“Oh? What’s going on?”

I heard Lu Ya The words mean more than they say, Nuwa curiously asked.

“Empress this time, the reason why Xiaoshi came to the Imperial Palace is for the big brothers, there is one more thing.”

Lu Yadao.

“What’s the matter?”

Nuwa Emei picked it up.

“Empress should know about the battle in the Heavenspan River not long ago!”

Lu Ya said, seeing Nuwa nod, Lu Ya told the Buddhism plan without omission and in detail Nuwa.

“Interesting, interesting.”

After hearing Lu Ya’s words, a smile appeared on Nuwa’s face.

As the first Sanctification person, as the only woman in Saint, and as the only person in Saint, Nuwa has been targeted and excluded by Three Purities and the others intentionally or unintentionally.

Plot against Ten Golden Crow, Three Purities blocked the door.

Although on the surface is aimed at Monster Race, it may not be obstructing Nuwa secretly.

So, seeing that they are now plotting against each other, Nuwa couldn’t help but clap his hands in celebration.

“Okay, I see, I will take action in due course.”

Nuwa agreed without thinking.

This is not only because she wants to balance the power of the two sides, but also because of the previous calculation, some people must give a lesson to let him know that some things are not so easy to handle.

Da Chi Tian!

At this moment, Lao Tzu is already gradually immersed in his preaching.

Preaching is not just preaching, it can also review the old and know the new.

For Fang Qingshan, it was an opportunity, and it was also an opportunity for Lao Tzu to reflect on the past.

“In the chaos, there is a thing, lonely and lonely. It is the beginning of heaven and earth, the mother of all things. I don’t know its name, so I force myself to call Tao…”

“Heaven and earth are forever. Heaven and earth are so long and long, because they are not self-reliant, so they can Eternal Life. It is Saint who takes the lead and lives outside of the body. It is not because of its selflessness! So it can become its own. Private.”

“The good is like water. Water is good for all things without fighting, and it is in the evil of everyone, so it is more than Tao.

To live in a good place; a heart is good; a good benevolence; a good word ; Good governance; good governance; good time; good time.

Husbands do not fight, so there is nothing special.”


Saint talks Tao is natural and extraordinary, there are goddesses scattered flowers, golden lotus springs from the ground, clouds grow on their own, holy light shines, and natural phenomena are numerous!

Everyone can hear as if drunk and stupefied.

For those who have a good chance, they all smile, happy, and refreshed; for those with poor perception, sometimes their faces are sad, sometimes their faces are bright, and those with insufficient aptitude cultivation base, beat their chests and feet, or It is in a bitter state, or in a state of anger, but does not dare to be distracted, and relies on rote memorization.

Only the Great Master Xuandu shook his head and was unperturbed.

Fang Qingshan has many methods and can only comprehend 5-Layer, thanks to Hongmeng Purple Qi.

The remaining two layers can only be memorized and swallowed.

As for the last three layers, don’t say write it down, forget it after hearing it. Forcing the memory, the Primordial Spirit burst.

It’s not just them, but all the creatures and creatures of Da Chi Tian are immersed in the Great Way, a peaceful atmosphere.

Even the Supreme Path sound came from the Great Chitian, resounding in the vicinity of the chaos.

So that Chaos Qi Flow, which showed some ups and downs, seemed to calm down.

Until a certain moment, suddenly there was East-Rising Purple Qi, rays of light ten thousand zhang, bursts of Buddha sound, Juanjuan Zen singing, golden flower Relic, which made the whole chaos riot.

In the great red sky, Lao Tzu who had been immersed in the preaching was suddenly frowned, stopped preaching, slowly opened his eyes, and looked up towards the chaos.

The people who listened to the Tao were so happy that they didn’t want to. Their understanding of the Great Way came to an abrupt end. They almost didn’t spray a mouthful of old blood, and they were so uncomfortable they wanted to cry.

Everyone opened their eyes and looked at each other. Just as they were about to ask what was going on, there was a song of song in their ears.

“Neither born nor dying three or three elements, the whole energy is absolutely loving. The emptiness changes naturally, and it is as if the nature is allowed to do it. Long life same as heaven. Long life same as heaven. Long life same as heaven.

Following, one fatty and one thin, two monks Lotus Blooming at Every Step with a smile and a bitterness, came over wearing Purple Qi.

One person holds the Seven Treasure Trees and the other holds the Purple Flame Tower.

There is an exquisite Relic on the top of the head, blooming with Immeasurable Light, hanging down the jingluo pearl, enveloping the bright and celebrating clouds.

It’s not a lead, who are the two of them?

Saint is a hunter on behalf of the sky. The sacred heart is the heart of the sky. When the heart of the sky moves, it will naturally be noticed by others. Especially when the two are so dynamic, it is difficult for others to find out.

So, just after the two left the Bliss world, they alarmed all Saint experts.

It’s just that after the defeat of Heavenspan Cult Lord Investiture of Gods, he was not interested in anything. He just glanced lightly and didn’t pay attention.

The primordial Tianzun’s face showed an inexplicable color, making it hard to see what he was thinking.

Only Nuwa is the insider. I thought with great interest,

“It’s finally started.”

As for Heavenly Way Hongjun, as long as they don’t When fighting, he simply ignores it.

“Why did the two of them come?”

When I saw the two of them, I had a thousand thoughts in my heart, but there was no answer.

However, the visitors are all Saints. Although Lao Tzu is better than them, it is not easy to pretend to ignore it.

“This preaching is over here, you go!”

Speaking, I waved his hand to make Fang Qingshan and the others retreat, with the Great Master Xuandu But it was greeted.

“Amitabha, I have seen the Tianzun Tianzun, my fellow apprentices did not come in person, please Tianzun forgive me.”

When I saw the Tianzun Tianzun, the two of them quickly gave a gift. .

“Two jade-toed drivers, let the big red canopy shine, please come in!”

I have not had time to lead the two into the big red sky. The scattered disciples lined up on both sides and bowed to them.

Through the introduction, Zhunti both smiled and nodded to everyone, especially when they saw Fang Qingshan, they showed a meaningful smile.

“I wonder why the two Fellow Daoists are here this time?”

After a chat, I asked straight to the point.

“My brother, I have had a small gain recently, and I want to come to Tianzun to discuss the Taoism and confirm what I have learned. I wonder if Tianzun can appreciate the face?”

Zheng said with a smile.

“As I wished, I didn’t dare to ask.”

They all said that it was worth it. Wouldn’t you be afraid of them if you didn’t agree? Laozi naturally did not disagree.

So the three of them opened the Heavenly Gate, raised Qingyun, evolved the Great Way, and confirmed each other.

Pill Dao of Lao Tzu, Yin-Yang Dao, Dao of Karma, the method of golden body, the enlightenment of the dream, the method of great aspiration…

Unfortunately, except for the great Master Xuandu who was by his side, everyone else was not blessed to take this opportunity.

“Hey, what a pity.”

The Liu Er on the way to leave Da Chi Tian was very nostalgic.

He said to Fang Qingshan very sadly, full of aftertaste and resentment and anger.

The aftertaste is naturally that Great Way has attracted him too much, and the lingering sound will continue for three days.

Naturally, the reluctance is because you want to continue listening, so it’s best not to stop.

The anger is naturally directed at Zhunti to lead the two.

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