Thousands of days compete for the front, and thousands of months compete for the show.

In a trance, Fang Qingshan seems to have returned to the Profound Yellow Great World Sun Moon Void.

The mountains are extremely steep, and the general trend is great. The root is connected to the Kunlun pulse, and the top is in Hanzhong.

The cold veins pass through the clouds, and the clear waves reflect the sun. Thousands of waves flew to smash the jade, and a rush of water roared with the breeze.

There is another treasure tower towering, like the Hongmeng Celestial Emperor tower in Yi Tianxing’s hands.

However, don’t be fooled by these appearances.

These sun and moon, mountains and rivers, treasure tower… are all the pill medicine of the ancient alchemy within the realm, which is transformed by pill qi.

Fang Qingshan got a lot of pill medicine in Celestial Court and Origin, but compared with this, it is one hair from nine oxen.

Furthermore, let’s not talk about the pill medicine transformed by pill qi. In the past, pill medicine, king grade, and holy goods that were truly psychic were almost everywhere. In pill within the realm, it was rotten. The cabbage on the main street exists.

Here is the pill medicine with the power of God. I am afraid that it is more than the original dynasty and Celestial Court combined. And some are comparable to the ancient existence of Chief Steward Xihuang of Celestial Court.

Unfortunately, the spirituality and spiritual wisdom of these pill medicine have all been obliterated, and now only the pure medicinal properties are left.

In fact, there is nothing surprising about this.

The Immortal King of ancient immortality attacked the alchemy world. Although he was forced to either the fish dies or the net splits, he did not want him to get the alchemy world. Once he forcibly broke in, the entire alchemy world would collapse. So much for the mountain Jiuren, it fell short.

But how can Immortal King’s anger be so easy to bear? Not only the Lord of the Dan Realm and the Fortune Divine Pills of the Heavenly Monarch level have paid the price of their lives, but Dan within the realm’s other pills Medicine was completely obliterated by the infiltrating power of Immortal King.

For the Dan Realm, this is naturally a great misfortune, but for Fang Qingshan, it is very much desired.

If Fang Qingshan wants to collect these pill medicines and spirituality, obviously it will take a lot of effort. Now, it is as easy as blowing off dust, just like he collects the treasure of Celestial Court.

The more you walk towards the center of the Dan realm, although the number of pill medicine has decreased, the quality has been steadily improved.

Especially in the deepest part, there is a treasure tower that looks like a great sky white jade pillar and a Purple Gold Bridge framed by the sea. The whole body is black and yellow, with countless golden lights, 璎珞, canopy surrounding it, and those who don’t know think it is heaven and earth. Xuan Huang Exquisite Pagoda.

Of course, the treasure tower is not the key. The key is that there is a person sitting on top of the treasure tower, saying that the person is wrong. In fact, it is the form of pill medicine, revealing the breath of one after another Heavenly Monarch. Although the pill medicine of the world has no spirituality, it still worships it subconsciously.

Fortune Divine Pill!

Compared to Heavenly Monarch’s Fortune Divine Pill.

Seeing this, the mosquito person’s eyes suddenly shined, completely becoming a copy of Zhunti.

The only difference is that people Zhunzi is for the development of Buddhism, regardless of his own reputation, but he is for his own cultivator, and does not care about his name.

The same is that as long as you see good things, you can’t wait to use them for yourself.

This Fortune Divine Pill is probably not in the fleshly body of the previously suppressed Monarch Hua Tian.

hong long!

Just when the mosquito route man was about to take it forward, suddenly there was a change outside the Dan Realm.

Fang Qingshan and the mosquito-path person hearing this face changed suddenly and looked back.

But I saw two breaths of Heavenly Monarch rushing towards each other, followed by a huge ship. This thing actually has a trace of detached breath similar to Fang Qingshan’s Ship on the Other Shore.

“The other side of Huangfu, the boat of the other side!”

Seeing this scene, combined with the original trajectory, Fang Qingshan couldn’t guess who the person was.

It just made him a little strange that how Huangfu Family got the news is really strange.

Actually, things are not at all so complicated.

The reason why Huangfu Family got the news so quickly and rushed over is naturally because of the wilderness.

Mu Ye Huang, which is another Heavenly Monarch on the Ship of the Other Shore, War King Heavenly Monarch.

Mu Ye Huang is the Heavenly Monarch who wanted to break through the pill world, but was finally trapped by the tree of War God and had to use supreme Divine Ability martial arts to break through the siege.

Although he was not able to break into the Dan realm, he was not willing to give up, so he left a mark near the Dan realm for surveillance purposes. As long as someone breaks into the Dan realm, it will change. It will startle him, if he returns without success as before, that’s all, if he can really open the pill world, then he can also react immediately. Share a piece of the soup, and even eat black.

He is not to be underestimated. He is the last Heavenly Monarch promoted by Heaven Realm. Since him, no one has been promoted to Heavenly Monarch in Heaven Realm. Even if the origin dynasty had an altar of Fengchan, it would not work. He also created the dominating holy law, was named the War King, and his combat power was straight up to the veteran Heavenly Monarch.

Things gather together, people are divided into groups.

The other side of Huangfu who can stand with Mu Ye Huang is naturally not someone who is easy to deal with.

He is also a famous Heavenly Monarch in Heaven Realm, which is the Artifact Spirit of the Immortal Grade Ship on the Other Shore.

Looking at Mu Yehuang and Huangfu Bi’an, Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Dao Ren looked at each other, and a killing intent flashed in their eyes.

It’s not because the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind.

It is because the news that they got the pill world treasure house must not be leaked out.

Don’t suffer from lack, but suffer from unevenness.

The origin dynasty and the Celestial Court of Good Fortune suffered heavy losses. Fang Qingshan at this time got the treasure that the Immortal King did not get, which is too eye-catching.

In addition, Fang Qingshan looted the treasure house of Two Great Influences in order to muddy a pool of water and make them doubt each other. Thus open strife and veiled struggle.

I got the treasure of the pill world, which can indeed make them divert their suspicion from themselves to a certain degree.

However, you must know that gaining the Alchemy Realm can make a breakthrough Heavenly Monarch, and even the breakthrough Immortal King has a chance.

Fang Qingshan’s strength was so great before there was a breakthrough. If he was allowed to break through again, plus the Immortal Grade, who else in Heaven Realm could suppress him?

This situation is obviously not acceptable to everyone.

The wood is higher than the forest, and the wind will blow.

When the time comes, I am afraid that the sacrifice does not require good fortune at all. If the two Great Influences are instigated, they will be attacked by groups.

“It’s you, Fang Qingshan!”

Leave aside these, but say that Huangfu Bi’an and Mu Ye Huang are driving the boat of the other’s shore, wanting to break through the defense of the ancient Alsophila spinulosa, suddenly Sensing someone peeping in the dark, I followed my gaze, and my whole body shook suddenly, his expression gloomy and uncertain.

For Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Dao Ren, if it was before that battle, I had never heard of them.

But after the battle with Celestial Court, the names of the two people are like thunder piercing the ear.

The ancient Heavenly Monarch is based on God’s cultivation base, the anti-war disaster.

He even displayed an Avatar method, which was able to separate out three Avatars with the same strength as the deity. Four of them shot, and they actually resisted the 33-day Supreme Treasure attack of the holy Immortal Grade. It’s simply appalling.

Not to mention, others also have Immortal Grade.

This pile, piece by piece, all illustrates the fact that Fang Qingshan not to be trifled with.

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