Compared to the treasure troves of other races, Dragon Race’s treasure trove is not very secretive, and the guards are not very tight. First, the good things are basically taken out for battle, and the second is that Dragon Race is very confident. People dare to break ground too much.

So, Fang Qingshan found the treasure house very easily.

Although due to the war, most of the good things were transferred or used by Dragon Race in advance.

For example, various killings and defense of Sacred Jewel, these are obviously distributed in advance, all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures that can improve the cultivation base, or supplement spiritual power, and treat injuries are obviously also fighting Used before.

Hold treasure for a thousand days, use treasure for a while.

What is the role of treasure house? It is for this kind of decisive battle or re-emergence.

Therefore, there are no ten things in the treasure house.

Fang Qingshan had already expected this. So although I felt a little regretful, I didn’t care about it.

The point is that even the remaining things make Fang Qingshan a lot of money.

Now is the Dragon Phoenix Great Tribulation. Not long after the opening of the sky, in some places, there are even Hunyuan Spiritual Qi that has not been transformed into Innate Spiritual Qi.

Water is still Innate sunflower water, soil is Innate clay, air is high-quality Innate Spiritual Qi, even starlight is thick remote antiquity starlight……

These things, in the eyes of people today, may be too common and not particularly precious.

In other words, they are not perfect applications.

After all, the Taoist ancestors have not preached. At this time, the creatures, even the cultivation just follow the bloodline inherited memories, which is simply not proper.

Not to mention cultivation Baiyi, pill concocting, and concocting.

However, they don’t know, but Fang Qingshan knows!

These things are already priceless and unique rare treasure when they are placed in later generations, even Journey to the West Great World, and even the Investiture of Gods Great World. Except in the Da Neng and Saint Treasury Dojo, it is also rare in the world.

So, although not at all get how many Innate Sacred Jewels, Fang Qingshan is still very satisfied.

For those who are content, Changle is also.

Fang Qingshan is not without good things.

The only thing that made him uncomfortable was that his hands were fast and slow, and he was still a step slower.

There was only time to scrape the treasure house of the Dragon Palace, and when it went to the treasure house of Phoenix Race and Qilin Race, it was already empty. Obviously, the early bird catches the worm.

“It seems that Hongjun moved his hand.”

Fang Qingshan just changed his mind and knew who had robbed Hu.

He said why Hongjun was so slow to do it. It turned out that he was also paying the same attention as himself and scraping the treasure house of the three clans first.

Fortunately, I act fast and I also grabbed the Dragon Race treasure house. Otherwise, I am afraid I will lose a lot.

However, Fang Qingshan is still very satisfied with his own harvest.

Mo Daolong Palace has no treasure.

This sentence was still circulated in Journey to the West Great World.

Compared with Phoenix Race where there is no treasure, Dragon Race also likes to collect various priceless and unique rare treasures.

So, even though more than 80% of the treasure was spent in preparation for the battle, the remaining treasure still made Fang Qingshan excited.

Fang Qingshan once robbed the immortal all influence to get compared with the Dragon Phoenix tribe which is simply not worth mentioning.

Although there are almost no ordinary Sacred Jewels, there are basically no things that can increase combat effectiveness in a short time. But for other pill concocting, the material of the refining device is piled up like a mountain. These pieces are equivalent to the All Heaven divine object of Eternal Life World.

Not to mention all kinds of Heavenly Spiritual Root that are bald but still precious.

In particular, there are several top Innate Sacred Jewels among them.

Pill concocting, the material of the concocting device will not be mentioned. Let me talk about Heavenly Spiritual Root first, although most of them are low grade, middle grade first Heavenly Spiritual Root.

However, there are also eight high grade Heavenly Spiritual Root plants.

Even the top first Heavenly Spiritual Root has one. Although it is not the Great Desolate top ten top Heavenly Spiritual Root, it is already commendable.

Fang Qingshan feels that even when compared with the Great Desolate top ten first Heavenly Spiritual Root, this Myriad Transformations tree is not so successful.

The Myriad Transformations tree is not the Myriad Transformations of countless changes, but can be bred by devouring various heavenly materials and earthly treasures, soul and flesh, like a mosquito person, who will not refuse to come. Make a variety of different treasures.

It can be spiritual pills and miraculous medicines, Divine Ability Way Law, or even Sacred Jewel…

As for the specific treasures that are born, It depends on the item he swallowed.

The more precious the swallowed, the more precious the conceived.

In addition to spirit root, there is also the top Innate Sacred Jewel.

The reason why so many top Innate Sacred Jewels are left behind is that these Sacred Jewels are not the Supreme Treasure for attacking defenses, but the auxiliary Sacred Jewels, or magical artifacts with special purposes.

There are six pieces, most of which are Dragon Race, only one piece is from White Tiger Race, and it is also one of Fang Qingshan’s most valued Innate Five Flags, the western plain cloud world flag.

Although I don’t know why the White Tiger Race didn’t take part in the battle, I may be unsure. I was afraid of falling into the hands of others, but I didn’t want to be able to stay in the end. Fang Qingshan was in vain.

The remaining five pieces are the Four Seas Clock, the Dragon Transformation Pond, the Four Seas Map, the Dragon Platform, and the Dragon Whip.

These things are magical for controlling the four seas or restraining the Dragon Race. , But it is not very useful for Fang Qingshan, and it can’t be used just and honorable.

Otherwise, Dragon Race might be irreconcilable, although Fang Qingshan is not afraid.

But it’s okay. It’s useless to him. It can’t be taken out. It can be digested by the mosquito person.

He is always willing to come to the resources, whether you are a spirit root or Sacred Jewel, or other heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

When Fang Qingshan and Avatar were scraping Dragon Race and even the treasure house of the various races under their command, the mosquito man was not idle.

If you look down from the starry sky at this moment, you can find that the entire Great Desolate is like a grave, Dragon Phoenix Qilin, White Tiger Black Tortoise, ape Flood Dragon Serpent, Bifang Azure Phoenix.. ….

Various kinds of corpses, all in all directions, densely packed, the number is in the hundreds of millions, really countless, on the ground, piled up like a mountain, every one is There are small ones that are nearly the size of hundreds of zhangs, and the big ones are ten thousand zhangs. At first glance, they look like mountains.

As for the blood, it flows into a river, surrounding these mountains. Surrounded by mountains and water, but there is no comfort at all, but it makes people tremble from soul.

The mosquito road man drives the Eternal Heaven boat and wanders in it, but he is too excited to himself, like a miser, watching the treasure house fill up at a speed visible by naked eye.

But it can be seen that the sky boat is passing, one after another invisible divine light flashes, centering on the sky boat, sweeping from all around, wherever it goes, on the ground, whether it is Dragon Phoenix Qilin, or a subsidiary race, whether large or small, corpse or broken Sacred Jewel, disappears at a speed visible to naked eye, disappearing directly from the ground, in the sky, as if disappearing into nothing. Dissipated completely invisible.

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