Not to mention the mosquito man who made the big movement, in the blood sea, Fang Qingshan retreats in the secret room when he comes back.

Take out the corpse of Five Elements Old Ancestor, what he has to do now is to refine the origin of Five Elements Old Ancestor, and then refine it into his body, backdoor listing.

From then on he is Five Elements, and Five Elements is him.

Not only can you get an identity, but also steal the good fortune represented by Five Elements.

Being able to name Five Elements is not something an ordinary person can do. There is no deep heels and precious life style. Once named, it will be backlash from the dark, and the lighter will be hit hard. He directly wailed sorrow.

“Hey, if the mosquito person can blackmail Heaven and Earth Cauldron from Hongjun.”

Looking at the dead body of Five Elements Old Ancestor, at this time, Fang An idea suddenly appeared in Qingshan’s mind.

Heaven and Earth Cauldron, has the effect of Return to Origin.

Using him to refine Five Elements Old Ancestor, to extract the source, but it is not suitable.

Not only saves time and effort, but also has the best effect.

However, Fang Qingshan also thinks about that’s all.

After all, Heaven and Earth Cauldron is Innate Supreme Treasure, and it is also related to Nuwa Sanctification in the future, which is of immense merit.

Hung Jun didn’t even want to deal with Divine Spear, let alone Heaven and Earth Cauldron.

However, even though there is no Heaven and Earth Cauldron, Fang Qingshan is not unable to refine, it just needs to spend more time and effort.

“The passing water lamp, come out!”

Fang Qingshan first brought out the passing water lamp summon in the Eternal Heaven boat.

But I saw the lights surging like water, like stars hanging in the sky, and in an instant, Time Flow Speed ​​was accelerated by many times.

“Heaven and earth oven, now!”

Fang Qingshan gave a whisper. After pinching his hands, a picture of gossip suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Between the moments, the universe is in harmony, the wind and thunder follow each other, the fire and water are opposite, and the mountains and mountains depend on each other.

The Eight Trigrams Furnace, which is blurry in one bite, takes shape.

Heaven and earth oven Great Divine Ability!

Fang Qingshan learned from the Zhang Jue Heavenly Book when he was in Three Kingdoms world. It is a Divine Ability modeled after the old man’s gossip alchemic furnace.

At that time, Zhang Jue also planned to use the Great Han Bazhou as the foundation to practice this Divine Ability. Once it succeeds, it will not only suppress fate, it will also be solid.

Unfortunately, I met Fang Qingshan, and I fell short.

At this moment, Fang Qingshan picked up this Divine Ability again, just to refine the corpse of Five Elements Old Ancestor to refine the source.

Of course, if it is a gossip alchemic furnace, although the body is not as good as Heaven and Earth Cauldron, it is also a top-level Innate Sacred Jewel, and it won’t be a big problem, but Fang Qingshan’s Divine Ability is obviously a gap. It’s a bit far away. In particular, this Divine Ability is not as proficient as the Life Source Divine Ability Five Elements bracelet, Five Elements cone, Five Elements formation diagram, or Great Five Elements Extinction Divine Needle, Big Five Elements Divine Lightning, etc.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan has seen the top Innate Sacred Jewel gossip alchemic furnace, and knows this, so he took out various Sacred Jewels to bless Divine Ability.

But while seeing him wave his hands, took out eight Sacred Jewels.

Dry for the sky, for the Yang, suppressed with high grade spirit root and hibiscus wood.

Kun is the ground and Yin, suppressed with high grade spirit root and bay wood.

When these two spirit roots were both Journey to the West Great World, he ransomed them from Lu Ya.

After his continuous cultivation with Three Illuminations Divine Water and Nine Heavens Breath Eart, the top spirit roots such as flat peach, linden wood, World Tree, etc. interact with each other, plus the method of Time Acceleration.

Although it has not been cultivated as a top spirit root, it is also a well-known figure in high grade.

At least this time Fang Qingshan got the Heavenly Spiritual Root from Dragon Race, White Tiger Race, etc., except for the Myriad Transformations tree, other spirit roots are slightly comparable.

