In the absence of great opportunity, great fate, and great merit, there is only one way to achieve a breakthrough, and that is the battle of life and death.

Between life and death, there is great horror.

If there is great terror, naturally there will be great opportunity.

Maybe it touched that thread, and the chance has a breakthrough.

This is why, the amount of robbery is so terrifying, but many people will fully going towards the mountain although knowing that it has tigers.

On the one hand, avoiding catastrophe is nothing more than raising the soup and stopping the boil.

Take advantage of the catastrophe to get out, put it to death and live.

Although it is not a life-and-death battle between three people, it is almost done.

Therefore, Dubao and Kong Xuan are not willing to give up this opportunity.

Although, such a fight may not allow them to break the shackles, breakthrough mixed elements.

But it is too much harder than normal.

You must know that when they have reached their point, without this opportunity, there will be a slight improvement, and it will require hard work.

“Come again!”

The three of them shouted at the same time.

clang! clang! clang! clang!

One sword, one grinding, one printing. Bumped together again.

A series of golden and iron whistling sounds, the entire chaos, there is heaven and earth open, and heaven and earth suddenly disappear, between this birth and death, now I see who can’t hold on first.

The sword’s sharpness, beheaded, and deep enough. See Xian Zhuxian, see Buddha killing Buddha, see God killing God, see Demon Tumo.

While grinding the disc, you will be squandered along the way, and you will be detached from the reverse. Between the forward and the reverse, everything will be strangled.

The Great Seal has shaken the sky, suppressing time and space, and breaking all laws with one seal.

The condensed Supreme Treasure of the three peerless great arrays collided together, which was no worse than the Innate Supreme Treasure which was fully promoted, and it was still killing the Supreme Treasure.

Once, twice, three times…

The three of them didn’t know how many times they fought each other, but in an instant, the sound of collision was endless. .

At this moment, there is no victory or defeat in their hearts, but after each collision, a spark of inspiration flashes their understanding of the Great Way.

Fang Qingshan is also that’s all, and has not reached that level yet.

The eyes of Kong Xuan and Duobao are getting brighter.

This kind of feeling of progress can be felt all the time, and it hasn’t been many years.

Unfortunately, the good times are not long, and the days are not as good as people want.


There was a slight noise, but it was like a thunder in the sky.

But it can be seen that a thin hair-like crack appeared on the Five Elements grinding disc, which is almost imperceptible.

Seeing this, Kong Xuan suddenly complexion greatly changed.

It’s not just Kong Xuan, but Duobao also shook his heart, raising an ominous premonition.

The reason for this is naturally because once Kong Xuan is defeated, I am afraid he will not be able to hold on for long.

This way is not because of the desire to win, but because of the three people fighting against each other, the three talents stand together, just right, without one person, it will collapse.

And once it collapses, regardless of victory or defeat, this rhythm of diligence at every moment seems to cease to exist.

Sure enough, their ominous premonition was quickly confirmed.

With this hair strand as the center, it spreads like ripples of water for a ten-thousandth of an instant.

Between breathing, after another collision, only a loud bang was heard.

The Five Elements grinding disc was instantly shattered and re-evolved into five-needle pine and Five Colored Divine Light, falling into Kong Xuan’s arms, and Kong Xuan took the lead in defeating.

In the end, Kong Xuan didn’t get the real Big Five Elements Innate array at all. This formation was just perfected by his supreme talent. There are still many shortcomings. In addition, he does not have a formation diagram. Although the five needles are suppressed, how can it be compared with the two Dubao.

Fang Qingshan’s Heavenly Cycle Star celestial map was refined by half the power of the Great Desolate of Emperor Junqiong’s Monster Race back then, coupled with the integration of the Eternal Heaven boat.

Duobao’s Immortal Beheading Array Diagram is also from the hands of Taoist ancestors, and the four-handed swords are also refined with the power of Buddhism.

Therefore, on Innate, Kong Xuan’s Five Elements Innate formation is not as good as Fang Qingshan.

In addition, not only is it because of the Big Five Elements Innate formation, but also because of its own/main body can’t hold on.

Kong Xuan has no defense against Supreme Treasure, Five Colored Divine Light is absent, and the fleshly body is not as strong as Dubao. It is simply impossible to resist the continuous aftermath and the shock of Supreme Treasure.


Seeing this scene, Fang Qingshan could not help but exhale a long suffocated breath.

If Kong Xuan is undefeated, he will probably be the one who can’t hold on.

After all, he was facing the siege of Duobao.

If it weren’t for the fast recovery speed of the Eternal Heaven boat and subsequent spiritual power a steady flow, it would simply not be able to hold on.

The grinding disc is broken, the great array is broken.

Kong Xuan not only has to face the aftermath of the Supreme Treasure impact, but also bear the broken backlash of the great array.

Fang Qingshan and Duobao are still colliding at this time.

Seeing the aftermath is about to spread to Kong Xuan, once this happens, Kong Xuan ten deaths without life.

And Duobao is now overwhelmed and has no energy for Avatar to rescue him.

The tragedy seems to be about to happen.

It’s too late to say, then it’s fast!

“Okay, let’s stop here!”

At the crucial moment, a lotus platform appeared on Kong Xuan’s head to protect it.

Kong Xuan saw that his safety had been ensured, and he let out a sigh of relief, and he passed out into a coma.



At the same time, the two heavenly sounds sounded, and the sword of Zhu Xian that would continue to collide together, Heavenly Cycle Star Chen Dayin seemed to be stopped by Space-Time, and followed, with a bang, following the footsteps of the Five Elements grinding disc.



Duobao and Fang Qingshan couldn’t help but vomit a mouthful of blood.

Fortunately, the person who shot the shot was just right, and the two of them didn’t get hurt.

After spits out mouthful of blood, she felt relaxed.

Following, six Saints, including Heavenspan Cult Lord, appeared.

primordial Tianzun and Laozi protected Fang Qingshan behind them,

Zhunti and the lead lifted up Duobao and stood in front of Kong Xuan.

Nuwa, Heavenspan separatist.

It’s just that everyone’s eyes will inevitably reveal a hint of wonder.

Especially for Fang Qingshan.

They thought that there was no suspense in the battle, but they didn’t expect to have such twists and turns.

Furthermore, there are three peerless great arrays unexpectedly, and the level of strength has reached the point of entering Hunyuan Saint.

If this kind of power was just when they broke through, I am afraid it would be worse.

This is why, when Lich was competing for hegemony, Saint had a strategic withdrawal.

Seeing that the two Supreme Treasures disintegrated directly and became the Immortal Beheading Array Diagram and the Heavenly Cycle Star formation diagram again, each of which was retracted into the hands of the original owner.

At this moment, mutation happened suddenly.

However, Nuwa’s eyes flashed with a different color, and her heart moved, but it shook the Mountains and Rivers State Chart.

Seeing that Heavenly Cycle Star chen formation diagram is about to fall into the Eternal Heaven boat, a Cheng Yaojin halfway out.

But it seems that the Mountains and Rivers State Chart, which was originally suppressed by Fang Qingshan in the Eternal Heaven ark, suddenly exploded, as if out of no man’s land.

In a flash, the breakthrough is sealed, the big picture is displayed, and the volume of the Heavenly Cycle Star chen formation diagram is about to fly toward Nuwa.

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