“Hearing is not as good as seeing, and meeting is better known.”

Incarnation scavengers, busy mosquito trappers also felt the changes in Immortal Beheading Sword Formation, and couldn’t help but sigh with emotion. .

Luo Hui was a loser in the original trajectory, and the only thing that can make people remember him is three points.

One is because of Immortal Beheading Sword Formation.

The second is to evolve Foreign Domain Heavenly Demon.

In the end, the self-explosion destroyed the western ancestral veins.

But only when I have experienced it personally and faced Luo Hui before I know that Dragons don’t associate with snakes can be Hongjun’s opponent. How can Luo Hui look down upon it?

The mosquito road people originally thought that Hongjun had the help of Five Elements and the others. It is very easy to break Immortal Beheading Sword Formation. Without Immortal Beheading Sword Formation, Luo Yun’s cultivation base is profound, but in Under the siege of Five Elements Old Ancestor and the others, I am afraid it will be like a grasshopper after autumn, unable to turn the sky.

He was still wondering what was going on, and in the end only Hongjun was left.

According to the development of the previous script, Five Elements and the others should also say with a smile like Hongjun at the end.

How did they die, and under what circumstances did Luo Hu explode?

Is it because Hongjun played a disgraceful role in it?

However, he didn’t expect that it was Luo Hu who had exploded in strength, and with such a trump card, it was indeed a man of no avail under the reputation.

However, after a little bit of emotion, the mosquito road man stopped taking seriously. Now he is all focused on cleaning up Great Desolate. These are all resources.

Regardless of their lives and deaths, there is a high support when the sky falls.

Whether I can break through to Quasi-Saint Peak as soon as possible depends on the harvest.

If it doesn’t work in the end, he can sell Heavenly Way Hongjun a favor like raising his eyebrows, and earn a fate of merit, so that he will be more justified in sharing the magical artifact with Hongjun.

“But it’s time to prepare.”

The mosquito man murmured.

He hasn’t forgotten that the purpose of coming out this time is not only to collect cultivation resources for himself, but also to find a legitimate identity for Fang Qingshan.

Now that Luo Huo has used his back hand, Five Elements Old Ancestor and the others may not be able to hold on for long, so he should prepare himself.

Otherwise, if the Five Elements Old Ancestor doesn’t even have any scum left, it will be over.

Thinking of this, the mosquito-path man is driving the Eternal Heaven boat towards the Immortal Beheading Sword Formation in the west.

Furthermore, in the formation, although the four formations are held back by Five Elements Old Ancestor and the others, their methods are also held back by the formation.

Also in the formation, they are naturally restrained, and they can only exert their strength to 7-Layer, especially now it is the Great Tribulation. The Great Tribulation Qi generated by the Three Races is refined into Immortal Beheading Four Swords Among them, the formidable power of the great array is strengthened, and their suppression is even stronger.

Five Elements Old Ancestor and the others were beaten by the four-spirited monkeys, but it was miserable.

Heaven and Earth Old Ancestor and yin and yang are okay. They both have Innate Supreme Treasure in the body, one on top of Heaven and Earth Cauldron, and one foot on the Tai Chi Golden Bridge. Although they suppress the gate, they can still force it. Protecting them, after all, it is Innate Supreme Treasure, and it is unbeatable in defense, standing on top of Innate undefeated.

Five Elements Old Ancestor and Old Ancestor upside down are bad luck.

Faced with the crazy attacks of monkeys, especially these monkeys, they can also differentiate Avatars, almost thousands of them, and their strength is not weak.

Let’s plunder, it can shake All Heaven and stir the universe.

Once you get a stick, it’s really overwhelming.

And these monkeys seem to be born to fight.

The more you fight, the more excited you are, and the more you fight, the more fierce you are. Sometimes you are injured by the counterattack of Five Elements Old Ancestor and the others. Not only did you not reduce their combat effectiveness, but they became more crazy.

You cannot become a Buddha without being mad.

The four monkeys are like puppets. They don’t know how to be afraid or dodge. Sometimes, even if they fight for injuries, they have to fight back against Five Elements and the others. Most of you don’t make me feel better. We Just play together.

Five Elements and the others are so angry that Five Elements and the others are furious, but there is nothing to do.

The four-linged monkey, within the body fighting intent, is like the blue sea of ​​the sea, one wave is higher than the other, one after the other, rising continuously, and every soaring share will turn into the boundless nourishment of fighting intent flood furnace, which increases rapidly By itself, the battle strength keeps rising. The breath on the body became more terrifying.

A monstrous fighting intent swept out.

qi and blood, like fire beacon, stirs Nine Heavens.

Even through Immortal Beheading Sword Formation, it can be felt.

No wonder, the body of the four-linged monkey in the mixed world is the person who clamored to break the wrist with Pangu.

If there is no terrifying will that is thoroughly integrated into every inch of flesh and blood, how can you have the courage to fight Pangu?

See how, Pangu is gone, Yu Wei is still in Great Desolate. Even Heavenly Way has a strategic withdrawal.

In order to completely control Great Desolate, even plot against the witches and break Buzhou Mountain.

Although the four-linged monkey is no longer Primal Chaos Demon ape, Five Elements and the others is not Pangu either.

You can’t be rigid for a long time.

There was no defense against Supreme Treasure’s Five Elements, and the Old Ancestor was turned upside down. Under the frenzied attack of the four-spirited monkeys, there was negligence after all, accidentally, after all.

Wrong step, wrong step.

The first problem is to reverse Old Ancestor.

Five Elements Old Ancestor does not have Innate Supreme Treasure level defense against magical artifacts.

But because the Five Elements law is more defensively superior than the Reversal Law, I insisted on it for a while.

Inverting Old Ancestor is not so lucky. I don’t know if the spiritual power is running, or if there is a problem with the reply.

The old force has just gone, but the new force has not been born.

I was directly hit by the monkey with a stick.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him.

Thousands of sticks follow closely from behind, which is called hiding the sky and covering the earth, and the entire void seems to be blown up.

Also deserved to be upside down Old Ancestor hit should have this disaster.

Because of the crit, the chaos flag wrapped around her body has become dim and shaky.

The leaks of the house happen to be rainy nights.

At this moment, because the Old Ancestor was turned upside down, the successor was weak, and there was a focus on the defense of the flag of chaos.

Looking at this and losing the other, the Extinguishing Immortal Sword that was suppressed by the order ruler suddenly found an opportunity, like a poisonous snake out of the cave, fiercely gave the Old Ancestor a fatal blow, as if it was crushed. The last straw of a camel.

The upside-down Old Ancestor, which had already been half-legged on the edge of the cliff, was completely planted.

Only heard the chaotic flag whine, and fell directly from the head of the upside down Old Ancestor.

Without the chaos flag defense, both the Extinguishing Immortal Sword gas or the chaotic bronze rod attack have been left unabated.


Think about the previous, the entire void was blown up. Even the defensive Supreme Treasure like the Chaos Banner made a clanging sound, shaking, sparks splattered, and every fire star was more flaming than the sun, burning through and distorting the hole, and then hitting it through, showing a dead silence Pale.

You can imagine what it feels like to fall on Old Ancestor upside down.

Inverting Old Ancestor is not a body refinement person like the ancestor witch, fleshly body defense can’t be compared to Sacred Jewel.

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