It’s easy to make icing on the cake, but it is difficult to provide timely help.

Except for a small number of people, it is because the courageous starved to death and the timid want to take a risk.

It is not so easy for others to take over.

Fortunately, Dijun and Bai Ze made suggestions for them.

The first strategy is to refining Monster Race Supreme Treasure.

Call the demon banner!

Monster Race Supreme Treasure.

It is the same as the Heavenspan Cult Lord’s smallpox flag, the Dragon Race’s four-sea clock, and the queen mother Empress’s plain cloud border flag.

It’s just that the smallpox pendant flag summon is the disciple of Section Cult, Wanxianlai Dynasty, and the Four Seas Bell summon is the Four Sea Dragon Race, and even the scaled clan, Wanlong Chaocang, plain cloud boundary flag Also called Juxianqi, summon is the person of cultivation.

However, no matter which type, they have their own special missions or limitations.

The demon banners are different, this banner shakes, and the group demon responds.

As for the word “Monster”, Human Race does not appear, and the underworld is not visible. Leave the Witch Clan away, and the entire Great Desolate is under its control.

If Emperor Supreme Unity can unify Great Desolate, this thing cannot really command the world, do not dare not obey, and achieve a true fate Supreme Treasure, comparable to Primal Chaos Bell, it may not be impossible.

This thing is the same as Qin Shihuang’s Great Wall and Yang Guang’s canal. It is a thing that is detrimental to the present and will benefit the future.

For the current attempt to subdue Monster Race, it must be eager to eat meat.

After all, for the sake of safety, regardless of whether the ministers acknowledge allegiance or not, they must finally hand in a Primordial Spirit to be integrated into the enchantment banner. From then on, the manpower of life and death will not be mentioned, but obviously once things change, it is easy Was plotted against.

Even if you don’t say this, it is difficult to accept the self/main body of being forced to hand over the Primordial Spirit.

The reason why Kunpeng betrayed Emperor Jun during the Great Battle of Witch and Demon was not only because he could not see the hope of victory, but also because of the bane planted by the demon banners.

Of course, in general, the advantages of recruiting monsters outweigh the disadvantages of Monster Race.

After training, this thing is not only more conducive to the centralization of Monster Race, but also becomes a treasure for suppressing Monster Race fate, second only to Donghuang Bell and Heavenly Cycle Star Chen great array.

And another advantage of the demon banner is that if you fall, you can know immediately through the Primordial Spirit left in the demon banner, and follow the clues to find the killer, which can help you Revenge, even if you pay a higher price, is resurrection is not impossible.

Of course, these benefits are invisible to everyone, or they are selectively ignored.

They only saw Zhao Yaofan’s control over them and lost their freedom.

But it is precisely because of this that more control is needed.

Bai Ze knows exactly what kind of race Monster Race is, acknowledge allegiance powerhouse, but is unruly.

In order to better gather Monster Race and gather strength, it is imperative to recruit demon flags.

Even if Kunpeng later betrayed because of this, at least at the moment, when it was opened up, this thing was more indispensable than the Donghuang Bell.

So, the next thing is simple.

With the guidance of Bai Ze, Supreme Unity and Emperor Jun took turns to take turns, with mental arithmetic and unintentional. Anyone who was targeted by them, whether willing or unwilling, convincing, or Final Struggle, fell into Dang Zhong.

It’s okay to agree, treat each other well, and don’t hesitate to reward.

If I disagree, I will fight first, I am convinced, and then forced to surrender a strand of Primordial Spirit and integrate it into the beckoning banner.

So, not only must you be controlled by the enchanting banners, but the treatment you will receive is definitely not as good as you feel.

Just when the Emperor Supreme Unity vigorously collected the younger brother, in the sea of ​​blood, the mosquito man discovered an extraordinary major event.

“What’s the matter?”

Fang Qingshan just came out of the retreat, and saw the mosquito man with a gloomy face, like the feeling of the rising wind forebodes the coming storm. Fang Qingshan looked unfathomable mystery for a while.

On the cultivation base, on the magical artifact, on the progress, on the resources, on the fate……. There is one thing to say.

Current Great Desolate, apart from Yang Mei Hongjun, almost no one can compare with it. Three Purities can’t, Twelve Ancestor Witch can’t, Emperor Supreme Unity, Fuxi Nuwa and even more can’t.

Besides, the Heavenspan Great Way has been opened up. It is only a matter of time to prove the way. So, what’s so upset?

“Is there someone who doesn’t have eyesight and breaks ground on Tai Sui’s head?”

Fang Qingshan speculated,

“Or is there insufficient resources?”

Thinking of this, Fang Qingshan couldn’t help but gasped, showing a look of horror.

If the Dragon Phoenix catastrophe is taken away and the resources are still not enough, Fang Qingshan should consider whether the innate talent of the mosquito man is fake, or a medium such as eternal blessing is needed, or Can you give up?

“I didn’t completely refine the origin of the sea of ​​blood.”

The mosquito person didn’t notice Fang Qingshan’s unpredictable expression, just said coldly.

“If you haven’t completely refined, continue to refine.”

Seeing that it is not what I imagined, Fang Qingshan immediately sighed in relief, and said casually.

“I have refined everything that can be refined, but I still haven’t fully controlled it.”

The mosquito person frowns, emphasized it.

“Since everything that can be refined is refined, it is completely refined!”

At first, Fang Qingshan didn’t react, and said a little bit funny.

After that, I accepted the mentally retarded white eyes of the mosquito man. It was then that I understood the meaning of the mosquito man and couldn’t help but said resolutely.

“You mean, Netherworld River Old Ancestor is not dead yet?”


The mosquito person shook the head, in that case , Netherworld River simply impossible to escape, and he relied on a sea of ​​blood, thinking that he could sit back and relax, and it was impossible to learn how to cunning rabbits. So Netherworld River must be dead and can’t die anymore.

“Since it is not the Netherworld River, how can you not be able to completely control the sea of ​​blood?”

Fang Qingshan has some Zhang Er monks scratching their heads.

“Will you say that it will be the same as before?”

At this time, the mosquito person said without thinking.

“What was the same as before?”

Fang Qingshan asked.

“Why couldn’t Netherworld River completely control the sea of ​​blood in the first place?”

A reminder from the mosquito man.

“Did you mean?”

Fang Qingshan finally understood it, stared wide-eyed suddenly, shaped like a copper bell, and said in disbelief,


“This is impossible!”

At the beginning, the reason why the Netherworld River Old Ancestor could not completely refine the sea of ​​blood was because there were mosquitoes in it. Heavenly Way is deliberately balanced. First, Netherworld River was born to suppress mosquitoes, but Netherworld River could not perceive the existence of mosquitoes, and could not completely control the sea of ​​blood, so that the origin is leaked and it is difficult to achieve mixed elements, otherwise the fate of the sea of ​​blood Merit, Netherworld River’s chance of becoming a Hunyuan should be great.

But now that the Mosquito Man has been determined to have completely swallowed the Netherworld River, and in the sea of ​​blood, they should be the only two creatures.

Is there a third person?

“Impossible? Nothing is impossible.”

Mosquito person shook the head. Asked meaningfully,

“You said that if we don’t come to Great Desolate, will the trajectory here continue to follow the original development?”

Fang Qingshan hearing this suddenly Stunned.

Yes, if they don’t come, the development of the entire Great Desolate will definitely remain the same.

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