Since it has been preempted by the Supreme Unity brothers, Three Purities naturally does not dare to neglect it anymore. If they are allowed to be born before others, they will really be a naked face on their authentic descendants of Pangu.

Well, the two Supreme Unity who were born first can also be attributed to the Supreme Treasure of Primal Chaos Bell.

Therefore, it is almost a step-by-step effort. On the east Kunlun, rising winds, scudding clouds, auspicious light piles up like clouds, aura and water, three groups of fresh air are transformed, heaven and earth Celebrate it.

I saw the Qi of Taiqing turned into a kind old man, the Qi of Yuqing turned into a majestic middle-aged, and the Qi of Shangqing turned into a resolute youth.

A mysterious yellow treasure tower stands on top of Laozi’s head, no worse than Supreme Unity’s Primal Chaos Bell.

This is Pangu’s opening of the sky, the Great Way induction, the beginning of heaven and earth, the beginning of all things, the immeasurable heaven and earth Black and Yellow Qi created by the void, fusion of the merits of opening the sky, a piece of achievement Supreme Treasure, heaven and earth Exquisite Pagoda.

Standing above your head, Innate is undefeated!

Three Purities, apart from Lao Tzu, although there are no accompanying Sacred Jewels, they inherit the Good Fortune of Pangu and are born with great merit, not just the cultivation base, which is slightly higher than the others. The Golden Wheel of Merit is everywhere, no worse than the top Innate Sacred Jewel, and it is more mysterious.

“I am Pangu authentic, Taiqing Laozi.”

“I am Pangu authentic, Yuqing primordial.”

“I am Pangu authentic, on Qing Heavenspan.”

Following, another day, after the fall of the Yin and Yang Old Ancestor, the largest mass of essence flew out, and the mountain range that embraced Yin and Yang, which fell, also shined at this moment. .

Dragon Phoenix and Ming, peaceful union of Yin-Yang.

Two giant black and white snakes entangled like Yin-Yang Symbol.

Russia, the yin and yang are separated, turning into a pair of men and women falling down.

I saw the man holding an ancient zither in his hand, with a temperament similar to Supreme Unity emperor Jun, born in Sovereign, and the woman in a palace outfit, peerless grace and elegance.

“I am Fuxi.”

“I am Nuwa.”

In the sea of ​​North Ming, a giant beast was born.

It is a fish in the water, its name is Kun, the size of Kun does not know its thousands of miles, it turns into a bird, its name is Peng, the back of Peng does not know its thousands of miles, it flies in anger, Its wings are like clouds hanging down from the sky.


Zhen Yuanzi, who has a view of five villages, embraces the Earth Book and is born on the back of the ginseng Fruit Tree.

There is another red cloud in the sky.

In the West, Mount Meru, which was the dojo of Luohu, has two people born at this moment, no worse than Zhen Yuanzi and the others.

It is precisely the two who lead Zhunzi.

It’s just that the two of them are a little bit distressed compared to the spectacular happiness of others born.

There is no merit, no Supreme Treasure, and the entire West has become a barbarian land because of the destruction of its ancestral veins. Three properly staffed.


In addition to Three Purities, Supreme Unity Emperor Jun, Nuwa Fuxi, Zhen Yuanzi Hongyun, Zhunti and the others, there are also Naxi The Queen Mother of Kunlun, the Eastern Prince, the head of the male immortals in the future, Wangshu, Xihe, Qixi and so on on the lunar star.

One by one seems to spring up like bamboo shoots after the rain, and I will appear on stage after you sing.

But think about it, in the future, Purple Heaven Palace will open a lecture, and there will be at least three thousand people listening to the lecture. There are still many people who are daunted, some fall into chaos, some…not at all surprising.

Of course, another protagonist, the Twelve Ancestor Witch, who will be measured in the future is indispensable.

Moreover, among all the born Innate gods, the most amazing imposing manner is not the Supreme Unity that embraces Innate Supreme Treasure, nor the Pangu Three Purities, it is the Witch Clan under Buzhou Mountain.

