The world formation can’t escape one yuan, two instruments, three talents, four elephants, Five Elements, Liuhe, Qixing…

Even the top-level formation, and even the three great Great Desolate formations, are all evolved from the basic formation.

For example, the Sword Array of Liangyi Mote is evolved from Yin-Yang Formation, and Nine Tunes Yellow River Formation is the evolution of Jiugong Formation.

This Immortal Beheading Sword Formation is also the evolution of Four Symbols Array.

Four-linged monkeys in the mixed world, for the four elephants Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire.

The combination with Immortal Beheading Sword Formation is perfect.

This is not just the effect of one plus one equals two, it is exactly the effect of three, five, and ten.

Immortal Beheading Sword Formation used to be great, but as long as the power of the four people in the formation can break the great array.

For example, Heavenspan Cult Lord set up an array, which was broken by the four of Lao Tzu, and Luohu made an array, which was broken by five of Hongjun.

Yes, although it is the power of four formations, not four times!

Five Elements Old Ancestor and the others add up to not only four times the power, but far greater than four times.

Although this condition is not simple, it is a big weak spot after all.

One person suppresses an array gate, removes the Quartet Divine Sword, and the great array is self-defeating.

Although Divine Sword is good, it is not a creature in the end. Although it has spirituality, it is obviously far from the person who broke the formation.

This is different from the magical artifact with Artifact Spirit, the great array of spirits, and the Eternal Heaven boat of the eternal spirit.

Even without the master’s control, it can be 100%, or even 122, to show its strength.

So, even the Heavenspan Cult Lord set up the formation, but the four of Lao Tzu broke open neatly.

But now it’s different. There is a great array guarded by the four-linged monkeys, which is simply impenetrable.

The two complement each other, like a tiger that has grown wings.

The formidable power of the great array rises rapidly, and the difficulty of breaking through the great array soars.

In the past, the four saints were not broken. Now it is difficult to add another saint.

During the Investment of Gods battle, if Heavenspan Cult Lord had this hand, I and the others would hardly think about breaking the battle.

After all, in the entire Great Desolate, apart from Daozu, apart from himself, there are only five Saints.

heaven and earth Five Sacred Beast, Hou Tu and the others cannot leave the guard range, it is of no avail.

Unfortunately, such an opportunity may come by with luck, but not by searching for it.

If Luohu hadn’t used Heavenly Way to sharpen Hongjun, there would be such an opportunity.

Leave aside these for the time being, but said that here, Hongjun and the others almost didn’t react to the sudden eruption of Luo Hu.

“Damn it!”

Especially Five Elements Old Ancestor and the others. I didn’t expect Luo Huo to have this hand. Faced with this situation suddenly, he suddenly changed his color and almost returned. Take a small loss.

They originally thought Immortal Beheading Sword Formation was great, but with so many of them working together, isn’t it a sure thing to break the battle?

At the beginning, as they expected, Hongjun dragged Luohu, and they each chose a Sword Sect to suppress it with Supreme Treasure. After a while, the operation of the entire great array hesitated because the great array was restricted. Gradually’s strength has also been picked up, and the battle is just in sight.

Unfortunately, they anticipated the beginning of the story but did not anticipate the development.

They didn’t expect that Luo Hu actually had such a successor.

When they see the dawn of victory, give them a head.

Four Avatars, and the Avatar’s strength is not worse than them.

The point is that the Avatar’s fighting power is overwhelming, and their Supreme Treasure is held back by the suppression of the Sifang Sword Sect.

The offensive and defensive momentum is different!

“Not good!”

Five Elements Old Ancestor and the others shook in their hearts, and an ominous hunch came to life.

The so-called not counted as winning, first consider losing.

Suddenly faced this sudden situation.

Five Elements Old Ancestor’s first reaction is to stick to the door, and then wait for the opportunity to counterattack.

So Five Elements Old Ancestor and the others wanted to withdraw the Supreme Treasure that suppressed Sifang Sword Sect. Respond to the attack of the four-spirited monkey.

Unfortunately, this is Immortal Beheading Sword Formation, not their back garden. Come and leave if you want, there is no such cheap thing.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, but they come late and early.

Previously, they restrained Immortal Beheading Sword Formation. They wanted to suppress the Sifang Sword Sect, extract Immortal Beheading Four Swords, and break the great array.

Now it’s the turn of Immortal Beheading Four Swords to hold their Supreme Treasure in turn.

Five Elements Old Ancestor and the others If you dare to take away the Supreme Treasure that suppressed the Immortal Beheading Four Swords, I am afraid that they have not waited for them to deal with the mixed four monkeys, and immediately ushered in a sword energy storm.

It’s like two people competing for Inner Strength, and once one of them withdraws rashly, not only will they be backlashed, but they will also have to usher in a more violent counterattack from the other.

If you don’t pay attention, you won’t be able to eat.

Moreover, even if Supreme Treasure is withdrawn, their situation will not be much better.

Can’t suppress the formation gate, if the formidable power of the formation is fully opened, their strength will be suppressed in all directions, such as spiritual power consumption, recovery, and no replenishment.

In addition, facing the riot of Immortal Beheading Four Swords, it is more difficult than dealing with the attack of the four-spirited monkey.

But without Supreme Treasure in their hands, they have to face all the four-spirited monkeys who are fighting for the world, and they are stretched for a while.

A dilemma!

Cultivator people, there are differences between body refinement, Refining Qi and so on. Although all the Great Ways lead to Rome, they are more carefree. Therefore, most of them follow the path of Refining Qi.

Body refinement and Refining Qi are equivalent to the difference between Swordsman and magician.

The person of body refinement is a meat shield, strong in close combat, fleshly body Sanctification, unparalleled in fighting, Refining Qi is a magician, strong in long-range attack, Divine Ability Way Law, or each Kind of Sacred Jewel flying.

The body refinement warrior fought with the Refining Qi warrior. Once the distance was narrowed, the result was self-evident. Especially when there is no Supreme Treasure, you will definitely be crushed and beaten by body refinement people.

At this moment, Five Elements Old Ancestor and the others are in this situation.

Furthermore, from the appearance of the four-spirited monkeys to their attack on Five Elements Old Ancestor and the others, they were all raised by the rabbits, in a flash, and there was no time for them to react.

Five Elements four people seem to be hit with a sap.

If the four of them had their own means, and not simply relying on Supreme Treasure running amuck throughout the world, just a catch offguard attacking it would be able to make them consigned to eternal damnation.

Even if the four have hole cards, but they lose the opportunity, they are also at a disadvantage.

Hongjun immediately wanted to rescue him when he saw it. Five Elements Old Ancestor and the others are a very important part.

They are Hongjun specially prepared for Luo Hu’s Immortal Beheading Sword Formation.

It’s a pity that Dao is one foot high and the devil is one foot high.

Those who count people, people always count.

He asked Five Elements Old Ancestor to plot against Immortal Beheading Sword Formation, Luo Hu also has four-linged monkey plot against Five Elements Old Ancestor and the others.

Once Five Elements and the others are defeated, Immortal Beheading Sword Formation is not broken. Then his life will be difficult. Although he still has other means, he has one step wrong and wrong step. When it comes to their realm, it is not easy to lose the first opportunity and want to come back again.

Therefore, Hongjun immediately used his next move.

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