Boundless Starry Sky, vast and boundless.

Except for things related to the stars, there is no one else.

No one was surprised at this point.

As long as it falls into the formation, the Big Dipper has turned and the stars have moved only within the thought of the master of the formation.

Why can the formation be able to beat the weaker and win more with less?

Let’s talk about weak strikes. If you fall into the formation, Innate will be suppressed by the formation. The ten-layer force will be suppressed by at least three layers. The stronger the formation, the weaker the cultivation base, the greater the suppression.

Plus, fighting in the formation is like an enemy to the whole piece of heaven and earth.

The way of formation is the way of heaven and earth. It uses the time of the sky to secretly seek the advantage of the land, replace the heart of the sky with my heart, and change something rotten into something magical.

In this way, it can naturally be strong with a weak attack.

As for winning more with less, it is because no matter how many people fall into the formation, they will be separated and fight alone. In this way, one by one will be defeated, turning passive into active, and naturally winning more with less.

However, everyone who fell into the formation had different situations.

The way of formation, no matter how powerful it is, is actually based on the basic formation, either transformed or integrated.

Just like the Wanxian Array, it is a fusion of Tai Chi Array, Yin-Yang Formation, Four Symbols Array, etc.

The same is true for Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array.

Some people fall into the Great Array of White Tiger Killing and Killing. This is the great array evolved from the Western Seven Planets in the 28-star constellation. It kills and kills and has extremely powerful attack power.

Some of them fall into the small Innate Five Elements great array. There are five sides in the ground and five stars in the sky. With five Five Elements stars, the small Innate Five Elements great array evolves endlessly.

Some people fall into the Big Dipper array, based on Tianshu, Heavenly Jade, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang Seven Stars.


Of course, Duobao and Kong Xuan are the two most important objects of care.

What Duobao falls into is the Extreme Yin Yang star formation.

This formation is based on the two main stars of the sun and the moon, evolving the Yin-Yang Primal Chaos.

But in the formation, sometimes blazing flames, True Fire, burning the heavens extinguishing the earth, this fire is not an ordinary fire, it’s the overbearing sun True Fire, it’s the lunar gangrene True Fire, a cruel and unusual, ordinary Sacred Jewel, falling into it, less than a moment or three, I am afraid it will turn into molten iron, or even be directly evaporated.

Sometimes frost, snow and rain, freezing heaven and earth, a vast expanse of whiteness, invisible and inaudible, this is not blinding sight and hearing, but directly hurting Primordial Spirit, this is lunar Cold air and ice in flames.

Yin-Yang Transformation is endless.

As for Kong Xuan, he has fallen into the Crape Myrtle Emperor’s great array. This array takes the Ziwei Star of the Arctic Zhongyuan Palace as the formation eye, evolves the great array, divides heaven and earth into four seasons, adjusts the yin and yang of all things, and gives birth to the emperor. Purple Qi can even peel off fate.

Heavenly Cycle Star Chen great array, in fact, the real core is in this Ziwei Star. In charge of the latitude and longitude of the sky and the Sun, Moon and Stars, the gods of mountains and rivers and the four seasons of solar terms. Dominate all kinds of All Heaven and Heavenly Cycle Star battles.

Because of the relationship between Emperor Jun and Supreme Unity, he was deprived of some of his rights, so that the three talents stand together.

“hmph, what about Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array? What about Saint? The world is so big, where can I not go to Kong Xuan? Five Colored Divine Light, cut!”

Five feathers, five sky pillars, Five Colored Divine Light flickering, countless mysterious Five Elements Great Way laws are circulating wildly, it seems that a complete Five Elements Great Way sky pillar emerges in it, inside There is a complete Five Elements world.

The mutual generation and restraint, naturally derive a mysterious supreme sound like a peacock crowing. Pass it out, resounding through the void.

Five Colored Divine Light circulates, countless big Way Runes flicker, bursting out five dazzling divine lights, staggered towards the boat of Eternal Heaven, brushing the past unceremoniously.

I only saw that, no matter the immeasurable starlight gas or the substantive stars, all the rules of the emperor, the laws of the stars, all there’s no resistance are directly brushed away.

Everything inside Five Elements, and even life, will be swept away by the divine light in an instant.

Kong Xuan’s Five Colored Divine Light also becomes a space and world.

All the brushed things fall into the space, they will be suppressed, ground, crushed, and transformed into the power of Five Elements, blessing Five Colored Divine Light.

“Amitabha, Heavenly Cycle Star Chen great array is good, but it also depends on who is showing it, break for me!”

Duobao sang a Buddhist name,

A golden palm drops from the sky like heaven and earth, and slaps it aggressively towards the boat of Eternal Heaven. Under this palm, the edge is endless, the power is endless, the void is shattered, the heaven and earth are shaken, and the sun and the moon are not light. It’s just about destroying the entire heaven and earth. Everything is destroyed under one palm.

This is the tenth meeting of single force subduing, no matter what the formation, just push it across. Just like Pangu, breaking through with force, breaking through with force.

The Great Way of the original strength, not to mention the top Great Way, is not the forefront of the top Great Way.

But that’s only because it is more difficult to master than fate, cause and effect, time, and space.

Once you are really in control, not to mention that it is similar to Pangu’s breaking through ten thousand ways, then the formidable power is conceivable.

At this moment, not only Dubao and Kong Xuan, but everyone else is also Divine Ability Sacred Jewel, with all kinds of hole cards and all means.

After all, don’t say anything else, just for the name Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array, people dare not take it lightly.

“If I don’t go to hell, whoever goes to hell, if hell is not empty, I will swear to become a Buddha.”

Kṣitigarbha uses his great aspirations as a guide and evolves with Power of Achievements and Virtue Boundless hell, save countless ghosts and ghosts.

“The world, the pure land of glazed glaze, the bodhi becomes the forest, the lotus turns the sea.”

The two Buddhas and Maitreya have evolved Buddhism by using six pure bamboos and blessing the sacred pestle. great array Bodhi Bliss Array, this array is a great array evolved from Bodhi Wood and Ten Grade 2 Golden Lotus, which has both offense and defense.

Although the attack and defense have not reached the extreme, they are also among the top formations.

“Ten days ascend into the sky, survey the sky into an array, Golden Crow refines the sky!”

What Lu Yi displayed was the great array given by heaven after their ten brother was born.

But a hibiscus tree appeared behind his head, ten scorching sun shining, and lifelike light clusters gradually raised.

The sound of Golden Crow screamed, so that people couldn’t help but beat wildly for him, and his expression was tragic.

The sky and the underground are all golden-yellow, and ten golden light shining suns hang in the void like the sun.

For a time, the entire space, except for the ten big suns, no matter the stars, starlight, or space, all turned into ashes.

For a time, the sky is boiling, and both sides use their own methods, only to see that the entire great array is rolling violently, one After another Explosive rumbling sound is like a tide, and it is extremely dense, and the tragic sound of killing resounds everywhere. Endless evil spirits swept out of the chaos like a tide, and for a while, it seemed that countless ghosts were crying and howling.

The battle has become fierce.

Although he has far away from the Great Desolate World, even far away from the inner chaos, into the outer chaos.

But this volatility still shocked the entire Great Desolate.

terrifying to the extreme.

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