only Hongjun agreed, but also Heavenly Way manifested, the general trend.”

“My little sister’s words are quite different. What is the general trend? The clan doesn’t respect the sky, worship the earth, don’t respect the Heavenly Way, ignore Hongjun, only sacrifice to God Father, whatever Monster Race he is, and no matter who agrees to it, as long as I don’t agree with the Wu clan, it won’t work.”

Profound Nether said flatly and aggressively.

“It should be so,”

“Yes, trifling Monster Race, blood food, I dare to criticize my witch clan, it is act recklessly!”

“With my Wu Clan, I can’t tolerate him impudent. I think it’s time to teach them a lesson. It’s just to kill the chicken to warn the monkey, lest Great Desolate only knows Hongjun and I don’t know Pangu. Authentic witch race.”

“Okay, this is great!”

“I think we are on the day Monster Race was established. We established the witch race at the same time, and then opened the door. Let him lose face, and see if they dare to set up a Monster Race Celestial Court.”



” Good!”


Everyone talking at once expressed their opinions on Monster Race’s desire to establish Celestial Court, and at the end of the talk , It was unanimously decided to raise troops to conquer Monster Race on the day Monster Race was established, and teach them a lesson, let them know that the Witch is the orthodoxy of Great Desolate heaven and earth, and it is not the turn of Monster Race impudent!


For the Emperor Jun’s desire to gather at Monster Race and establish Celestial Court, the Divine Heart in Great Desolate had different thoughts, and some disagreed. Like Fang Qingshan, some are resentful, like dragon mothers, Torch Dragon generation, some are quite envious, this is ambitious, and some have the intention of refuge, but they are willing to fight. ……

For what most people think, Supreme Unity Dijun simply doesn’t care.

Because they gathered in Monster Race, the establishment of Celestial Court was allowed by the Taoist ancestors, which is the general trend of Heavenly Way.

In Great Desolate today, there is no Great Influence like the remote antiquity Dragon Phoenix. Even the witch clan at this moment has only a group of great witches except the twelve ancestor witches. As for the others, most of them are mob, a dish of loose sand, even if it has some strength, due to Dao Ancestor, Heavenly Way, he dare not blatantly oppose it.

This is also why they must report to Hongjun and get a quasi-trust from him.

Only in this way can we be justified, so that others can only watch Monster Race from scratch, from weak to strong, otherwise, I am afraid that once I establish Monster Race, I will be grouped together. Attack it.

The only thing they care about is the Eastern Prince.

This is also the head of the male immortals proclaimed by Dao ancestors, in charge of the Great Desolate male immortal.

They manage the Great Desolate sentient beings, and it stands to reason that the Eastern Prince is also under his jurisdiction.

While the Eastern Prince is in charge of the male immortals in the world, they are naturally subject to control.

But obviously, none of them will obey each other.

Let’s see who of them develops faster, better, and stronger in the future, and then find the opportunity, kill the killer, and completely eliminate the obstacles that they are in charge of Great Desolate.

Although I have passed the Daozu and Heavenly Way level, I have subdued Bai Ze, Jiuying and the others, and the backbone has been established. The basic framework has been completed and the gaps are only to be filled.

However, there are still three questions facing Dijun.

One is population. Monster Race is naturally impossible and only theirs is the only group of people. Although there are not many soldiers, but if you want to really grow bigger and sweep the Great Desolate, it is inevitable that there are many people. .

Especially now, the appointment of the Eastern Prince as the head of the male immortals has given Emperor Jun and the others a sense of urgency, and there is no extra choice.

The Great Desolate must be swept through with lightning speed, otherwise, once the Eastern Prince rises, the rise of Monster Race will definitely be curbed.

It’s the same as two universities competing for students. If you have more here, there will be less.

A power, after all, not only depends on its cutting-edge strength, but also its foundation and reserve strength.

Fortunately, compared to the Eastern Prince, they are not without advantages.

At least the Monster Race basic framework has been built, and their brother is no longer alone, and the Eastern Prince, even with the Western Queen, would never want to catch up with Monster Race in a short time.

However, the lion fights the rabbit with all its strength.

Strategic despise the enemy, tactically value the enemy.

So, after returning to Great Desolate, Dijun dispatched Baize and the others to East, South, West, North and Centre, respectively, to various places in Great Desolate to conquer the large and The power of small.

First courtesy and then pawns. It is best if you can win over nature. If refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit, then it is just a thunderbolt.

These forces are all in the Dragon Phoenix catastrophe. They once acknowledged allegiance to the forces of the Dragon Phoenix tribe. Dragon Phoenix has fallen and became independent, but unfortunately, they will be enslaved by Monster Race.

Of course, these are the forces of the older generation, and some emerging forces are the races that have emerged after Dragon Phoenix.

However, no matter what force it is, as long as it is not an overwhelming force like Dragon Phoenix, it is under the solicitation of Bai Ze and the others.

If you don’t acknowledge allegiance, you will hit the acknowledge allegiance, or even destroy it, there is no other choice.

Because they don’t acknowledge allegiance Monster Race, can they still let them acknowledge allegiance? This kind of behavior of the enemy is absolutely impossible.

For a time, the entire Great Desolate was once again in turmoil.

Unfortunately, at this moment, most of the customers in Purple Heaven Palace are retreating and digesting their gains, breaking through cultivation base, preparing for the planning of Fang Qingshan, and there is no time for him to take care of them.

It’s a time difference for Monster Race, which makes it easier to gather the demon of the world.

However, it is more natural selection, survival of the fittest. Although these races look a bit miserable, their weakness is the original sin.

As for the second question, it is expert.

Although Dijun Supreme Unity can be regarded as a Peak expert, there are still too few, and as Sovereign, Impossible has taken the lead every time.

As for Bai Ze and the others, although it is good, it is only good. There is still a certain gap compared to the Peak God.

Therefore, it is imperative that they should visit other Innate gods who are also Monster Race and bring them into the group.

In this regard, the first two Dijun and Jun visited were Fuxi Nuwa two siblings in Fengxi Mountain.

Leave the Supreme Treasure aside, the two of them are no worse than the two brothers of Emperor Jun.

Especially in the second lecture of Purple Heaven Palace that just ended, Nuwa was accepted as a disciple by Hongjun. He passed on Hongmeng Purple Qi and appointed the holy position, even as the tide rises, the boat floats, like the sun at High noon, if they join Monster Race, they must like a tiger that has grown wings.

Not only can it increase the strength and heritage of Monster Race, it can also spread its reputation. Let Monster Race, which is already in full swing, add another fire, like the sun at high noon.

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