“Hey, it seems that I can only use the Eternal Heaven boat.”

Fang Qingshan couldn’t help sighing after seeing the Luobao money return without success.

After that, the Eternal Heaven boat summon was out boldly.

hong long long!

In a huge rumbling sound, the entire Immortal King battlefield seemed to tremble, and it seemed that it was about to collapse in a moment.

next moment, a hideous antennae is the first to turn true from illusory.

Gray black, glowing with a gloomy light, and the sharp edge on the tip of the corner is more than that of the death sickle.

As soon as the corner of Primal Chaos Demon came out, immediately, an endless divine splendor burst out, immense power.

ka-cha, ka-cha!

The entire Immortal King battlefield seems to be unable to carry the mighty power of the Eternal Heaven boat. It collapses inch by inch at a speed visible to naked eye. The entire void is like a huge piece of glass. Numerous astonishing cracks spread. Densely packed, like spider web. There was a clear cracking sound.


Seeing the arrival of the Eternal Heaven boat, Gate of Eternal Life seemed to sense danger. It actually shrank into the void within ten millionths of an instant. Make a small dust, want to escape.

“Hehe, it was hard to look forward to you, how could you let you escape so easily.”

Fang Qingshan saw it sneered.

Gate of Eternal Life does not appear, he will use the Eternal Disruption Great Tribulation, or Fang Han, an Artifact Spirit, or Fang Qingxue, a person who is favored by fate.

Even more how has appeared. When I want to escape under my nose, I don’t take myself seriously.

If you let Gate of Eternal Life escape again, it won’t be easy for you to find him.

With alert, I am afraid that Fang Han and Fang Qingxue are also impossible to find.

In addition to Innate Supreme Treasure’s ability to hide secrets, Saint can’t even figure it out.

In case Gate of Eternal Life abandons Eternal Life World and finds another Chaos World development, wouldn’t I just miss a great opportunity for nothing?

Not only does the opportunity for the mosquitoes to break through the elements to be extended indefinitely.

After all, Innate Supreme Treasure is rare in the entire All Heavens and Myriad Worlds, and apart from Eternal Life World, Fang Qingshan does not know where there is an unowned Innate Supreme Treasure.

And even if there is no owner, as long as it appears, I am afraid that it will immediately attract a large number of expert giants, and it may not be impossible for Saint Hunyuan to make a move.

Although I have the Eternal Heaven boat, I have no advantage in competing for Innate Supreme Treasure elsewhere.

Even a little carelessness is in danger of falling.

See how, many Heaven’s Chosen Child were beheaded during the treasure hunt.

So, Gate of Eternal Life is never allowed to be missed.

I missed such a good opportunity. I really don’t take it. I take the blame.

When the time comes, the cultivation base of the mosquito person cannot breakthrough, and his own fate will be suppressed.

Don’t talk about drinking cold water, at least there is no chance for me.


A chaotic divine light burst out. In a blink of an eye, it turned into a quaint divine bridge, spanning the void and suppressing all directions.

One end of the stone bridge is connected to the Eternal Heaven boat, and the other is fixed on the Gate of Eternal Life. Like a ship anchor, it locks the Gate of Eternal Life in place.

Under the god bridge, there is a sea of ​​Bitterness, like a sea of ​​blood, in which all beings sink, cannot be detached, and struggle hard.

On the stone bridge, there seem to be countless mysterious Dao Rhyme runes flickering, exuding a sense of detachment, a breath of the other side.

Step on the bridge of the gods, not in the present, in the past, not in the future, like the other shore, without a thousand catastrophes.

The bridge on the other side.

Being able to set Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire, although it was only an auxiliary function, it was quickly broken free by Gate of Eternal Life.

However, if the expert flies, the pros and cons are often in an instant.

Just like before, Fang Qingshan was tricked by Demon Lord Yuan Shi and almost fell in the sewer.

With the delay of the Bridge on the Other Shore, Fang Qingshan’s next attack has arrived.


“Death sickle!!”

At the moment when Gate of Eternal Life broke free, the death sickle came first, dropping from the sky .

Yin and Yang are separated!

But you can see that a Heavenspan giant blade slaughtered the world. heaven and earth is one of dark.

The pitch-black rays of light radiating from the knife body is more than the black pillar of Heavenspan who swallowed the Heavenly Demon coffin.

To swallow the Heavenly Demon coffin is to bury the Great Way of Immortality.

The sickle of death is to harvest all the dead.

It seems that countless dead souls can be heard making terrifying roar screams.

wu wu, of course, like resentment like admiration, mournful, the remnant sound curls up like a thread.

Gate of Eternal Life does not have Artifact Spirit, but there is spirituality.

In the face of such attacks directed at soul, Primordial Spirit, and Spiritual Sense, one cannot help but be slightly trembled. Primordial Spirit True Spirit seems to be harvested from the body by the power of a sickle.

This blade, like a brush from the gods, with a sharp edge that can tear everything apart, the serrations on the sickle make people fearful, even the void is forcibly cut off, without a trace of obstruction, it has appeared in In front of Gate of Eternal Life.

The speed is so fast that people have no chance to react, and they have fallen in front of them.

“Eternal life, eternal life, whoever believes in me, will have eternal life, eternal destiny, eternal immortality, and those who violate destiny will be judged.”

Seeing death sickle When cutting on the Gate of Eternal Life, one after another sounded like a holy word.

A brilliant bright radiance agglomerated and turned into a cannonball, shot out from the Gate of Eternal Life, pierced a distance of billions of light years, and blasted toward the death sickle with a crash.

“The punishment of eternal life, the true meaning of the era!”

hong long long! !

With a violent roar, the colliding void collapsed every inch, continuously collapsed and shattered. However, in just a moment, the attack of Gate of Eternal Life was completely wiped out, and the death sickle was also weak. Although it was cut on the Gate of Eternal Life, it was completely useless. Just cut the Gate of Eternal Life into the air.

Not only did it not hurt Gate of Eternal Life, but it even made him distance.

If Fang Qingshan hadn’t made a series of shots, I am afraid it would have given him a chance to breathe.


Fang Qingshan first took out, and the bridge on the other side freezes Gate of Eternal Life to prevent him from escaping.

Then took out the death sickle to replace the bridge on the other side, and finally directly urged the Primal Chaos Demon horn and the Tianzhou body to directly slam into the past in a violent posture.

This collision is like a comet hitting Earth, a pin against an awl. There was a violent roar.

“Great Way Three Thousand, Destiny, River of Destiny, Revealed!”

Faced with the arrogant collision of the Eternal Heaven boat, Gate of Eternal Life took out the River directly of Destiny.

But a faintly discernible river can be seen flowing out of the Gate of Eternal Life, and it flows in unknown direction.

But there are countless silhouettes floating in it.

Some were suppressed under the river of fate, forever unable to reincarnate.

These are not creatures, but the Great Way, which is nearly three thousand Great Way apart from destiny.

In Eternal Life World, destiny is unique. The other three thousand Great Ways were suppressed by fate.

But we can see that a Way Law is a chain, each is different, some are water, fire, mountains, wood, some are dragons, phoenixes, turtles, tigers, some are emperors, weapons, etc. foot.

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