The sword battle is full of gold, and the flags reflect the sun and the clouds fly.

This body is transformed into a Gancheng sword, and weeping Ghost God through the sky.

Looking at Duobao Kongxuan and the others, each of the Eight Immortals crossed the sea and showed Divine Ability.

Thunder Emperor can’t help but show a little excitement and excitement.

Thinking, from the beginning of Great Desolate to the present day, apart from myself, only the demon ancestor Luo Hu has enjoyed such a treatment.

Being besieged by Daozu Hongjun, Yin Yang, Five Elements, Upside Down, Qiankun and so on.

Only such powerful opponents, only such heaven-shaking, earth-shattering Divine Ability and Sacred Jewel, can arouse the thirst for battle in the Thunder Emperor.

The wave of attacks just now was just the first temptation.

If he can’t resist even this wave of attacks, Fang Qingshan must carefully consider whether he has encountered counterfeit goods, or what crafty plots and machinations they have.


it’s impolite not to make a return for what one receives!

Duobao and the others are not just people who are beaten and never fight back. After receiving Fang Qingshan’s meeting ceremony, they naturally have to double back.

Duo Bao opened his mouth to do Lion’s Roar, and he made the sound of thunder and showed his murderous aura. There is still no took out Sacred Jewel. For the body refinement powerhouse, fleshly body and fist are their best weapons.

See how, back then, in the twelve ancestral witches, except for Dijiang who had a stick and a broken jade hook, the other ancestor witches were basically bare-handed?

The reason for this is that I am used to it. It’s a pleasure to fist to the flesh. Secondly, even the top Innate Sacred Jewel may not be more powerful than their fists. In addition, the ancestral witch does not have Primordial. Spirit can only use weapons and cannot sacrifice Sacred Jewels, but weapons that can carry their power and even bless their combat power are at least first-class in Yuantu Abi. Such treasures can be counted in this Great Desolate. on one’s fingers. may come by with luck, but not by searching for it.

So, basically they use their fists to solve problems. It was also forced helpless.

Duobao also has this problem now.

Although he is not short of treasures, there are no weapons that can increase his combat effectiveness.

Other treasures are not easy to use. Some are worse than none.

However, although he was bare-handed this time, he did not attack at will, but used Divine Ability.

But it can be seen that there is one piece of Duobao five fingers, the roots are like Heaven-supporting Pillar, ten thousand zhang Shenfeng.

If Monkey Sun were here, he would immediately recognize it. This is the Buddha Kingdom in the Palm that Tathagata suppressed.

Fang Qingshan’s Primordial One Qi Five Elements masterpiece has borrowed one of its subtleties.

Duo Bao strode forward, pedaling like a drum, except for Lotus Blooming at Every Step and all around Primal Chaos Qi under his feet, but he was blown up everywhere, the void collapsed and became a mess , Anything in front of you will be directly hit all split up and in pieces.

hong long long! !

Along with the killing sound, a palm covers the sky, and a big hand flips over, as if heaven and earth overturned, whizzing towards the other side and attacking and killing unceremoniously.

However, along with the giant palm, there are bursts of Sanskrit sounds and Zen singing.

But in addition to the five fingers that look like pillars of heaven, a piece of bliss world has evolved in the palm, with mountains and rivers, Sun, Moon and Stars, Bodhi forest, and quiet bamboo sea. There are whirling trees, eight treasure ponds, eight Heavenly Dragons, Yaksha Asura, Vajra, the protector of the Lohan, Jia Lan Tianwang, Bodhisattva Buddha, Buddha light illuminating everything, brahma sound and zen chants, which are loud and big The compassionate Buddha name is like a Small World.

I don’t know, I thought I came to the Spiritual Mountain Great Thunder Sound Temple.

In fact, this is not illusion, not fantasy, but a real sideworld.

The so-called Universe in the Sleeves is big, and the sun and the moon are long in the pot.

