
When God Race was about to be wiped out, the mutation happened suddenly.

But I saw an azure light flashing past, too fast for people to react, even Fang Qingshan didn’t expect this at all.

A sharp axe that makes people unable to capture its trajectory slashed on the Five Elements formation diagram with lightning speed.

whoosh sound, like cracked silk.

The formation diagram of perfect and without blemish has been torn open.

Formation this thing, trapped in it, and want to break the formation, unless you have far surpasses the strength of the formation limit, otherwise, you can only find the formation eye.

Besides the formation, not to mention breaking the formation, just torn a hole and create a weak spot, but it is much easier.

A life from a dead end.

Compared to who gave birth to the four great joys, this kind of life in despair is what really makes people feel joy.

Tianfei and the others were overjoyed when they saw it. Although they didn’t know what was going on, they didn’t dare to neglect. Such a great escape opportunity, if you miss it, it would be heavens cannot tolerate.

Almost the moment the formation diagram appeared, Tianfei and the others urged the Pantheon to fly out of the crack, and avoided Fang Qingshan far away, cannot afford to offend, yet Can’t hide?

However, Fang Qingshan didn’t even pay attention to their meaning at this moment.

Instead, I set my eyes on the depths of God Race, where the World Tree was placed.

“I didn’t expect that the ancestor of God Race, the Holy King, would have woken up. What I didn’t expect was that there was a sneak attack, which really disappointed me.”

Fang Qingshan lightly saying .

“Ancestor Saint King?”

The concubine and the others who were already ready to flee, hearing this suddenly seemed like a thunderstorm.

They prayed earlier that the ancestor of summon, the holy king, simply did not report any expectations, just a psychological comfort that’s all.

I didn’t even think about what happened when I escaped.

It wasn’t until I heard Fang Qingshan’s words that I suddenly realized that it was the first ancestor Saint King who had acted.

For a time, Tianfei and the others were happy and worried.

It is natural that the ancestor Saint King not at all abandoned them, heard their prayers, and offered to help.

The worry is that Fang Qingshan, the big Demon King, is too powerful, that is, they have blind confidence in the ancestor Saint King and do not think he can defeat Fang Qingshan.

Once the ancestor Saint King failed, or even fell, it was a fatal blow to the entire God Race.

“Didn’t expect, at the end of this epoch, an anomaly like you appeared. It’s incredible.”

No matter what the concubine and the others think, a touch The voice rang in the void.

Following, I saw a stalwart and mysterious light and shadow, which emerged in the center of the God Race, standing on it, like the gods of the gods, the center of Myriad Realms, a terrifying majesty, from that A silhouette of the body filled out.

Explosive power fills every inch of flesh and blood, and muscles are distributed all over the body, exuding smooth curves, perfect.

Holding an azure magic axe in your hand, the first glance will make people seem to tear their soul.

This is naturally the ancestor of God Race and the natural axe of Spirit Transformation.

“Tell me, the method of breakthrough Immortal King, your holiday with God Race can be cancelled, otherwise, next year today will be your death day.”

The ancestor Saint King said lightly. , Like a gift, as it should be by rights.


Fang Qingshan hearing this, nodded clearly, chuckled, and ignored it, but looked all around, lightly saying,

“Since it’s here, please show up!”

As soon as the voice fell, and sure enough, several more silhouettes came out, none of them under the ancestor Holy King of God Race.

Some of these people resemble the truth of heaven and earth, some resemble the origin of heaven and earth, some resemble supreme fortune, some have strong aspirations, and some have deep Zen Meaning… One of them even carries the supreme magic power.

Truth, origin, good fortune Immortal King, world free king Buddha, Dao of Primordial Chaos people, Great Desolate Ancestral Dragon, Demon Lord Yuan Shi plus the ancestor Saint King, good fellow, dozen top Immortal King, All existed that once dominated an era.

Although they don’t have a breakthrough due to the origin of immortality, the accumulation is more than enough. As far as spiritual power is concerned, it is not much worse than Daluo.

“hehe, good guy, didn’t expect, Eternal Life World, and the old Immortal King all came out.”

Seeing this scene, Fang Qingshan couldn’t help but didn’t. ‘t know whether to cry or laugh.

I am a little protagonist now. Wherever you go, the group mocking skills will be activated, and the effect is significant.

In Journey to the West, Buddhism drew up and attacked and almost fell in the sewer.

Back to the Five Elements door, it attracted more than half of the Heaven Realm forces’ siege.

It is now rumored that many ancient Immortal Kings that have long entered the Gate of Eternal Life have also appeared, and they have come to besiege themselves.

In fact, what Fang Qingshan doesn’t know is.

After he opened the market, the Eternal Life World and fate have changed dramatically, which has already shocked these Old Antiques who have been sitting in the Gate of Eternal Life for an unknown period of time, and also let them see a trace of breakthrough Opportunity.

So these people walked out without hesitation. Although they missed the market, they also seized some opportunities.

Unfortunately, their fate and fate are naturally suppressed by the Gate of Eternal Life. Although the Da Luo Dao has been cleared, it is impossible to break through.

Faced with this situation, they are naturally unwilling.

In the past, hope was not seen, which made people despair, but now that there is hope, there is no breakthrough, and it is even more uncomfortable.

Under the control of a secret mastermind.

So the former opponents and enemies all unite to trace their roots. Look for the reasons for these changes. Look for opportunities for their breakthrough.

Finally, they locked the target on Fang Qingshan.

So there is good luck, fate, truth, Yuanshi Demon Sect, Buddha, dragon, god, and otherworldly groups attacking the Five Elements gate.

The so-called discovery of clues, the so-called profit-driven, the so-called threats and fears, they are actually secretly manipulated.

I just want to test Fang Qingshan.

However, I didn’t expect that I stabbed a hornet’s nest when I tried.

They absolutely didn’t expect that Fang Qingshan had actually broken through Immortal King.

Just when they haven’t considered what they should do if they take it over.

Fang Qingshan has actually begun to take the initiative to rob the World Tree and suppress the Pantheon.

Now the ancestor of God Race, the Holy King, can’t sit still.

Others saw this scene and knew they couldn’t wait any longer.

Otherwise, they want to steal good fortune, let alone put it into action, even the idea will be obliterated.

So, whether it is to contain Fang Qingshan, or for his good luck, or promise.

The moment the ancestor Saint King shot, they had already made up their mind to shot together.

“Hand over the method of breakthrough Immortal King, otherwise, next year today will be your death day.”


“Good good !!!”

Fang Qingshan said three good times.

There is no fluctuation on his face.

The scene in front of me is already in my budget, but didn’t expect to come so soon.

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