One piece, one piece, Dao of Martial.

After the cultivation base breakthrough, everyone naturally broke through.

One to relax, and then to travel to Great Desolate to see if you can get some good luck.

After all, everyone nowadays, except for some Innate gods who have companion Sacred Jewel, or race inheritance Sacred Jewel, others have empty hands, and the battle depends entirely on Divine Ability or hand-to-hand combat.

This is the beauty of their ignorance of Sacred Jewel. The next time Hongjun talks about Severing The Three Corpses, their desire for Sacred Jewel will reach a peak.

Sacred Jewel not only improves combat effectiveness, but also helps to comprehend the Great Way. After all, Sacred Jewel is also bred by the heaven and earth Dao Rhyme law. Refine Sacred Jewel is banned, and the equivalent to is to understand the Great Way.

The most important thing is, breakthrough Quasi-Saint, the method of repairing Severing The Three Corpses, without Sacred Jewel, it is impossible to move a single step.

Although there is no Sacred Jewel, Heavenly Spiritual Root, Buddhist Relic, etc. are also ok.

But the difficulty of obtaining this is not low.

Furthermore, Buddhism Relic, neither of them has created it yet.

These are not known yet, so the battles in Great Desolate are not so obvious yet.

Just because there are so many people walking Great Desolate, it will inevitably become lively.

Most people walk on Great Desolate just to practice heaven and earth, relax, polish their minds, etc., but there are a few people who are different.

Their appearance made the entire Great Desolate smell a little bit more gunpowder.

And these people are naturally the two brothers, Emperor Jun and Supreme Unity, who jumped the most fiercely.

The two are born Sovereign, plus they seem to be told by nature to build influence.

To take the path of the Dragon Phoenix tribe, unify Great Desolate, Monarch Overlooking The Whole World, add fate, and breakthrough mixed yuan may not be impossible.

In the beginning, although the two felt good about themselves, after all, not who can be born with the Supreme Treasure in their arms.

But after all, the advantage is not very big, but after Purple Heaven Palace, the two found that they can be regarded as Peak and the like in the entire Great Desolate.

Especially the two people’s cultivation base breakthrough to Da Luo Golden Immortal Peak, and they can even break through Quasi-Saint at any time. With Primal Chaos Bell in their hands, they can say that they are full of confidence.

“It is very simple to build a power, but it is not simple to build a power like the Dragon Phoenix tribe back then.”

Di Jun said calmly.

With the strength of the two brothers, Supreme Treasure, to build a force is naturally with no difficulty.

But if this power is allowed to stand on heaven and earth, like Dragon Phoenix, sweeping the Great Desolate, they will be a little short.

First of all, Great Desolate now is different from before. Now there is a Hongjun above their heads, like a sharp sword hanging in the air, he must consider his opinions about everything.

Secondly, although they are good, they can be compared to them but there are many, and they are everywhere.

Don’t say that the older generation has the Quasi-Saint race, just Three Purities, Fuxi Nuwa and the others are not much worse than their brother.

Especially the twelve ancestor witches, in the Supreme Unity in mind of Emperor Jun, faintly feel that they are natural enemies.

There can only be one of the two parties.

If they can, they want to obliterate the danger in the cradle.

Unfortunately, the Twelve Ancestral Witches are not someone who is easy to deal with. The Twelve Brothers join forces and look at the Great Desolate. I am afraid that even those Quasi-Saint forces will not dare to provoke them.

Although they have some strength now, there is still a big gap compared with it, so naturally they will not ask for trouble. However, he deeply remembered the Witch Clan in his heart, and he would act first if he had a chance.

Unfortunately, they have no way to achieve this after all.

Leave aside the natural cause and effect of Witch and Demon Races.

“Big brother, we can first conquer a group of strengths, and then win a group of Fellow Daoist, and then tell Dao Zu during the second sermon, I want to come to him It shouldn’t be concerned.”


Supreme Unity also calmly made his own suggestions.

Make a decision and then move.

After all, it is related to their brother’s wealth and life, so he can’t tolerate his carelessness.

Success, naturally Qingyun will go straight up, and lose, but it will be consigned to eternal damnation.


The two discussed for a while, but decided to accept a group of available people first.

Whether it’s wooing or going to Hongjun, you must first put up the frame.

Otherwise, an empty shell, wanting to woo someone with an empty glove White Wolf, is obviously wishful thinking.

As for the people who are attracted, they also have a goal, that is Fuxi Nuwa, Kunpeng.

Since the decision was made, the two of them stopped delaying. I got off the Supreme Sun Star and went to Great Desolate to subdue his men.

And the subordinates who can be seen by Supreme Unity are naturally not mediocre.

The one they want to conquer is naturally Fellow Daoist who is also Purple Heaven Palace this time.

It’s just that these people and Three Purities and the others are not in the same class.

Purple Heaven Palace has three thousand visitors, also divided into different grades.

One of the most powerful ones is naturally the Innate gods of Three Purities, and even the old monsters of the Peak races that came from the ominous beast and Dragon Phoenix.

The cultivation base of these people is basically the late Da Luo, even Peak, and even Quasi-Saint.

Divine Ability, Supreme Treasure, and fat are all the best choices.

The second is the middle and late stages of Daluo, but the background is not as good as the previous group, but the heels and feet are quite deep.

The weakest are those who have just broken through Da Luo, who have no background, but are talented, or loose cultivator, or small race.

If there is no chance, you may be rolling in Da Luo for the rest of your life, and breakthrough Quasi-Saint is the limit.

If you can get good luck, you can also fly into the sky, and it may not be impossible for people to catch up with the first two levels.

The goal of Supreme Unity and the others this time is naturally the last kind of person.

The most important thing is that Supreme Unity two people can form absolute suppression on them, such talents are easy to subdue.

Although they are the worst among 3,000 people, they are only for now.

But they are also three thousand people from Great Desolate cream of the crop. In the Great Desolate, they are all experts who dominate.

Among them, there are ten people most valued by Supreme Unity.

These ten people will be the ten Great Marshals of Monster Race in the future.

Monster Race’s senior management is divided into one emperor, three emperors, one division, one queen, and ten marshals.

One emperor is Emperor Jun, three emperors, including Eastern Emperor Supreme Unity, Xi Emperor Fuxi, and Snail Emperor Nuwa. The first division refers to Kunpeng, the second refers to Xihe, and the ten marshal is Bai Ze, Ji Meng, Yingzhao, Fei Dan, Fei Lian, Jiu Ying, Shang Yang, Qin Yuan, Iron, Ghost Car.

Of course, except for Emperor Jun and Supreme Unity, no one has joined Monster Race yet.

What Supreme Unity has to do now is to tie Bai Ze and the others onto the thief ship.

Among the top ten monsters, Bai Ze is the most optimistic about Supreme Unity.

This person may not be able to top the top ten demon commanders in strength, but he is the first of the ten demon commanders, unshakable.

The status in Monster Race can be said to be second only to Emperor Supreme Unity, not under Nuwa, Fuxi, Kunpeng, Xihe.

He knows astronomy and geography from the top, and knows the trivialities from the bottom; after passing, he knows the future, it is simply the Great Desolate version of Bai Xiaosheng. Monster Race is a military-level figure in the future. Many decisive strategies in Monster Race are indispensable to him and Aooka lineage Nine-tailed Fox.

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