Monster Race has Monster Refining Pot, Taoism has Universe in the Sleeves, and Buddhism has Buddha Kingdom in the Palm.

Duobao’s Divine Ability is no worse than the All Heaven world developed by Dipankara. You can even catch up with the Mountains and Rivers State Chart.

Of course, to reach this step, he needs his cultivation base to go further.

However, even now, formidable power is still extraordinary.

Kong Xuan still displays his Five Colored Divine Light.

Really when you have a skill, you can eat your fill.

This time, he used the Five Colored Divine Light’s Divine Ability.

Divine light passed by, there was a vacuum, everything was swept away, even the Eternal Heaven boat shook for a while, as if to be swept away by divine light.

Looking at this posture, I am afraid that even the Innate Supreme Treasure may not be able to remove it.

“Coffin lamp, get up!”

This time, Dipankara took out the main coffin lamp with all his strength.

As soon as this ancient lamp came out, I saw that the gray flame of the lamp spontaneously bloomed with a radiance. This brilliance was obscure, the afterglow of the setting sun, and the Ghost Fire of the grave. Originally, the lamp brought light and warmth.

However, what the coffin lamp brings is death, dilapidation, and decline.

Although it feels very different, the effect is surprisingly consistent.

Similar to the Sun True Fire, Red Lotus Karma Flame, Southern Bright Trigram Fire, the coffin lights also have terrifying destructive power.

The only difference from other flame bursts is that the coffin lights are more insidious, like a bone gangrene, which makes people unable to get rid of it.

I only saw that wherever the light went, the entire in the sky, even Primal Chaos Qi, seemed to be at sunset Western Mountain, and the scene of decay appeared at a speed visible to naked eye.

The Primal Chaos Qi, illuminated by the lights, began to degenerate into a peaceful chaos Spiritual Qi, Innate Spiritual Qi, acquired Spiritual Qi, ordinary gas without spirituality, with dirty stale gas…. .. When the light falls, it does not convey the smell of burning, but it can make people green silk and white snow, for a thousand years, take away vitality, and wither for a moment.

Under the light, there is no life, the despair without hope, numbness, and death.

“Please turn around, baby!”

This time, Lu Ya directly took out the Behead Immortal Throwing Knife.

Mountains and Rivers State Chart Although the high-end atmosphere is high-end, unless people are included in the chart, the attack power may not be better than the Behead Immortal flying knife.

After all, Mountains and Rivers State Chart is not killing Supreme Treasure, but Behead Immortal Throwing Knife is.

Moreover, the Mountains and Rivers State Chart is Nuwa’s treasure after all. Lu Ya just borrowed it. Compared with the handy Behead Immortal throwing knife, it is definitely not as instructive as an arm.

But I saw Lu Qiang, took off the yellow bottle gourd hanging from his waist, and uncovered the bottle gourd cover. There was a white light like a line, rising in the air; a seven-inch five-pointer appeared horizontally white light On top, there are eyes and wings. Eyebrows and eyes.

Lu Ya worshipped from a distance, and in an instant, the villain shot two white lights in his eyes and fell towards the Eternal Heaven boat, as if he wanted to keep it in place, and then the treasure turned around in the air After two or three revolutions, a sharp blade light shot out, slashing straight towards the sky boat, and Fang Qingshan observed that it was probably no worse than the original death sickle.

“Blessing the sacred pestle!!”

Maitreya displayed the Heaven and Earth’s Law Manifestation, holding the blessing of the sacred pestle, and directly knocked it down.

Wizards have Pangu Zhenshen Jue, Monster Race has Celestial Demon Inextinguishable Body, Taoism has Nine Turns Yuan Gong, Buddhism also has Eight-Nine Arcane Art.

Although Maitreya’s body refinement realm is not as good as Dubao, it also has a certain degree of popularity.

Cooperating with the blessing of the sacred pestle, they complement each other.

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