I would rather be a peaceful dog than a chaotic person.

Perhaps troubled times are time makes the man for some wild ambition people.

For those who are cultivation base profound, they don’t care much and can sit and watch the situation.

However, for most people, no one is willing to face the changing landscape.

Not only because of unaccustomedness, but also because of carelessness, there will be life concerns.

It’s better to die than to live.

Therefore, although many people don’t know the epoch-breaking catastrophe, but seeing the world become increasingly chaotic.

Spiritual Qi riots, the laws are disordered, and from time to time there may be volcanic eruptions around the side, the ground cracks, or a meteorite falls on the top of the head, and there is a Space Crack in front of you……

In this one may die at any time.

Almost most people want a place where there is a hidden land of peace and prosperity.

I got a pillow when I fell asleep.

At this moment, the mosquito person opened the twelve All Heavens and placed the divine light.

People from the other world may still hesitate. The people from Profound Yellow Great World, I heard that it is Five Elements door, Fang Qingshan.

Apart from anything else, almost everyone, from Immortal Ascension to mortals without breakthrough Divine Ability, pick up their most precious items at the fastest speed, and take them away. If you can’t bring it, just throw it away. Rush towards the divine light at the fastest speed.

Although the Profound Yellow Great World was renovated by Fang Qingshan, even if it was not as good as the ancient golden age, it was better than the other three thousand Great Worlds, especially the Sun Moon Void, the Ice Flame Array and the Two Instruments Dust array, stabilize the world.

At first there was a big problem with not at all.

But since Fang Qingshan said that, in the base camp of Five Elements, naturally no one is skeptical and everyone believes it unconditionally.

People in the other world, after the initial astonishment, the same excitement screamed, and the originally desperate face gave out rays of light of hope. As if in the dark, seeing a ray of light, that feeling is enough to move anyone.

Faced with the hope of life, everyone showed their enthusiasm for breastfeeding, and ran towards the light of receiving with a breath.

As for whether you are worried that Fang Qingshan is lying to them, it is a Profound Void.

This idea was directly left behind.

After all, the whole Eternal Life World can hear the voice of the mosquitoes, and can see the light.

And now they are like drowning people grabbing the last straw, how can they let go? How bad can it go?

“Pity my world, there are many sorrows, and those who recite my name can enter All Heaven.”

Although the mosquito person has dropped a lot of divine light, the world is too big, There are too many people, and because of Fang Qingshan and their battle, natural disasters happen at any time.

Plus, facing the hope of life, humanity is also exposed.

One by one, they rushed toward the light, you pushed me and squeezed, and some even killed them directly. Anyone who stood in front of them would pave the way with blood.

In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, but also to harvest the power, the mosquito man opened the mouth and said.

“Five Elements Paragon!”

“Five Elements Paragon!”

“Five Elements Paragon!”

…. ..

For a time, the voice of Five Elements Paragon resounded throughout the Eternal Life World.

Like a river rewinding, the willingness to open the floodgates and torrents rushes towards the mosquitoes.

Of course, the mosquito person who has benefited will naturally not abandon one’s benefactor after achieving one’s goal.

Anyone who chants Fang Qingshan’s name, the mosquito person directly emits divine light and swept.

Fortunately, this is the cultivation base of the mosquito man who has broken through Da Luo, there are countless Avatars, and the Divine Ability is immense. Otherwise, I am afraid that this will really not be possible.

The mosquito person’s movements are very fast, almost a world, a plane swept across.

Not long ago, although there were still some powers under the protection of Immortal King, and some other reasons, some people did not come in, but most of the creatures of Great Thousand Worlds, the Twelve All Heavens began to be overcrowded.

For a time, the entire Eternal Life World fell into silence. Except for the laws of nature, there was almost no life movement.

Shortly after the mosquito man took away the life, Gate of Eternal Life began to sacrifice All Heaven. The real world extinction came and the five decays of heaven and man came.

At this moment, except for the people of Immortal King, everyone, even those who have achieved Heavenly Monarch, have been approached by the five evils of heaven and man.

Even the people among the Twelve All Heavens received by Fang Qingshan are no exception.

But I saw that one after another the strange breath penetrated into the Sea God Bead, and it was about to descend on the people who received it.

“Not good, the five decays of heaven and man are coming.”

“Damn, Old Thief Heaven, we have all left, let us not let us go.”

“Five Elements Paragon, help!”


The many creatures who entered the Twelve All Heavens, although they left Eternal Life World, because Without detachment, their life imprints still exist in the immortal heaven and earth. Now heaven and earth are destroyed and decayed. They are induced, and their lives will decay immediately.

Why can’t the immortal Golden Immortal be detached, but only Ron can detach?

It is because of the immortality of Golden Immortal, but because of the world, the world is immortal, he is naturally immortal, the world is decayed, and Golden Immortal is not immune.

And Da Luo, claims that all time and space are eternal and free, Undying and Inextinguishable.

Because breakthrough Daluo cut off cause and effect, got rid of fate, and attributed everything to himself, even if heaven and earth were destroyed, they would be fine.

“hmph, if the Great Desolate Great World’s five decays, I would like a strategic withdrawal, but you are just one Great Thousand Worlds, especially when many forces are constrained by the deity, and want to try it. Will it?”

The mosquito trap is snered.

“Blood washes the world, the fire of karma burns, and the destiny is cut off.”

The mosquito person sits cross-legged, solemn appearance, sitting in the center of the Twelve All Heavens, and first hits infinitely. The sea of ​​blood then ignited the fire of karma with the sea of ​​immeasurable blood, and after that, the fire of karma was attached to the barrier of All Heaven and turned into a net of heaven and earth, and the fire of karma burned the energy of the five decays of heaven and man.

Suddenly, but I saw those who entered or were about to enter the five-decayed energy of the heavens and humans, when they met the fire of karma, it suddenly seemed like a dry fire, adding fuel to the fire.

The creatures who were originally called by the five faints of heaven and man, as the fire of karma burns, cannot avoid or get rid of them, they can only watch and die, at this moment they are finally resurrected.

The Great Tribulation is also a great opportunity.

Those who are trapped under Heavenly Monarch, Sovereign, God, heaven and earth with the same life, and even Heavenly Monarch, not only stopped decay, but got rid of fate.

I also took the opportunity to break the fate and shackles and became Heavenly Monarch, Immortal King.

Just when everyone in the twelve All Heavens was happy and grateful in order to get rid of their fate and raise their cultivation base.

Besides the Twelve All Heaven, there are no other Eternal Life World creatures who have been sheltered by the mosquito man. At this moment, they have fallen blood mold.

Before, the Eternal Life World era broke the catastrophe, it was to accumulate power, so as long as you reach the Heavenly Monarch, you can get rid of the five evils of heaven and man.

However, this time was put to death and reborn, in order to get more powerful force against Fang Qingshan.

Three thousand Great Ways have been sacrificed, and Heavenly Monarch is no exception.

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