As everyone knows, there is only Netherworld River in the blood sea, and Netherworld River also thinks so.

Although fate is unparalleled in the sea of ​​blood, there are many magical artifacts.

But it is not a good place to survive.

Don’t talk about the ordinary person, the monk is the person in the demonic path, and they will avoid this place like a snake.

After all, this is where the negative origins of heaven and earth converge, not to mention the blood that corrodes the fleshly body and the evil spirit of Primordial Spirit. Merely causal entanglement, the cluster of karma strength makes people a strategic withdrawal.

A little carelessness will lead to cultivation deviation and consigned to eternal damnation.

Afterwards, Netherworld River followed the example of Nuwa creating Man and created the Asura clan, and it became lively in the sea of ​​blood.

The reason why the Asura clan can live well in the sea of ​​blood.

Not only because they are the Netherworld River using the essence of the sea of ​​blood to conform to the providence.

Because they are similar to the witch race, Fight Heaven and Earth, they are not afraid of the karma strength of cause and effect, and they are killing and cutting together, regardless of their merits. Karma strength, killing ghosts, killing gods, killing people, killing land , Kill the heavens, kill the Tao, kill yourself, all things are killed, as long as this is done, you can kill the Tao.

Since even heaven and earth can kill both Supreme Path and oneself, naturally they don’t care about karma strength.

Unfortunately, heaven and earth are good for gods and ghosts to say, Dao, don’t say killing, it’s a reversal. It’s a big trouble. Although killing Dao must not be completely destroyed, at least it must break Dao.

This is just like the Golden Immortal of Daluo Hunyuan. First, we must break the Heavenly Way before we can become a self-contained one. Among the difficulties, nine deaths and still alive.

As for killing oneself, it is even more weird. Even if you kill yourself and have no life, how can you become enlightened?

So, neither Luo Hu nor Netherworld River did it.

So, the place of Blood Sea has been deserted since ancient times.

Speaking of which, don’t talk about it now, even after Dragon Phoenix, after Lich, and even the Investment of Gods battle, Netherworld River did not know that there were mosquitoes.

This can be considered a kind of balance under Heavenly Way.

Suppression of the mosquitoes was born late, although the Netherworld River cannot completely refine the sea of ​​blood.

But it also gave him a chance. If Sanctification is possible, all uncertain factors are naturally not a problem. Finding the mosquito person, or refining, or suppressing and conquering, all with no difficulty.

It is a pity that Netherworld River sits on a huge sea of ​​blood, but it did not seize the opportunity and wasted it.

Tianyou don’t take it, but take the blame.

Since there is no breakthrough, then in turn, the mosquito man has become a shackle that hinders the breakthrough of the Netherworld River.

So, whether Netherworld River imitated Nuwa, made the Asura clan, imitated Three Purities, adopted Zhunti, established the Asura cult, and even became the master of Six Roads of Samsara, it was always close fate, can’t Sanctification.

It’s not just because of Hongmeng Purple Qi, it’s not just because of learning a little bit complicated, not only cultivation blood, Murder Dao, but also want to do merit, established Sect Sanctification, etc., more importantly, there are no mosquitoes. The source of the Taoist, the Great Way is incomplete. Even when the chance was gone, Heavenly Way blocked the way.

Otherwise, with the fate of the sea of ​​blood, even if it cannot be Sanctified, at least it can become a perfect person like Houtu.

There is no self, Deity is ineffective, and Saint is nameless.

The one who is the most human, forgets oneself, becomes one with everything, equivalent to Saint.

At least in the sea of ​​blood, just as Hou Tu is in the underworld, even if Saint comes, it can’t be pleased.

Rather than relying on a bloody sea of ​​blood, Netherworld River immortal Xiaoqiang means. Can only be beaten passively.

So even after the quasi-tipping lead was banned later, he would still be suppressed by Duobao and Jizo.

“How is it possible, how is it possible?”

Netherworld River’s eyes were suspicious, and he shook his head for a while, never believing that there were other creatures in the sea of ​​blood in Absolute Control.

But the facts are right in front of him, and there is no way to make him believe it.

If the mosquitoes are not blood sea creatures, how can they make themselves feel familiar and fit? Even want to swallow him?

If he hadn’t been a creature in the sea of ​​blood, how could he like a fish back in water in the sea of ​​blood? I am afraid that even the witches cannot do it.

Looking at the Fang Qingshan cultivation base next to him is stronger than himself, and it is not because of the supreme defense Supreme Treasure of the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag on him to enter the bleeding sea.

But the mosquito person has no defensive measures, and it is better to walk in a sea of ​​blood.

More importantly, if he were a creature of the sea of ​​blood and had the inheritance of the sea of ​​blood, how could he clearly understood the great array of the sea of ​​blood, quietly crossing the great array, crossing the sea of ​​blood, and coming to his Cave Mansion prior to.

“Whether you believe it or not, this is the truth.”

Looking at the Netherworld River who doubts life, the mosquito person feels all over his body, from his toes to the top of the head. Transparent for a while.

When I asked you to suppress me back then, I became a coward externally, but tyrannically abused power internally.

Things that you couldn’t do back then, now that I am replaced, I will definitely not let people bully the blood lineage.

“Huh? No!”

Netherworld River suddenly thought of a weak spot,

“If you are a creature of blood, how could you have not Refine the origin of the sea of ​​blood?”

Looking at the Netherworld River and staring at himself unblinkingly, as if wanting to see some weak spot, the mosquito man couldn’t help but roll his eyes. Did you tell him that he didn’t want to It was impossible before, but is it too late now?

“After I was born, I left the sea of ​​blood, thinking about waiting for the refinement after I came back, but I didn’t expect another creature to be born in the sea of ​​blood and dove to occupy the magpie’s nest.”

The mosquito person sneeered,

“The conscious handed over the source, it belongs to me, otherwise…”


Although the mosquito person’s words have not been finished, the killing intent has already exhibited one’s feelings in one’s speech.

In this regard, the Netherworld River naturally only has to act first, and suddenly it turns into a sea of ​​blood, intending to use the power of the sea of ​​blood to deal with the mosquitoes.

He can’t see the cultivation base of the mosquito man, knowing that he is far above himself. If you can’t rely on the sea of ​​blood, you might really have suffered today.

Fortunately, I have refined the origin of the sea of ​​blood and can mobilize the power of the sea of ​​blood.

“overestimate one’s capabilities!”

The mosquito person can’t help but smile disdainfully. If he completely refines the sea of ​​blood, it’s all. Now, this pair of others avoid it like a snake The power of the sea of ​​blood, for him, the arsenic, my tangerine.

“hong long long ——”

Faced with the power of the sea of ​​blood that can corrode the fleshly body and erode the Primordial Spirit, the mosquito man is not evasive at all, and directly displays the essence of the body ominous beast The body of the blood-winged black mosquito.

Let the blood energy and murderous aura hit the body, and as a result, a heartbreaking scene of Netherworld River appeared, which can obliterate the Golden Immortal immortal attribute, and make the blood energy and murderous that surpassed by Da Luo look like It enters the body of the mosquito person like a bird throws a forest.

Not only did it not hurt the mosquitoes, but it seemed to be helping others to cultivation.

“Haha, comfortable, Netherworld River, do you have this ability, continue, continue…”

The mosquito man groaned comfortably, and said.

“It really is a person of the sea of ​​blood, how is this possible?”

Seeing the power of the sea of ​​blood not only can not hurt the mosquitoes, but what’s gone can never come back, won but never Returning, Netherworld River’s brows frowned tightly.

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