The sun is the wind, and the wind is the wood. Fang Qingshan suppressed it with the Azure Lotus color flag.

The earthquake turned thunder, Fang Qingshan directly guided a projection of the thunder banner.

Kan represents water, and Li represents fire. These two directions are suppressed by the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag and the Lieqiang Flag.

Gen represents the mountain, covered by the Wutu Xinghuang flag, and the red represents the Ze, which belongs to gold, and is suppressed by the plain Yunjie flag.

Good guys, Innate Five Flags, two high grade excellent spirit roots, plus a thunder banner projection that is not weaker than Innate Supreme Treasure, really great generosity.

For a time, the Divine Ability heaven and earth oven supported by the Supreme Treasure is instantly condensed into substance. As far as the breath is concerned, if it is not a little messy, not at all, the two are completely merged into one. , Even if it is compared to the gossip alchemic furnace, it might not be a difference.

“Heaven and earth are furnaces, everything is copper, yin and yang are charcoal, good fortune is work.”

Fang Qingshan dances his hands into a shadow, in an instant, I don’t know He muttered to himself, chanting the incantation as he played how many methods.


At a certain moment, Fang Qingshan’s law stopped, and a little further away, the corpse of Five Elements Old Ancestor automatically flew into the heaven and earth oven .

Between the moments, the universe bears the weight of the earth, the wind engenders the water, and the thunder-fire is added. A little bit of Five Elements Old Ancestor will be refined, and a little bit will be extracted from the origin of Five Elements Old Ancestor.

This is a kung fu job that requires patience and time.

There is no shortage of patience Fang Qingshan.

Time, although it’s a bit urgent, Fang Qingshan directly took out the elapsed water lamp and changed the Time Flow Speed. Under the light of the others, the time inside and outside is almost a thousand times different. enough.

When Fang Qingshan devoted himself to refining Five Elements Old Ancestor, the mosquito man was refining the origin of the sea of ​​blood, and at the same time he began to nurture the golden lotus.

The mosquito person first sent the lotus seeds of the merit Golden Lotus to the World Tree, and let them nourish them with tens of thousands of trees. In this way, not only the merit of the Golden Lotus can be benefited, but World Tree can also benefit a lot.

Then it was conceived with Three Illuminations Divine Water, with the Dragon Phoenix merits accumulated by Fang Qingshan before, and the Great Way merits for receiving dead souls.

I don’t know if it is because of the original source of Ten Thousand Illuminations, or Three Illuminations Divine Water, or because of merit, or because of all three, the golden lotus seeds of merit Golden Lotus thrive at the speed that naked eye can see.

Lotus seeds, flower bones, blossoms, first grade, two grades, Grade 3…It didn’t slow down until it reached Grade 6.

Now, the deity adds two Avatars.

Fang Qingshan has the Innate five-party flag and Hongmeng Purple Qi. The road to Hunyuan has basically been opened up. As long as we proceed step by step, what’s the problem with breakthrough It shouldn’t be.

The mosquito man scraped the corpse of the Dragon Phoenix catastrophe, Sacred Jewel, heavenly materials and earthly treasures, plus Innate Supreme Treasure Gate of Eternal Life, plus he became the Lord of the Blood Sea. Fate is a merit and virtue. As long as these resources are completely digested, breakthrough should also be where water flows, a canal is formed.

Only the World Tree Avatar seems to be gradually unable to keep up.

Fortunately, this time Dragon Phoenix catastrophe, not only Fang Qingshan, the mosquito man, and even the World Tree Avatar have benefited a lot.

This time he robbed Dragon Race and other race treasure houses. Although Sacred Jewel didn’t get much, he got a lot of spirit root, especially the Myriad Transformations tree, the top Heavenly Spiritual Root.

As I said before, World Tree Avatar is the source of thousands of trees. If you can gather the world’s thousands of trees to support World Tree, World Tree’s progress will not be worse than Mosquito Man.

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