Almost second only to Supreme Unity Emperor Jun and Three Purities, not far from the bottom of Buzhou Mountain, suddenly cracked a huge crack nearly a thousand miles long and unknown depth, billowing turbid air came out, covering the sky. On the day, those who didn’t know thought it was the sky collapsed.

A great hall vacated, echoing with Buzhou Mountain.

Not long after, twelve drops of blood essence flew out, transformed into the twelve ancestor witch.

Or there is a snake in the left ear, ride on two dragons, human face and tiger body, shoulder blades with wings, or full body azure, bird body on human face, ride on two dragons, or python head human body with two feet A Black Dragon with hands wrapped in a green python, black scales all over, or a beast face, double fire snakes passing through his ears, multiplied by two Fire Dragons…different shapes.

The ancestral witch was born, and immediately roar towards the sky, continuously shouting “witch, witch, witch, witch, witch, witch…”,

If it is Three Purities brain After that, the golden wheel of merits shines all over the world, and it makes people feel good and respectful at first sight.

Then with the birth of the twelve ancestor witches were twelve stale air, evil spirits, and for a while, the entire Great Desolate creatures could not help but feel horrified, as if a catastrophe was imminent, and those who did not know thought it was quantity The robbery began.

The reason why the imposing manner of the ancestral witch is born is the most astonishing, because of this evil spirit, fierce.

Of course, there is another reason for the ancient palace, which is the great hall that just hosted them. Compared with Supreme Unity’s Primal Chaos Bell, Lao Tzu’s Profound Yellow Pagoda is even worse. .

Finally, Supreme Unity has not completely refined Primal Chaos Bell, and the cultivation base is not enough.

In addition, the twelve ancestor witches alone are no worse than them. You can imagine the scene of the twelve being connected together.

So the scene is grand.

However, Beautiful Tree In The Forest, Wind Must Certainly Destroy It, is better than others, and people are not.

Such a high-profile witch race naturally hinders the eyes of others, especially Pangu Three Purities.

They are also descendants of Pangu. Three Purities is very dissatisfied with the barbarians of the Witch tribe. They think that they do not have Primordial Spirit and do not care about Tianxin. Sooner or later, they will suffer a catastrophe. They are ashamed to join them.

It’s strange that they can be happy because the witches that they look down on steal the limelight.

As the great god of Innate, he has a mentality that is not weaker than that of others. Therefore, he has no good feelings for the witches who are overwhelming.

Especially Emperor Jun, Supreme Unity and the others, I don’t know if it is because of Lich’s natural rivals. Seeing the Wu Clan, I just want them to die.

This also planted the bane of the Wu Clan’s later events, so I won’t mention these for now.

“Hehe, this Great Desolate is really lively.”

When Fang Qingshan came out of the retreat, he could not help but chuckle when he saw the great desolate gods were born and appeared on stage. Scream.

“Have you succeeded?”

Seeing the breath of Fang Qingshan’s body, and Five Elements Old Ancestor of common origins, the mosquito person’s eyes lit up.

“It is necessary.”

Fang Qingshan nodded,

“Three Purities and the others are born, Hongjun Sanctification may not be far away. “

“Hongjun Sanctification, Purple Heaven Palace is about to start, you said when the time comes, do we want to grab a holy throne?”

Mosquito Dao people said with a smile.

Whether it is a mosquito person or Fang Qingshan will not follow the way of Saint, Hongmeng Purple Qi will not be too much for anyone.

After all, even if it is not used to entrust Primordial Spirit, it can also be used to achieve Innate Supreme Treasure. He has many top Innate Sacred Jewels.

Furthermore, as far as Fang Qingshan is concerned, the six futons, I am afraid, not only represent the six holy places.

Otherwise, Laozi’s listening and comprehension will never be more than Supreme Unity and the others, and their cultivation base is definitely impossible.

Obviously it is still a cultivation accelerator, a small focus for Hongjun.

“Let’s go with the flow!”

Fang Qingshan shook the head, there was no argument, nor did he say no. It depends entirely on the performance and timing.

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