Da Chi Tian!

The two people who were talking to Lao Tzu who were talking about Taoism suddenly felt in their hearts, and they could no longer communicate wholeheartedly.

Originally, they pulled Lao Tzu so that he could not distract him, and let Duobao and the others quickly suppress Fang Qingshan.

This creates an established fact and only suppresses Fang Qingshan.

Even if I came back to his senses, I know, it’s done, it can only be no choice but to suffer in silence, having unspeakable bitter suffering, holding his nose and acknowledging it.

Where did you know that Fang Qingshan was so cruel, it was beyond their expectation.

When Duobao, Kong Xuan, Dipankara, Jizo and the others almost came out of the nest, they actually played vigorously, and even suddenly came and almost made Dipankara fall.

So much so that the two of them were almost lost, but they were the first to have problems.

The reason for this is naturally because Dipankara almost fell.

Buddhism has three Buddhas and three Buddhas.

The Heng III Buddha refers to the Sakyamuni Buddha in the middle, which is in charge of the Sakyamuni Buddha world in the center, the Medicine Buddha on the right, and the Oriental glass light world on the right, and Amitabha on the left, which is in charge of the Western Bliss world.

Zhu Sanshi Buddha refers to the present Buddha, Sakyamuni Buddha; on the left is the past Buddha, which is Dipankara Buddha, and on the right is the future Buddha, which is Maitreya Buddha.

“Zhu Sanshi” and “Heng Sanshi” together constitute the core system of Buddhism, making it a complete sect.

Although the core is Sakyamuni Buddha, which is now the lord of Buddhism, the Tathagata.

But a flower is not a spring, and a lone tree is not a forest.

In addition to Saint, several other people also have an important and irreplaceable position in Buddhism.

Once Dipankara falls, the teachings of Buddhism will not be perfect, and the loss will be great.

No blame for the two of them being terrified.

For an expert like Dipankara, if you want to cultivate one, you also need the right time and place, and you don’t have time and resources.

After all, like Monkey Sun, since the opening of Great Desolate, nothing has happened.

Moreover, how many years have passed since he became a sky-filling stone to his emergence.

Fortunately, Dipankara made a decisive decision and broke his arm to survive. Although the Twelve All Heaven was destroyed, it was too worthwhile compared to the Dipankara deity. The Twelve All Heaven was ruined, so they could think otherwise The solution, if Dipankara is dead, it is really a needle in a haystack to find a replacement.

Together with Dubao and the others’ timely shots, the two of them could not help being sighed in relief.

It’s just that before I breathed out, I saw Lao Tzu’s indifferent eyes, and the two of them suddenly felt a thud.

The three of them talked about it, and if I want to let Lao Tzu careless, they naturally have to spare no effort.

Now that I haven’t found the problem, they are shaking first.

Now that I was distracted, and the Qi machine was connected, I immediately alarmed Lao Tzu, and I followed the cause and effect to investigate, and I don’t know what happened.

“The two Fellow Daoists are really good!”

I coldly said.

He has always been the only one who plots against people, but he did not expect that this time he would be allowed to plot against the two of them. The anger in Lao Tzu’s heart is almost erupting.

Although Lao Tzu does nothing, it does not mean that he doesn’t care about anything, does nothing, does everything.

Just like Tianxin, ordinary people, usually, can’t feel it, but he is everywhere.

However, Lao Tzu Supreme Indifference, the more angry, the calmer, but the indifferent expression made Zhunti both feel uneasy.

It’s just that the arrow is on the string and I have to send it.

At this time, there is no retreat.

After paying so much, Buddhism almost came out, and even Dipankara almost fell. If it can’t be done, it’s a shame.

The two secretly prepared, this time they have to stop Lao Tzu for whatever they say, and let Duobao and the others suppress Fang Qingshan.

too terrifying.

Although they knew the fame of the Eternal Heaven boat before, seeing it is better than hearing it, and seeing each other is more famous.

It’s just a Wushuang-level Tianzhou, so it is so good, so that Duobao, Kong Xuan and other top-level Quasi-Saint, almost fell into the sand.

If this is not suppressing and letting him develop, not talking about advancing to Supreme level, it will be a step further, breakthrough supreme level, I am afraid that even if Saint takes the shot and does not use the power of Heavenly Way, it will be difficult for him. Got it.

So, even if Buddhism flourishes, I am afraid it will be restrained by this life.

“Do you think you can stop me?”

I said with a sneer.

I don’t know when, heaven and earth Exquisite Pagoda, Yin-Yang Symbol, and pole poles have already appeared.

“Tianzun’s cultivation base profound, sitting on Supreme Treasure, my brother and I sigh, but I can still do it just by dragging Tianzun to come.”

took a deep breath, said solemnly.

While speaking, Bodhi tree, Qibao Miao tree, Jinying Jinzhu, ten-grade Golden Lotus are also taken out.

I heard this and was silent for a moment.

The quotes made him speechless.

Just like Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning facing Nuwa is a truth.

They are sitting on the Supreme Treasure, because Pangu legacy, compared with other people, the enlightenment is more profound, and the cultivation base is more powerful.

But the same is Saint, and it can’t be too far apart.

As long as you really make up your mind to hold the opponent, it is simply impossible to get rid of it in a short time.

Especially when you don’t have an attack weapon in your hands.

For a while, I couldn’t help but sighed long in my heart, and the tail couldn’t fall off!

I knew I shouldn’t have listened to the words of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning.

If you don’t unite with the Western duo, you will not owe cause and effect, you will not break the Immortal Beheading Sword Formation, and the Section Cult will not be destroyed. The Section Cult will not be destroyed. Buddhism will not be able to flourish.

Although Section Cult’s Wanxian’s reign was overwhelmed by people and educators, the meat was rotten in the pot. After all, it was the Xuanmen family, with red flowers and white lotus roots and green lotus leaves. The original Three Sects It’s a family.

Unlike now, the fisherman catches both.

Of course, this feeling is fleeting in my mind.

People cannot live in the past. Since it has become an established fact, there is nothing to regret.

Besides, if there is no Section Cult, don’t you still have someone to teach?

It turns out that the teacher is only relying on his own support. Although the Great Master of Xuandu is good, he is also a unique seedling.

Now it’s good, Fang Qingshan has risen.

Good guy, I really gave Lao Tzu a big surprise.

I actually got the opportunity of Eternal Heaven Boat, and also nurtured it to the unparalleled level.

Relying on Tianzhou, even Duobao and the others can’t take him in a short time.

It is really one enemy ten.

With him, even if Buddhism is great, people teach, Xuanmen can sit back and relax.

However, it was so hard to get such a big talent under my own sect, and I actually made people plot against under my nose.

Thinking of this, Lao Tzu’s anger couldn’t help but increase by three points.

Fortunately, as far as the current situation is concerned, Fang Qingshan is not at all too dangerous. On the contrary, Dubao and the others were hit by him and almost fell in the sewer.

However, he is also always ready. Once Fang Qingshan is in danger, he risked being punished by the Dao ancestor, risking to expose his cards to take action, and directly cast One Qi becoming Three Purities to save Fang Qingshan.

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