Although Eternal Heaven is not at all Heavenly Eye and other eternal units, although the hidden technology hidden in these secrets is very good.

Before not paying attention, that’s all. At this moment, under the scanning of Tianzhou, Fang Qingshan suddenly found that he had fallen into the ambush of others.

Look around for a week, Fang Qingshan said with a sneer.

“Hehe, I didn’t expect that my Fang Qingshan is actually worthy of Saint’s plan. I don’t know if it is fortunate or unfortunate.”

This voice floats directly in Chaos Void.

Boom! !

“Amitabha, of course it is a great fortune!”

As Fang Qingshan’s voice fell, a magnificent voice in the east sounded, accompanied by the flickering of ten thousand zhang Buddha’s radiance. The true body of an incomparable gigantic Buddha stands in the void. There is a treasure tower above your head. In the treasure tower, thousands of Sacred Jewels look like a torrent, wearing a lotus sword picture, shining with terrifying energy.

“Fellow Daoist is really amazing. You can detect something wrong so quickly. However, after detecting it, you are still so calm and calm. It seems that you are really confident enough in the strength of the Eternal Heaven boat. “

In the south, the boundless colorful brilliance shines, a peacock of a not weak Buddha looks like a chaotic Demon God, a colorful divine light, wherever he goes, Primal Chaos Qi is all swept away.

“Unfortunately, trees seem beautiful in a forest, but are easily toppled by the wind. The key is to not know how to converge. It is a pity, sad, and sigh.”

Western, A coffin is empty, and it seems to be able to bury All Heaven. It is even more terrifying than the coffin of the heavenly burial coffin that Fang Qingshan once acquired by Immortal King for his own fall. Twelve All Heavens linger on it, and a bright light flashes on the head of the coffin. Illuminate All Heavens and Myriad Worlds with faint brilliance.

“Great Desolate already has six Saints, but it can’t carry another Hunyuan. Otherwise, it’s not a good thing for the whole world. For the sake of the world, if Fellow Daoist is willing to destroy Eternal Heaven Boat, I can’t leave a way out.”

In the north, a voice of compassion sounded, a monk with a big belly, a smile on his face, a waist-hung pocket, and a blessing stick came out. .


Above my head, a piece of glass is quietly opened, and a bamboo is swaying with smoke, which is full of whirling.

On a scented juniper tree, a bird’s nest, a round of big sun rises, everywhere.

Qi machine blockade, the game of lore.

Duobao, Kong Xuan, Maitreya, Jizo, Pharmacist, Dipankara, Lu Ya…all walked out.

East, West, North, and South, up and down, surrounded Fang Qingshan, and there was no way to the sky and no way to the ground.

“hehe, good guy, is Buddhism coming out of the nest?”

Although through the Eternal Heaven boat, Fang Qingshan already knows that he has fallen into Saint’s plot against In the ambush of Buddhism.

But seeing this vote come out, I couldn’t help but gasp.

Don’t say Fang Qingshan, except Saint, anyone in Great Desolate faces this situation, I am afraid it is the same feeling.

It is the resurrection of the Supreme Unity of the Eastern Emperor. I am afraid it will not be much better.

A little bit weaker, I’m afraid it will courage entirely to break directly, and can’t raise the slightest thought of resistance.

Back then, because Hongmeng Purple Qi and Monster Race besieged Hongyun, it was only Kunpeng, Di Jun, Supreme Unity who came.

Now, Duobao and Kong Xuan will not talk about it. This is the person who really stands at the top of the pyramid. Saint can’t come out, who will fight.

It is the weaker Ksitigarbha. Pharmacists, Dipankara, Lu Ya and the others, even Guanyin, Manjusri, Samantabhadra are all first-class experts.

Especially in this era when Golden Immortal is king and Ronaldo dominates.

This ticket Quasi-Saint can simply push the world.

“It seems that we can’t be kind today.”

Fang Qingshan took a deep breath and slowly uttered a voice.

The killing intent in my heart is rolling like a tide.

He asked himself that although he plot against Buddhism, he did not at all undermine the overall situation of Journey to the West, nor did he undermine the restoration of the Western ancestral veins, but Buddhism eats meat and gets a share of it.

But I didn’t expect that, first Black Wind Mountain Range, Guanyin took advantage of his breakthrough sneak attack.

This is also that’s all, after all, I don’t play the card according to the routine, plot against Guanyin.

The two have long been absolutely irreconcilable, and naturally they can do everything.

Following, Fang Qingshan was able to accept Heavenspan River Wuyunxian’s shot.

It’s not that the time has not arrived, but the Buddhism is swept away and the face of the Tathagata is swept away. Naturally, Buddhism will not be indifferent and do it on its own.

I thought that after the Heavenspan River, at least before the end of Journey to the West, Buddhism would not go to war.

However, I didn’t expect that if people are not moving now, it will be a lore if they move.

an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime.

In the final analysis, it is because the Eternal Heaven boat is too precious and the combat power is too strong.

“It seems that the appearance of the Eternal Heaven boat has completely moved the fragile heartstring in their hearts.”

Fang Qingshan sighed inwardly.

“But, do you think you will eat me?”

Fang Qingshan coldly smiled.

If you say that before you get the Thunder Banner, or even the Heavenly Cycle Star Chentu, don’t say that in the face of Buddhism’s encirclement and suppression, you are facing Duobao or Kong Xuan alone, I’m afraid I only have a strategic withdrawal. Even dealing with Lu Ya or Dipankara alone is just five to five.

But now, don’t wait for three days.

As long as you really fight it out, take out the thunder flag, and with the powerful attack power of the Heavenly God thunder, these Buddhism people of encirclement and suppression will probably never exist.

Be aware that when I was in Xihai Haiyan earlier, I almost fell in the sewer by relying on the Eternal Heaven boat.

Just this way, I am afraid I can only leave Journey to the West Great World early.

Otherwise, even Lao Tzu can’t keep himself.

After all, to exhaust the solid strength of Buddhism, the quasi-receiving will never give up. Even if you are willing to go out, you will definitely not hesitate to violate Daozu’s orders.

However, even if he doesn’t use Heavenly God Thunder, Fang Qingshan is not afraid of them even if he relies on the Heavenly Cycle Star Chen great array.

Only this way, it may also attract Nuwa’s shot.

What Fang Qingshan didn’t know was that Nuwa had calculated that he had got the Heavenly Cycle Star celestial chart, and because of this, he was going to teach him a lesson.

However, after weighing the pros and cons, even without knowing it, Fang Qingshan had no choice at this time.

Compared with exposing the Thunder Banner, Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array is already considered good.

After all, it is Heavenly God thunder, and its attack power is catching up to the ancient banner.

When Fang Qingshan said this, Dubao and the others couldn’t help being frowned.

At this time, facing the siege of their group.

No matter how powerful the Eternal Heaven boat is, there will be no limit.

Why is Fang Qingshan so confident?

This is what makes Duobao and the others Zhanger monk confused.

However, they would not think that Fang Qingshan could counterattack Danger Land with the Eternal Heaven boat.

The reason why they don’t care about their skins and everyone comes out is to ensure that they are foolproof.

If this is the case, Fang Qingshan cannot be taken, then they really have no choice.

It can only be said that it depends on people to make things happen.

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