Spiritual Mountain, Thunderclap Temple!

With the return of Wuyunxian.

Buddhism large and small forces have also gathered.

The four great Bodhisattva, the ancient seven Buddhas, Maitreya, the Medicine Buddha, the Great Bright King Peacock, the Wuchao Zen Master… As long as the top ranked people are here.

All together!

Compared to the Wanxian dynasty of Section Cult, the situation in Thunderclap Temple at this moment is even more shocking.

Two Quasi-Saints of cream of the crop under Saint, Duobao and Kong Xuan.

There are also a batch of Level 1 Quasi-Saints such as Maitreya, Jizo, Pharmacist, Dipankara, Luya, etc.

Then there will be Guanyin, Manjusri, Samantabhadra, Detained Sun, Vairocana Buddha, and a group of Quasi-Saints that are once again Level 1.

Good guys, Quasi-Saint alone has dozens of people, and Ronaldo has nearly a hundred. As for Supreme Unity, Golden Immortal, simply don’t qualify for it.

The strength of Buddhism is evident from this.

It’s no wonder that he can force the Xuanmen, and he is truly a man without a reputation.

If Saint doesn’t make a move, just relying on these people will be enough to Sweeping Across the World.

Seeing this lineup, the buddhism middleman who should have been very pleased and proud at this moment, except for Lu Ya, all have a solemn expression.

The reason is naturally self-evident.

Wuyunxian is defeated!

It seems that Wuyunxian lost to Fang Qingshan. It is another calamity of Journey to the West. In fact, the deeper level is that Buddhism lost in the battle between Buddhism and the profound school of human education.

Although it is not a game that determines victory or defeat, and the momentary success or failure cannot change the general trend, the appearance of Fang Qingshan has undoubtedly shaken the minds of Buddhism leaders.

Although they have their own careful thinking, they belong to the Buddhism lineage, if one prospers, all prospers, if one suffers, all suffers.

Fang Qingshan has threatened their interests, so naturally they share the same hatred.

And Lu Yan didn’t think he had a good relationship with Fang Qingshan, so he sold him cheaply and blackmailed his three top Innate Sacred Jewels. When he had the opportunity, Lu Ya wanted him to look good.

Or he is in Cao Yingxin in Han, although he is a Buddha, but he is Monster Race Crown Prince, so he remains unmoved.

It’s just that now the resurrection plan of the nine Golden Crow has reached a critical moment, so he has no extra thoughts to consider other things.

“Let’s talk about it, what should we do now?”

Looking at the more and more solemn atmosphere, but no one spoke, Tathagata reluctantly broke the silence and asked .

“What else can I do? The rise of others is overwhelming. Wuyunxian has not tried his bottom line. What can we do?”

“Yes, The Fang Qingshan deity doesn’t have anything. The key is that the Eternal Heaven boat is too overbearing. If it can be stripped off, what is trifling Fang Qingshan worth?”

“Unfortunately, even if you want to strip Eternal Heaven off Zhou, it seems that it’s impossible to take action without Saint now.”

“Yes, if you take the lead, if two Teachers are expected to take action, that one will not stand idly by.”

After the Tathagata spoke, everyone couldn’t help but talk.

You talk to me, and there are many opinions.

But the central idea is that Fang Qingshan is not to be afraid of, the key is the Eternal Heaven boat.

This Supreme Treasure is so powerful, it simply subverts their three views.

Even if it is Yin-Yang Symbol, Donghuang Bell, and the ancient banner, they are not as good as the Eternal Heaven Boat.

Because the Three Treasures of Open Heaven are powerful, but they still need to be used in the hands of who if they want to be transformed into combat power.

The Eternal Heaven boat is different. It is not only a Supreme Treasure, but also a giant who can fully utilize the Supreme Treasure formidable power.

The most important thing is that this giant has no bottleneck yet.

Even the Lao Tzu and the others who were sitting on Hongmeng Purple Qi back then, to breakthrough still need opportunity, spirituality and sudden enlightenment.

The Eternal Heaven boat only needs support.

So, now it is not so much discussing how to deal with Fang Qingshan, as it is how to deal with Eternal Heaven Boat.

Even if it can’t be snatched over, it will at least be suppressed for a while.

However, judging from the previous battles in the Heavenspan River, it was possible to do this, except for Saint, even if Dubao took the shot himself, he would have to raise a question mark.

So the scene reached a deadlock again.

“How does King Ming look?”

Looking at the scene gradually becoming silent, Tathagata turned his head to the side and asked Kong Xuan, who had been expressionless.


At this moment, everyone else’s eyes were all staring at Kong Xuan.

Although Kong Xuan has no influence in Buddhism, he alone is a mountain, and he can stand up against Duobao by himself. No one dares to underestimate him.

When they were Investiture of Gods, they could already one man holds the pass, blocking ten-thousand, even Dipankara and Lu Ya could not please him in his hands, and he could even make the slightest caress. Fall down.

Not to mention now.

Although Duobao is known as the Number One Person under Saint, compared with Kong Xuan, who wins and who loses is still unknown.

“What else can I do? Confront soldiers with generals and stem water with earth, Saint can’t take action, can we really have no choice?”

Kong Xuan coldly smiled,

“I want to see if his Eternal Heaven boat can stop me Five Colored Divine Light One shua!”

“Okay, the heroes see the same thing, Ming Wang means right I meant it.”

Tathagata hearing this, shout good.

He is now Number One Person under Saint, he naturally has his own pride.

Fang Qingshan is powerful, but he hasn’t played before, and he may not be able to suppress it.

Besides, who said you can only fight alone?

For merit fate, for Buddhism, it is not an exaggeration to use some means.

The Great Way is fighting!

For a time, a conspiracy about Fang Qingshan began.

Actually, plot against Fang Qingshan is not complicated. As long as he cut out his backing, all the rest will be foolproof under the joint efforts of everyone.

No one believes that when Buddhism is almost out of order, there is no accident in dealing with Fang Qingshan alone.

Even if he has the Eternal Heaven boat.

Buddhism everyone is confident that they can suppress it.

“So, please invite Maitreya Buddha to the world of bliss, please two Saints to help!”

So, after a while, the matter will be discussed, and Dubo will directly let Maitreya Buddha Please refer to it.


Mileau nodded, and was about to leave, but Lu Ya, who didn’t want to keep silent, said.

“Wait a minute!”

Seeing that everyone looked over in surprise, Lu Ya said with a smile,

“As a member of Buddhism, Naturally, I need to do my best. I will also go to the Imperial Palace and ask Empress to help me.”

“Dari Tathagata has a heart.”

Thousands of thoughts passed through Dubo and the others. Although he didn’t know the real reason for doing this, he would not refuse it on the surface.

One more person means more strength. If Nuwa can really stand on their side, their odds of winning will undoubtedly be much higher.

Of course, they didn’t ask Saint to directly deal with Fang Qingshan, which is unrealistic.

Not to mention that Lao Tzu will not sit back and watch, even Daozu will not allow Saint to take action.

This is not a problem of bully the weak, but a general trend of Heavenly Way.

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