
But it can be seen that Fang Qingshan within the body has five streams of divine light bursting out, white, blue, black, red, yellow, brilliant lights and vibrant colors.

White is gold, sharp blade, green is wood, built wood, black is water, sea, red is fire, big sun, yellow is earth, and earth. Lifelike, like substance.

The five colors converge, each other, the bead curtain rolls down and falls into Fang Qingshan within the body. For a while, the sky thunder shook the earth fire, and there were countless divine lights shooting, the law rolled, in the mysterious, It seems that a huge Demon God that has been sleeping forever is about to wake up.


At a certain moment, Fang Qingshan inhales like a whirlwind, breathes like a thunderbolt, suddenly eyes opened, and the whole body seems to be swollen, and it swells up in a swish.

In a moment, able to support both heaven and earth, the huge body full of thousands zhang stands like a pillar of heaven.

This is still because in Buzhou Mountain, there is Panguwei suppression, otherwise, it is not surprising that it will be doubled several times.

The whole body is surrounded by colorful colors, a black hair is directly draped behind him, and his muscles are entwined like a horned dragon. They are distributed around the body and exude a terrifying breath of strength. You can feel suffocated at the first glance. , Every inch of flesh and blood is full of strength and beauty.

The body is like colored glaze, the whole body is multicolored, and countless ancient, boundless, and mysterious textures are engraved on it, which changes from time to time. The whole body is qi and blood, like a pillar of heaven, almost piercing shatter void.

Five Elements real body!

Monster Race has its body, and the witch race has the real body of the ancestor witch.

Fang Qingshan repaired All Heaven Method of Body Refining, naturally there is also a method to condense the true body.

The real body is not Divine Ability, but also a kind of ontology, not Heaven and Earth’s Law Manifestation, nor Size as one wants.

Like the real body of the ancestor witch and the body of Monster Race, it can greatly enhance the defense and combat effectiveness of the fleshly body.

After showing his true body, Fang Qingshan poured the Supreme Treasure such as Three Illuminations Divine Water into his mouth without money.

The Method of Body Refining of All Heaven Shengdao Jue, crazy operation, refine Three Illuminations Divine Water, carry spiritual power.

This is another two-thirds distance.

At this time, even the real body of Five Elements, even the holy water of Three Lights, is not worth it.

The real body is broken, and Three Illuminations Divine Water is just an utterly inadequate measure.

Now every step we take takes nearly a year.

Furthermore, Fang Qingshan’s obsession is completely persevering, with a sigh of relief in his heart. Once it is relaxed, it will not only be hopeless to reach the top, but will even suffer a greater backlash.

At this moment, let’s look at how Fang Qingshan is so miserable.

Don’t talk about divine poise and sagelike features, it’s not much better than beggar.

She is naked and blood dyed red.

But you don’t have to feel ashamed, not because no one sees it, but now he is a skeleton frame.

There are even densely packed cracks on the skeleton, which seem to be shattered at any time.

Internal organs, because of the Great Way of origin, although they are suppressed to a tiny dust, they are not broken.

Half-ninety people travel a hundred miles.

After reaching the last few steps, Fang Qingshan couldn’t hold on to the summit after all.

Don’t even talk about continuing to climb, even if there is a storm, it seems that it may fall apart.

“Further, ten thousand zhang abyss, consigned to eternal damnation, taking a step back, reining in the cliff, and broadening the sky.”

“Persistence, persistence is victory. There are only the last few steps. You cannot give up halfway. .”

“No, I can’t go anymore. I’m afraid I’m in danger of falling. I have a good future, but I can’t plant here.”

“Great terror has great opportunity , On the cultivator road, how can you retreat because of hardship.”

“Retreat, rewind.”

“Go in, go over.”

.. ….

For a time, the two voices were like body possession, struggling in Fang Qingshan Niwan Palace.

Worry for advancement and worry for retreat.

“The Great Way is struggling, and dangers such as crossing river carp on the way are everywhere. If you go away because of the danger, although you have saved your life, your heart is weak. Even if you have a big fate, you can’t imagine the great opportunity. Climbing to the top of the Great Way, and not being able to climb to the top of Buzhou Mountain today, how can I aspire to the Great Way in the future?”

“I should hold the heart like walking on thin ice and do something brave and diligent!”

After all, the idea of ​​climbing to the top has gained the upper hand.

Moreover, the Great Way is struggling. If you don’t even have the courage to face the difficulties, then life will stop here.

However, if a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools.

Fang Qingshan is not blind, and brings about one’s own destruction recklessly.

He first used merit, fate, and Three Illuminations Divine Water to repair the consumed spiritual power and the damaged fleshly body Primordial Spirit.

In a spurt of energy, I rushed over.

ka-cha, ka-cha!

Although it is only a few steps away, the bursting sound is like firecrackers, endless.


When I reached the top of the mountain, Fang Qingshan’s fleshly body was directly crushed into a mass of flesh.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan used the Eternal Heaven boat in advance, and wrapped a little original brand spirituality with the thunder flag, and then the whole army would not be annihilated. Otherwise, I am afraid Fang Qingshan would really be finished.

With this last spirituality as a primer, the damaged fleshly body Primordial Spirit began to be repaired.

without destruction there can be no construction, break and then stand.

I wonder if there is still Pangu Power of Fortune left on the top of Buzhou Mountain, or for other reasons.

In less than a quarter, a divine poise and sagelike feature, Fang Qingshan, who was left alone, reappeared, more perfect and more powerful.


Yes, with the help of this last blow, Fang Qingshan finally broke the shackles, from the Da Luo breakthrough to Quasi-Saint, and the fleshly body Primordial Spirit double Quasi-Saint.


After realm breakthrough, Fang Qingshan took advantage of the trend.

With a sudden shout, the three Innate Five Flags flew out automatically, transformed into three Taoists, surrounded by fresh air, and the breath appeared and disappeared, as if it were in harmony with heaven and earth. Exactly similar to Fang Qingshan, I don’t know, but I thought he displayed One Qi becoming Three Purities Divine Ability.

The real situation is that Fang Qingshan used the cultivation base, cultivation, realm, and ultimately the breakthrough where water flows, a canal is formed Quasi-Saint realm. Cut off the three corpses.

Now in Great Desolate, Heavenly Way has not been born, Hongjun has no Sanctification, and Purple Heaven Palace has not spoken. Naturally, others will not be Severing The Three Corpses.

However, when Fang Qingshan was in Journey to the West Great World, he got Lao Tzu’s secret, and he was naturally too familiar with this secret law.

However, at this moment, although he has cut the three corpses, he is not at all.

Fang Qingshan borrowed the method of Hongjun Severing The Three Corpses, but it was different. After all, he had to use the Innate Five Square Banner to chop the corpse, and five Avatars.

So, what he killed was not obsession with good and evil, but Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth.

Cut off the Five Elements Great Way. Finally, the three corpses are merged into one. Five Elements are combined and the Great Way is reinstated.


Just when Fang Qingshan broke down and stood up, when the cultivation base was greatly advanced, the benefits of climbing Buzhou Mountain finally came.

But it can be seen that from the foot of the mountain to the top of Buzhou Mountain, the Pangu Dao Rhyme, who had benefited Fang Qingshan a lot, were stripped one after another, and then gathered.

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