The so-called perfection refers to the perfection of fruit, the perfection of suffering, the perfection of time, the perfection of life, and the perfection of body shape.

Fell into this hell, the hell is eighty-four thousand years old, and the figure is full of it without gaps. There is never any hope of liberation, and you are being punished all the time. The most important thing is that you can’t die if you want.

The most painful and terrifying thing in the world is not death. Death can end all one’s troubles and be free.

But to live, see no hope, and continue to suffer, this is the most unbearable punishment.

This blade is not only a slash to the Hunyuan hammer, but also a Primordial Spirit soul slashing to the Wuyunxian.

The death sickle is not a pure physical attack on Sacred Jewel, it is also a soul attack weapon.

What the death sickle reaps is the soul of living things.

dust returns to dust, earth returns to earth, sickle cuts the soul.

However, in general, Fang Qingshan simply has no need to perform soul attacks.

After all, the physical attack of the death sickle is already very difficult to parry.

hong long long! !

On one side, there is no phase Hunyuan, on the other side is the hell.

The terrifying rumbling sound resounds through heaven and earth and oscillates in all directions. The Hunyuan Hammer and the blade light strikes are together, almost on the spot, endless destructive power erupts, endless hammer lights are tumbling, countless Primordial Energy Roaring, the blade light is raging. The terrifying air force instantly collapsed the void, heaven and earth shattered, and the entire battlefield was instantly flooded with endless Primordial Energy.

In it, everything is destroyed, whether it is time, space, or fate, all are completely broken and turned into powder. There is not even a trace of residue.

Everything inside can’t be seen clearly, as if it has converged all the rays of light between heaven and earth.

The big sound is very loud, and the elephant is very loud.

If you see the center of the collision through darkness and chaos, you can find that a terrifying black hole has formed there.

Among the black holes are Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire, spreading at a speed visible to naked eye, like splitting heaven and earth apart.

This is just the surface. The most important thing is that there is also a death sickle in Wuyunxian’s mind, evolving into a hell.

If it hadn’t been for the immeasurable merits in his Sea of ​​Consciousness, I am afraid that even if the Hunyuan Hammer took over this blade, he would be hit hard.

At this moment, the whole heaven and earth are quiet.

Everyone did not expect that Wuyunxian, who had exploded with all his strength, and Fang Qingshan were so amazing.

This blade, a hammer, is really incredible. Once it falls, everything will be destroyed and turned into nothing. It has the effect of exterminating everything, especially Fang Qingshan’s attack on Wuyunxian soul. Everyone was sweating again and again.

Nine-Immortals Mountain, in Taoyuan Cave.

Guangchengzi’s face was so gloomy that it was dripping water.


Back then, he was almost destroyed by Wu Yunxian using this move.

Seeing this move now again caused his unbearable past, and the most important thing was that Guang Chengzi found that he was making progress, and others were not slowing down either.

Compared with the previous year, this hammer is also as the tide rises, the boat floats.

Faced with this hammer, even if he was not personally under the Hunyuan hammer. I can feel that if I am under the Hunyuan Hammer and cannot take out the Heaven Turning Seal, I am afraid it will not be much better than before, even if it is not severely damaged, it will not be much better.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan’s knife made him see the hope of revenge, and his face eased slightly.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend.

Guangchengzi is naturally happy for Fang Qingshan to be able to contend and even crush Wuyunxian.

On the other side, Guanyin is just the opposite, thinking that Wuyunxian can suppress Fang Qingshan.

The main reason is that his hammer also gave Guanyin hope.

Don’t talk about Quasi-Saint, even ordinary Quasi-Saint, all split up and in pieces may be smashed, even the flesh will not exist, and you can’t even find the dregs. Completely annihilated into nothingness.

Even Guanyin himself may not be able to take this move all the way.

But he is still very happy.

Although he and Wu Yunxian are not friends, they share a common enemy. The stronger Wu Yunxian is, the happier he will naturally be. It is best to kill Fang Qingshan with a hammer.

There was a glimmer of joy in Guanyin’s eyes. If Fang Qingshan could really be killed with a hammer, then for him, it would be the greatest joy, enough to open his mouth and cheer.

Unfortunately, the result is still unknown.

Countless melon-eating people looked towards the battlefield, with worries and concerns in their eyes. There is joy, there is surprised and angry.

The nature that has the deepest feeling is the nearest Monkey Sun and the others.

Seng Tang, the young White Dragon, the sand monk, the old turtles of the Heavenspan River, and many shrimp soldiers and crab generals were all fainted by Yu Bo.

The only people who stay awake are Monkey Sun and Zhu Bajie.

“Martial Uncle will something happen!”

Zhu Bajie muttered to himself as he watched the battle above the Heavenspan River worrisomely.

“No, there will be nothing wrong with Taibao, his own/main body is very powerful, his strength, deep and unmeasurable, plus the formidable power of Tianzhou, you haven’t seen it before, The last time I had not succeeded in the promotion, I almost killed Guanyin’s old life. Although this monster is powerful, he wants to plant Taibao here. It is absolutely impossible.”

Monkey Sun is very good to Fang Qingshan. Confidence, shook his head and said confidently.

Listening to Monkey Sun, Zhu Bajie also remembered the battle of Black Wind Mountain.

At that time, although he had not yet joined the Journey to the West team.

But Gao Laozhuang and Black Wind Mountain are separated by a wall, so he is naturally impossible to know about such a big movement, and he also witnessed the cruelty of Tianzhou, and the floating heart in his heart could not help but calm down a little.

The very terrifying Hunyuan Hammer, what a dark cloud fairy, it’s no wonder that with the power of Guangchengzi and Chijingzi, he can’t be dealt with. It’s no wonder that Ancestor Master does nothing, and has to join hands with Tianzun, even at any cost. Joining forces with the Western duo will also suppress Section Cult, too terrifying. “

After Zhu Bajie settled down, he wanted to understand a lot of things in his mind. At the same time, he couldn’t help but have the same idea as the Jade Queen Mother.

Section Cult too terrifying!

Let go of the worries in your heart. Such an attack is so overbearing. But it makes Monkey Sun too excited.

“It turns out that he didn’t even show his true ability. “

Monkey Sun is annoyed, while be eager to have a try. I can’t wait to replace him with his body.

After all, Wuyunxian’s cultivation base is not the strongest one under Saint. Dial, Fang Qingshan’s Eternal Heaven boat did not maximize the formidable power.

Therefore, under the powerful repair ability of heaven and earth.

Primordial Energy gradually dissipated, and With the dissipation of Primordial Energy.

Only to see, in the sky, in the same place, you can see that Wuyunxian has already shown its prototype, a giant golden-bearded soft-shelled turtle that shades the sky. The limbs and head are all retracted into the turtle shell.

However, even so, the body all around is still covered with a layer of blood mist, although the turtle shell is shining with bright azure divine splendor, it is constantly repaired With Qi of Death, Primordial Energy’s damage is still not getting worse.

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