Good guy, if it weren’t for his quick hands, God Race has been completely cut weeds and eliminated the roots by Fang Qingshan.

Although talking about his cultivation base, under normal circumstances, God Race can hardly give him much help.

But the ancestor Saint King still opened up the God Realm again and again and gave birth to God Race?

In addition to wanting God Race to attack the three thousand worlds, and even occupy the Heaven Realm, just like the Great Desolate, Witch and Demon Races, it unifies the entire Eternal Life World and becomes a real world with infinite fates. outer.

The reason is very simple, it is in the Pantheon.

From the previous Pantheon of Heavenly Concubine and the others, it can be seen that it is only a thousand or so Heavenly Monarch plus a few God Races that have entered the Immortal King, which is not much worse than the ancestor Saint King. Up.

If one day, the Pantheon is full of Heavenly Monarch, why not worry about the major event? Great Way missed?

Furthermore, the ancestor Saint King believes that as long as you wait, one epoch will not work, only two, three, ten, anyway, he can afford to wait, as long as one epoch, one epoch is accumulated, the Pantheon Sooner or later, the formidable power will meet your own requirements and help yourself pick up the chance of eternal life.

Although Gate of Eternal Life promised, as long as Fang Qingshan is killed, immortality will be granted.

But for the ancestors of Old Fox, the saint king, this can only be believed by three points.

Everyone only talks three minutes, and it may not be enough to throw a heart.

Also, apart from the true and false reasons, first you have to live to the end.

Since Gate of Eternal Life did not do it on its own, it was intimidation and temptation, especially the promise of immortality. Obviously, this is not an easy task. After all, you will only pay more if you get more.

However, everyone still came.

It’s just thinking, after all, there are many people and many people. If you succeed, you will naturally be happy. If you see the situation is wrong, you will immediately retreat. Everyone is holding not aiming to achieve the best possible result. Thoughts of passing.

However, at first, this idea of ​​the ancestor Saint King was broken.

Because Fang Qingshan almost destroyed God Race and the Pantheon.

This is his back hand and real hope.

Therefore, this enemy is absolutely irreconcilable.

That’s why the ancestor Saint King shot so fast and so cruel.

Between the arms, the natural god axe in his hand was raised high, and an axe slashed out in a mysterious trajectory.

The ancestor Saint King shot with anger, and wherever the axe light went, the solid void of the Immortal King battlefield was easily split, split in half, and cut on the spot. In the magic axe, the innocence is conveyed. He cut down on Fang Qingshan mercilessly, no stronghold one cannot overcome.

One axe breaks chaos, one axe gives birth to four elephants, one axe opens heaven and earth, one axe clears the turbidity…

It seems that heaven and earth are all things. Under this divine axe, you will completely return to chaos and be completely destroyed.

Of course, this innocent intent cannot be compared with Pangu’s innocent intent.

After all, Pangu opened up the Great Desolate Great World. An axe can smash the Demon God of Chaos, and the ancestor Saint King can kill the Immortal King at most, and at most it is a Smaller Thousand Worlds, even Intermediate Wide World. Neither reached.

But no matter what world it is, it is indeed innocent, with deep intentions and rich experience.

After all, the God Realm was opened up by the ancestor Holy King with one axe, and every time heaven and earth were destroyed, after the God Realm returned to chaos, the ancestor Holy King would hold the big axe and open up the God Realm again. A pure land.

I originally thought that the ancestor Saint King was so persistent for God Race, for the Pantheon, now it seems, or for the cultivation Splitting Heaven Ax method.

“Knowledge creates civilization, and civilization derives wisdom. Wisdom belongs to truth. Truth lives in eternity.”

After the ancestor, the Holy King, apart from Demon Lord Yuan Shi, almost everyone else Started one after another.

Immortal King of truth has a sharp tone, killing intent awe-inspiring.

“I mean the will of heaven, my words are the words of heaven, my heart is the heart of heaven, and I am the unbreakable truth.”

Exercise the truth with one hand, punch with one hand, infinite His Law Power is distorted, everything becomes hazy, only his this fist is supreme truth, the supreme supreme.

Took out a Supreme Treasure, Gate of Many Wonders. It is not that the previous moral Immortal King besieged the Five Elements gate, and finally was taken away by Fang Qingshan, the Gate of Many Wonders, actually born by Innate. The Supreme Treasure transformed by heaven and earth mysterious was actually obtained by the Immortal King of truth.

But it’s not surprising to think about it. The Immortal King of Truth can copy an All Heaven divine object, which is close to the Gate of Many Wonders of Supreme Treasure. Obviously, whether it’s the understanding of the mysterious way or the Gate of Many Wonders have great opportunities.

Gate of Many Wonders should have fallen into his hands.

“The Great Way Three Thousands Return to the Origin, the Origin One starred in the Ten Thousand Ways.”

The Origin Immortal King also displayed his own special skills.

Once it was shot, it was the original Great Way, and at the same time took out a Supreme Treasure, first Gate of Heaven.

Things are mixed, and heaven and earth are born first.

The rumors are also the Supreme Treasure in the universe. There are many Era of Primordial Chaos and Gate of Many Wonders in general. It represents the strength of Heaven and the power beyond heaven and earth. It is completely before heaven and earth.

Actually speaking of which, whether it is the Immortal King of Origin or Innate, Gate of Many Wonders in the hands of Immortal King of Truth, they got it thanks to Fang Qingshan.

Because Fang Qingshan opened the market, Eternal Life World ushered in an unprecedented change, fate exploded.

Many Supreme Treasures were born to find Allah.

This gave them a chance to get it.

The free king and Buddha in the world, the great power of the Buddha world, is almost the first expert of Buddhism, far surpassing the immeasurable king and Buddha in the world, the lord of the Buddha world.

“Li Po Li Po, Qiu He Qiu He, Dharani, Niha La, Bi Li Ni, Maha Gha, Zhen Ling Gan, Sha Po He”.

Following the meditation and singing of the King of Freedom of the World, a Dharma image of the Buddha appeared behind him. When this Dharma image appeared, like the tens of billions of sunlight on Mount Meru, the light transformed countless true Buddhas.

Seemingly illusion.

Illustrated cause and effect are entangled in it, illusory, but it is real, unable to see the past, unable to see the future, but to live forever in the world, and to recite the scriptures together with the king and Buddha of the world.

both hands forming seals, type a swastika. Although it is not Supreme Treasure, it is not worse than Supreme Treasure.

“When I have eternal life, all All Heaven, all beings of tens of billions of dusts, recite my name, they will be at ease, boundless and immeasurable”

“When I have eternal life, All time and space, the past and the future, all kinds of stars are broken into the number of small dust. All beings who think of my name will have eternal life. If not, I shall not live forever.”

“When I have eternal life…”

“When I have eternal life…”

The loud aspiration shocked countless time and space, countless creatures, the depths of soul, even the heaven and earth Great Way, all seemed to cater Dao of Primordial Chaos The human voice.

One after another halo rises in the back of the head, just like Dipankara’s twenty-four All Heaven, there are creatures in it. With Dao of Primordial Chaos, they put their hands together in chanting, and they are extremely religious. The magnificent aspirations are blowing like a torrent.

Hongmeng great wish!

This is Dao of Primordial Chaos.

It really deserves to be the world’s free king and Buddha, with one win, one loss and one tie. Dao of Primordial Chaos, who is deeply jealous of Immortal King, is chasing after the mythical old man.

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