“The two of you, one was born in a sea of ​​blood, and the other was my old friend Five Elements Old Ancestor Legacy. It can be considered a great opportunity, great fate, great perseverance, I wonder if you are willing to worship me as a teacher?”

After listening to Fang Qingshan’s words, Hongjun finally no longer remained silent, but asked instead.

Ask Hongjun as a teacher?

If others can’t ask for it, there is no thicker leg in Great Desolate.

But for Fang Qingshan, it is doing more harm than good now.

Teacher, so preaching is also karma to solve puzzles.

Not to mention that Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Dao Ren have opened up the road of mixing, even because of the Five Elements Demon God inheritance and Heaven Opening Seal, and even the Eternal Heaven boat, even after Hun Yuan The road is not ignorant.

After Hongjun’s three lectures alone, he will be in harmony. From then on, neither the amount of calamity nor the uncontrollable situation of Saint is present.

Admiring him as a teacher, apart from being able to get Hongmeng Purple Qi easily, it is not helpful to Fang Qingshan. You can neither answer questions for yourself, nor help you when you are in trouble, but you have to give yourself. Fate.

I used to worship Lao Tzu as a teacher, but I was still very weak, I can provide a lot of help to myself, such as patrons, such as preaching, such as gifting treasures, etc., it is profitable, but basically does not pay much , And now he is worshiping Hongjun as his teacher, but the opposite is true.

Therefore, in the envy of other people’s eyes, and almost certainly no one will refuse, Fang Qingshan and the two shook the head firmly.

“Many thanks Daozu, it’s just that the two of me have become accustomed to freedom, but I have failed Daozu’s goodwill.”

The rejection of Fang Qingshan is obviously except for Hong Junzhi. Besides, no one expected it.

In the eyes of others, it is absolutely profitable and harmless to worship Hongjun as a teacher. Even fools know how to choose, but they did not expect Fang Qingshan to unexpectedly refuse. Time, Purple Heaven Palace couldn’t help being quiet.

“Impudent, Teacher thinks of you, but you dare to refuse. It’s ridiculous.”

“hmph, such a big tone, even Daozu can’t even look at it. I don’t know. If you think you are capable and capable, don’t come to Purple Heaven Palace in the first place!”

“The teacher humiliated my brother to death, so we can’t say we have to do one.”

. …..

Immediately, the entire Purple Heaven Palace became hustle and bustle again. Some were dissatisfied, some were angry, some wanted to be replaced by their bodies, and some were not too big to watch the excitement. ……

Before Hongjun spoke, Three Purities took the lead.

Refuse to apprentice?

What does Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Dao Ren mean?

Hongjun accepts them as disciples, and they are ecstatic.

Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Dao Ren flatly refused.

This is obviously saying, the tangerine of the other, the arsenic of me.

This is not just hitting Hongjun in the face, but also hitting them in the face.

It is not just Three Purities, each one is present, and everyone is filled with indignation.

You do not want to occupy the pit without shit, I do.

Therefore, for a time, they rallied and attacked. Fang Qingshan seemed to have committed a heinous crime and were attacked by everyone.

It was Hongjun, who had already anticipated this, but even if he knew, Fang Qingshan and Fang Qingshan had swept his face, he was still a little unhappy.

The expression on his face is even more invisible.

He spoke in person, and Fang Qingshan refused.

The two people who know are not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, and those who don’t know think that Hongjun has a problem with himself/main body.

This is a naked face slap, Hong Jun did not take a shot to teach Fang Qingshan the two have been very restrained.

“In this case, it is our master and disciple connection is superficial.”

People who want to worship him as a teacher abound, one more of them is not more, one less of them A lot.

foolish enough to reject a face-saving offer.

No, as soon as his voice fell, someone stumbled into it.

But I can see that Zhunti was attracted by the thunder and rushed out of the crowd and bowed before Hongjun,

“Teacher, they are not willing , Senior Brother and I seek the Tao with all my heart, but I want to worship Daozu as our teacher, and hope that Teacher will perfect me both.”

While talking, I looked at Hongjun with an expression of admiration, good deed, look She got goosebumps all over, and she deserves to be a professional of Great Desolate, this acting is simply amazing.

And Hongjun heard what Dao Zhun mentioned and saw their gazes, and seemed to be deeply moved by them. Some old men nodded in comfort,

“That’s all, take the lead, and quasi mention can be Honorary Disciple for me. Although there is no Innate Merit virtue, in the future, it is destined to establish Major Sect, and it can also be Sanctification.”

Said with a wave of hands. , It is necessary to separate Fang Qingshan, the two Hongmeng Purple Qi in front of the mosquito person.


Fang Qingshan and the mosquito man shouted at the same time.

“Since Daozu put Purple Qi in the futon, it means that those who get the futon get Purple Qi, and not only Daozu’s disciples can get Purple Qi. Since the two of me occupy the futon, naturally With Purple Qi, Dao ancestors can’t use official authority for private interests.”

“Impudent, Dao ancestors started speaking on the Great Way, preaching to sentient beings, how great is it that you can denigrate? “

Zhun Ti immediately jumped out.

“Three Purities Senior Brother and Nuwa Junior Sister have been apprentices. If you don’t apprehend yourself, you still want to covet Purple Qi, having insatiable desires.”

“hehe, in that case, then Don’t set up a futon at the beginning. Wouldn’t it be better to preach in private?”

Looking at Zhunti jumping up and down, Fang Qingshan said lightly.


What else Zhunti has to say, Hongjun waved his hand,

Suddenly Hongjun’s body A terrifying coercion made everyone in Purple Heaven Palace feel the threat of life. This feeling was felt by everyone in the previous Dragon Phoenix catastrophe, and even the birth of Heavenly Way and Hongjun Sanctification, and they couldn’t help but breathe. To promote.

The others are not bad, but they were only affected by the aftermath. Fang Qingshan faced Hongjun’s coercion head-on. For a while, Fang Qingshan felt like he had returned to the previous situation of climbing Buzhou Mountain. And it is the Buzhou Mountain Pangu with full firepower, not the already weakened pressure of Aiwu and Wu.

For a time, Fang Qingshan and the mosquitoes felt the danger of life and death. They felt like a small raft in the sea, and they could be invaded by the sea at any time.

Nevertheless, it is a pity that Fang Qingshan and the mosquitoes are not what they used to be.

Compared to before the summit of Buzhou Mountain, Fang Qingshan cultivation base not only breakthrough Quasi-Saint, but also fleshly body Primordial Spirit and dual Quasi-Saint. His current cultivation base is probably equivalent to killing both good and evil. Quasi-Saint mid-to-late corpse.

Together with the Supreme Treasure and merits on his body, Hong Jun shouldn’t say that he doesn’t take the shot himself, but just wants to overwhelm him with an imposing manner. Even if he does take the shot, Fang Qingshan will not fail to fight back. Power.

“hmph ”

Fang Qingshan coldly snorted, slap his forehead, showing three flowers on top, holding up five flags, waving in the wind, hunting.

“Innate Five Flags!”

Seeing this scene, Hongjun’s face moved slightly, a little surprised.

One of the apricot flags was traded to the mosquito man after the Dragon Phoenix catastrophe.

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