However, in this way, he could have irreconcilable cause and effect with Guanyin.

Be aware that among Journey to the West, the most active is Guanyin. Whenever Monkey Sun has any problems that cannot be solved, the first thing that comes to mind is Guanyin.

Really in difficulty, find Bodhisattva.

And Guanyin himself not only puts on the front and back, but even ends up with Li Shan’s mother and the others in person.

What is it for? It is not fate merit.

Why is Journey to the West fate?

In addition to Buddhism and even the suppression of Monster Race, it is more important to repair the Western ancestral line. This is equivalent to the effect of patching the sky.

The West has always been called the land of barbarians by the East. What is the so-called?

It was not the time of the Dao Demon controversy that the Western ancestral vein was destroyed by the demon ancestor Luo Hu. As a result, Spiritual Qi has declined, spiritual object Sacred Jewel is scarce, and even the output of genius is pitiful.

So Zhunti had to come east for the sake of Buddhism, and lost the name of three feet high.

Once the Western ancestral veins are restored, not to mention surpassing the East, at least not weakening the East. This is truly a great virtue to heaven and earth, just like Nüwa mends the heavens, the reincarnation of the earth, perfect heaven and Earth, naturally has great merit, great fate.

If this merit is obtained by one person, even without the Hongmeng Purple Qi, it will create an existence similar to the Three Emperors and Peaceful Empress, but this is everyone except Buddhism in the world. Things you don’t want to see.

Buddhism originally had two Saints, one under the Number One Person under the Saint, and the expert under the sect is like a cloud. It is a person, cut, and explained Three Sects together to be comparable.

If there is more such a character, how can you let other people live in an era when Saint cannot be born?

Therefore, there is a situation where the strength of the parties is divided, or follow Journey to the West, or set up disasters, or help.

Of course, Tang Seng and Monkey Sun in the Journey to the West team have the greatest merit.

So, as soon as the two of them finished Journey to the West, they directly added their merits and broke through Quasi-Saint.

Secondly, Guanyin, whose merit is still above Zhu Bajie, Sha monk, and little White Dragon.

This is why, the future name of Guanyin almost surpassed Manjusri and the others in one fell swoop, and even the name of Tathagata sometimes is not as good as him. If you read Buddhism, you must read Guanyin.

Unfortunately, everything has changed now.

Fang Qingshan first told Monkey Sun Journey to the West in Shuangchaling in advance, broke Guanyin’s plot against, and conquered him in Black Wind Mountain, which he had coveted for a long time, and even more so I snatched the opportunity of Wu Zhuang Guan and Zhen Yuanzi to take over the cause and effect, and now I have to take away my pre-determined benevolent boy. If Guan Yin knows, this must be an irreconcilable ending.

To cut people’s wealth is like killing a parent.

To seize opportunities, it is absolutely irreconcilable enemy.

Avalokitesvara wants to take advantage of the merits of Journey to the West to go a step further and become the group of people in the cream of the crop under Saint.

Fang Qingshan broke his plan, I am afraid that even if he risks offending the old man, he will kill Fang Qingshan.

He is not someone else, Fang Qingshan has a background, and he has the same.

As one of the four Bodhisattva of Buddhism, in terms of identity, status, and fame, he is not in the slightest under the Tathagata. In the future, when Buddhism is mentioned, Guanyin will be mentioned. This shows the horror of his incense.

Even if he kills Fang Qingshan, the old man wants revenge, and the two men will be intercepted.

Avalokitesvara is too important to Buddhism.

But even so, Fang Qingshan would not care.

The Great Way is in contention.

He just grabbed the opportunity of Guanyin alone, which is already very good, at least there is no enemy.

Although Guanyin is great, his real rise is still after Journey to the West.

Fang Qingshan’s arrogance can still deal with the present Guanyin.

As long as he succeeds first, he will succeed.

As for the threat of Guanyin, when he really understands it and troubles Fang Qingshan, how can Fang Qingshan not be able to deal with it.

In the withered pine stream, the red child who was with the little Monster Sect Gao Le suddenly heard Fang Qingshan’s words. He was taken aback for a moment. He didn’t have a Master. Then he was furious. Someone dared to take him Holy Infant King’s cheapness is simply courting death.

For a while, the door of Huoyun Cave of Dry Pine Stream opened wide.

A group of little monsters in charge of carts has launched five small carts, and they filed out, arranged according to gold, wood, water, fire and earth Five Elements.

These car formations are taught by the Niu Demon King, and the purpose is naturally to make the red child better play the samaya True Fire. After all, he has not been able to fully control the samaya True Fire. Otherwise, Cave Mansion There will be no more fire clouds in the sky.

Following, a face is like powder, lips are like vermilion; the temples are blue clouds, the eyebrows are crescent, the boy with red light face proudly walked out.

“Wu Na Taoist priest, who are you? An dare to pretend to be my Master? Is it dying? Today, if you don’t tell me who is ugly, I will let you taste Samadhi. The taste of True Fire.”


Fang Qingshan chuckled,

“You keep on saying Speaking of Sanmei True Fire, don’t you know He is my Divine Ability? I don’t blame you for secretly learning and accepting you as a disciple. It’s already for your father’s sake. If you don’t kowtow to apprentice, when will you wait?”

“en ? talk nonsense.”

Red child sneered,

“My sanmai True Fire is from Mountain of Flames next to my mother’s Cave Mansion. Where is your Divine Ability.”

“Then do you know how the Mountain of Flames came from?”

Fang Qingshan asked with a smile.

“I heard that Monkey Sun kicked the old monarch’s alchemic furnace five hundred years ago in the Heavenly Palace.”

Red child replied without thinking.

“So, this thing is Lao Jun’s thing, right.”

Fang Qingshan said with a smile,

“I am the old Monarch Sect People, so, do you think I am your Master?”


Red Child was stunned.

According to Fang Qingshan, he can really be regarded as his own Master.

But who is the red child, the son of the cow Demon King, the offspring of the iron fan Princess, born with a golden key, wind to wind, rain to rain, and reliance on Sanmai True Fire How could Fang Qingshan say a few words to the Megatron side, and worship him if he accepts his head?

“If you want to be the Master of my red child, I will try to see if you are qualified.”

As soon as the voice fell, the red child reached out and beckoned, from the side The little demon took the flaming spear in his hand, as if the Poison Dragon came out of the cave, and pierced it straight towards Fang Qingshan’s chest.

Fang Qingshan couldn’t help but shook the head when he saw it.

After all, the red child is too young, and he has the iron fan Princess Wagyu Demon King favored.

One’s ability is all based on the prestige of Samadhi True Fire and the father’s generation.

He didn’t even completely refine the Samadhi True Fire, so how can he master martial skill?

In Fang Qingshan’s view, this shot is full of loopholes.

It’s too fast to be shocked.

Fang Qingshan is just flicks with the finger.


The clear sound of metal collision sounded.

Fang Qingshan doesn’t move at all, but Red Child’s flaming spear came out, and he flew back like a kite with a broken thread.

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